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NOTICE 2020 Halloween Costume Return and Additional Event News In NA 10. 17. 2021 Views 2218







Greetings, Heroes.

This is [GM]Loren of the Dragon Nest Service Team.




Here in South Korea is suffering from sudden winter cold. We used to have beautiful maples during Autumn, but the season is long gone even before we noticed.

We hope you stay warm and healthy.




As I have been talked through various channels, I and the Dragon Nest would like to have this year 2021 as a communicating year with the Heroes in many fields. And we are grateful for your endless love and support to the Dragon Nest and GM.



We already have regrets because there are more fields that we could do better than we did well.

After the October Patch note was released, we have been receiving a re-launch of the previous Halloween Costumes from so many NA Heroes through various channels.

While we were going through many discussions in the team, we had to look back to see if we weren’t communicating with Heroes enough even though we are the GMs who are at the frontline in the service operation.




We have been through long discussions.


We had to go through a series of very long discussions with various teams to make an unusual and exceptional decision about the re-launch of unplanned costumes, as everyone is continuing to work remotely from the home during the pandemic and doing their best to keep up with the prearranged patch schedule.


Through the discussions, we came to a consensus that every hero who loves the Dragon Nest deserves to enjoy a happy Halloween during October, and we need to listen more carefully to your voice.




Therefore, we have decided to bring the 2020 Halloween Costumes back with the upcoming Scheduled Maintenance on 20th October 2021 (PDT) on the NA Cash Shop and the details will be introduced to the October Patch note on 18th October 2021 (PDT).

Also, we are planning to hold a Stage Clearing Event which will give you a chance to win the Lunacy Wing/Tail/Decal a well-known W/T/D for their magnificent design in 2018. Please check the October event notice when we add the details.




Lastly, please support the team members who tried their best and united to help NA Heroes under busy schedules, and we would like to thank you and apologize as GMs who are the closest to you and in charge of communication with Heroes.



Thank you for your support and patience.



With love,





 2020 Halloween Costume Details >

2021 Additional Stage Clearing Event >