EVENT | [Guild Event] Earn Points for Goodies! | 12. 09. 2016 | Views 5274 |
Dear Heroes,
Combine the effort of all your guildmates to earn guild points! Earn the stated amount of guild points during the event period and every guild member will be rewarded with lots of goodies!
Event Period: 10th December 0900HRS (PST) / 1200HRS (EST) ~ 17th December 0859HRS (PST) / 1159HRS (EST)
60,000 Points
- Transcendent Diamond Pouch
- Lv90 Additional Nest Entry Ticket
- Lv93 Additional Nest Entry Ticket
- Variant Dragon Gem Fragment x 3
- Brilliant Technique Fragment x 50
300,000 Point
- Transcendent Diamond Pouch
- Lv90 Additional Nest Entry Ticket
- Lv93 Additional Nest Entry Ticket
- Variant Dragon Gem Fragment x 3
- Golden Goose Badge x 100
- Goddess Aura x 100
1,000,000 Point
- Hero Level EXP Potion (7 Days)
- Dreamy Item Protection Magic Jelly x 60
- Dreamy Pandora's Energy Potion x 10
- Variant Dragon Gem Fragment x 10
- Transcendent Diamond Pouch x 2
- Lv90 Additional Nest Entry Ticket
- Lv93 Additional Nest Entry Ticket
- Goddess Aura x 100
Important Notes:
- Rewards are per character basis.
- This event requires the guild to Earn the stated amount of points, not reach it i.e. if your guild currently has 500,000 points, you are not automatically eligible for Tier 1 and 2 rewards. You need to earn 60,000 points during the event period to qualify for Tier 1 rewards.