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EVENT Professor K Patch - Events and Promotions 11. 24. 2016 Views 10469

Dear Heroes,


With the launch of the Professor K patch, we have lined up various events and promotions!



1) Professor K Clear Event


From 24th November (after update) ~ 22nd December (before the update), you will receive various rewards based on the number of times you have cleared Professor K Nest.


  Number of Clears Rewards
Tier 1 6 ~ 8 Times Garnet x 10
Tier 2 9 ~ 11 Times Garnet x 15
Tier 3 12 Times Garnet x 30
Tier 4 13 Times and more Kokia Dance(Gesture), Dragon Egg x 1


Important Note


- All rewards will be credited after the update in December

- Rewards are credited per character basis



2) Black Friday Sales


The following items will be sold in the cash shop for a limited-time only!

All items in the below list will be removed from the Cash shop on 1st December.



Hero Package Egg



- An all-in-one Hero Dragon Egg that contains only Hero Transformation Items for Velskud, Gerrant and Argenta.

- Has a purchase limit of 10 eggs per character

- Key items can be transferred between characters in the same account

- Cannot be purchased with DNP


Hero Package Egg Promotion


From 24th November ~ 1st December, be rewarded with Iona Eggs when you purchase Hero Package Eggs!


Number of Hero Package Egg Purchased Rewards
10 ~ 19 Iona Egg (10) x 1 set
20 ~ 29 Iona Egg (10) x 2 set
30 ~ 39 Iona Egg (10) x 3 set
40 ~ 49 Iona Egg (10) x 4 set
50 ~ 59 Iona Egg (10) x 5 set
60 ~ 69 Iona Egg (10) x 6 set
70 ~ 79 Iona Egg (10) x 7 set
80 ~ 89 Iona Egg (10) x 8 set
90 ~ 99 Iona Egg (10) x 9 set
100 and above Iona Egg (10) x 10 set


- Purchases are calculated based on the account's total purchase of Hero Package Eggs.

- Rewards are credited on a Per Account basis

- Each account is limited to a maximum of 10 sets of Iona Egg (10) reward. E.g. Player A buys 110 Hero Package Eggs in total, he will receive only Iona Egg (10) x 10 sets.



Black Dragon, Silver Dragon and Gold Dragon Eggs



- Chance to obtain transformation key items for specific Heroes (Black-Velskud, Silver-Argenta, Gold-Gerrant), and other additional items.

- No purchase limit

- Key items can be transferred between characters in the same account

- Cannot be purchased with DNP



Gold Gacha


- A special gacha that give players a random amount of gold ranging from 50 gold ~ 100000 gold.

- Every account will be given 10 Gold Gacha coupons after the patch. Upon using the coupon, you will be brought to the cash shop, where you can purchase the Gold Gacha. Coupons will be credited via Special Storage and you have till 29th November to collect it. Coupons have a duration of 1 day.

- Cannot be pruchased with DNP

- Any coupons unused will be removed during the maintenance on 1st December.



Discounted Items


Class Change: 14900 EC > 2580 EC

Limitless Hero's EXP Scroll 200%: 6900 EC > 3450 EC

Character Name Change Card: 9900 EC > 1980 EC

Item Protection Jelly: 12000 EC > 5000 EC



3) Super V.eye.P coupon


The Champion's Pass has been upgraded to the new Super V.eye.P package!



This is a 30-Days package that contains some awesome perks for those who purchased it.


- Gain additional 100% EXP

- Received 5 Dragon Eggs and 500 DNP Daily!

- 1 additional weekly nest entry

- Receive 2 end-dungeon rewards

- A discount coupon for the next V.eye.P package - Buy the next package at a cheaper price!


Note: The discount coupon has a duration of 33 days. Once your existing V.eye.P package expires, you have 3 days to utilize the discount coupon to buy the next one. If the discount coupon expires, you will have to purchase the next V.eye.P package at its full price.