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NEWS Preview of March 2023 Update Contents 02. 23. 2023 Views 16573




Hey there! [GM]Loren is back with the March 2023 preview post.

Are you currently playing Dragon Nest and taking part in the Season 7 STG contest or the Assassin Championship? (-‿◦☀)
Make sure to save some energy for next month, because FDN HARD FINALLY is happening!


Oh, and don't forget about the upcoming 1st clear event. We're excited to see which raid party will be the first to clear it~~~

Let's dive into the details!






 *The Target Date of Update Patch: 8th March, 2023 (PST)

※ The contents of the preview post are currently under development and may be changed or modified on any occasion.

※ Please be aware of the possibility of change and refer to your subscription. 















■ Warrior Update








Greetings, heroes.
We have added the Warrior's 3rd set of Awakened Skills, the last class for this round of additions!

With the previous addition of the new job "Knight", the Warrior became the class with the most jobs. This also made it the most-favored character among players.
This latest round of Awakened skills is tailored to enhance the existing mechanics of the Warrior class. We have designed them so that players can expect to deal high amounts of damage and feel a sense of satisfaction during gameplay.

We created the Offensive Passive skill so that it can be used naturally in a manner befitting the concept of the class.
The Secondary Passive for all other jobs except Knight is designed to enhance the Ultimate Skill, enabling it to be used freely within the mechanics of the existing deal cycle.
The Secondary Passive for Knight was designed to be avoid interfering with existing mechanics while also providing a sense of reward.

We also worked to improve the balance between jobs within the Sword Master and Mercenary class series.

Please check the upcoming patch notes for details.
Thank you.




















The Gladiator is a character who attacks enemies at high speed and plays in a manner that impacts the whole battlefield.
Using Sword Charge, the new Awakened skill added with this update, at the end of a skill enables usage of an additional mechanism.
The Secondary Passive allows you to gain stability when using the Infinity Edge skill while also anticipating higher damage amounts.
























The Moonlord is a character with the ability to use energy blades of moonlight to strike targets across a wide area and over a long range.
The newly added Awakened skill Crescent Slash can inflict even higher damage when used with the enhancing effect of the Moon Blader skill applied.
When enhanced with Great Wave, you can effectively attack enemies more quickly and across a wider area.






















The Barbarian is a character who can cause destructive damage by making enemies defenseless through spectacular and powerful attacks.
The new Awakened skill Brutal Slash can be used to more effectively destroy enemy defenses, and following up with the combo skill Circle Swing allows you to inflict heavy damage.
The enhancement of Wheel Typhoon will enable a more fluid and rapid sense of gameplay.























The Destroyer is a character that uses powerful defensive and survival abilities in order to persistently bring the offensive to enemies.
The new Awakened skill Trophy Hunting can be used to destroy enemy defenses, and following up with the combo skill Flying Swing enables attacks to be inflicted at a rapid tempo.














[Dark Avenger]









The Dark Avenger is a character who uses skill combinations to attack enemies endlessly.
Skills can be linked more fluidly using the new Awakened skill Dark Flame, and by using the follow-up skill Dark Crash, players can expect to deal heavier damage amounts.
Enhancement of the Death Knell skill enables additional fire damage to be dealt.








[Grand Master]















The Grand Master is a character that uses Weapon Change attacks to convert skills and maintain a consistent pace when attacking enemies. 
The new Awakened skill Obedience allows you to quickly approach enemies and obtain Black Arrows more easily.
We increased the sense of reward you get every time you obtain or consume Black Arrows by using a new skill to enhance your character.
















[Mystic Knight]














The Mystic Knight is a character who uses the unique Charge Attack system to deal high damage.
You can easily obtain Ego bubbles using the new Awakened skill Penance, enabling more frequent use of the Charge Attack system. 
Enhancement of Encore Breeze enables the character to constantly deal attacks without disruption.








◆ Class-specific Sunset Training Ground missions added


- Added an Awakened Warrior Special Mission.
- Clear the Sunset Training Ground with the Warrior class to collect powerful Hero Titles!
- Only the Warrior class can obtain and clear this mission.




Mission Conditions

Mission Reward Title

Completed upon clearing Sunset Training Ground 15F with the Warrior class

Hero Title 'Labyrinth 15F Beater' (ATK +10,000)

Completed upon clearing Sunset Training Ground 16F with the Warrior class

Hero Title 'Labyrinth 16F Beater' (ATK +20,000)

Completed upon clearing Sunset Training Ground 17F with the Warrior class

Hero Title 'Labyrinth 17F Beater' (ATK +30,000)

Completed upon clearing Sunset Training Ground 18F with the Warrior class

Hero Title 'Labyrinth 18F Beater' (ATK +40,000)

Completed upon clearing Sunset Training Ground 19F with the Warrior class

Hero Title 'Labyrinth 19F Beater' (ATK +50,000)

Completed upon clearing Sunset Training Ground 20F with the Warrior class

Hero Title 'Labyrinth 20F Beater' (ATK +60,000)






◆ Class-Specific World Weekly Task Added

Class-specific World Weekly Task was newly added with the Awakened class update.






World Weekly Task

[Event] Clear Sunset Training Ground 18F+ as Warrior 1 time

Lagendia Torch x300













■ Misland Chapter 7 : News from the Desert








※ The Chapter 7 Main Quest News from the Desert has been updated.

※ The first Chapter 7 quest can be accepted by speaking with the NPC Norfe in Rhadames.

※ Chapter 7 [News from the Desert] can only be played after completing every quest in Chapter 6 [Light of Despair].

※ Chapter 7 [News from the Desert] can only be played with the character Vandar.














■ Frozen Dragon Nest Hard











Entry Information




Location: Rhadames, Frozen Dragon Nest Entrance Gate
Access route: [Town] Saint Haven > [World Zone] Silver Dragon's Forcefield > [World Zone] Rhadames
Entry Level: Lv.95+
Entry Capacity: 5 - 8 people
Entry Difficulty: Labyrinth 23F
Entry Ticket Item: [Freed Last Frost Flower] x1
Clears per Week: 1
Weekly Mid-Stage Rewards: 1
Revives Available: 0 (stage clear revival available)
Adaptability: Min of 120 recommended












◆ Entry Ticket Acquisition
• You can purchase Entry Tickets at Guard Mark’s [Tiger Dragon Shop] in Rhadames.




















■Everyone's Banquet 



After a long age of peace, the Dimensional Rift has been infiltrated by abyssal energy, a power distinct from that of chaos.
This is darkness, the oldest and most fundamental poison festering within the Goddess.
All the particles of darkness in the world have rushed into the Dimensional Rift
and are holding an exclusive banquet of their own.
The longer this feast continues, the greater the Goddess's nightmare grows.
"Please spoil their feast!"











[Entry Information]
• Entry level: Lv.93+
• Entry capacity: 1-2 people
• Weekly clear limit: 7
• No revives

※ An Everyone’s Banquet Entry Ticket is required.







[Entry Ticket Info]
• Obtained Location: Can be purchased at the [Dimension Rabbit]-[Everyone’s Banquet Shop] in the Temple Knight Training Ground
• Only 1 can be purchased per character daily. Entry tickets have a 1-day usage period.














[Guide Quest]
• Remote Quest > [Lv.93] Everyone's Banquet





※ Press the shortcut key ‘U’ to open the Quest window, then click the ‘Remote Quest’ tab to receive.









[Reward Info]





Stage Components

Stage Grade

Reward Info


Church of Hobgoblin Souls

Hobgoblin Production Unit



Corridor of Ghouls and Skeletons

Ancient Weapon Treasure House



Guardian of Dimension

Mirror Goddess Statue



Temple of Fallen Warriors


First Treasure Chest


Sanctuary of Assay Warriors

Traitor Cedric's Library



Abandoned Rune Elf Forest

Dance of the Orcs



Arena of Fallen Warriors


Second Treasure Chest


Executor's Trap

Dragon Followers' Hideout



Ghost of Contaminated Elena

Goblin vs. Minotaur



Dark Elf's Canyon

Dark Overlord Gates



Sanctuary of Fallen Warriors


Third Treasure Chest


Invitation from Tacitus


Final Treasure Chest





Floor No.


Possible Additional Reward

4F (First Treasure Chest)

Dimension Crystal x7

Lapis x6

Dimension Crystal x3

Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment x50

7F (Second Treasure Chest)

Dimension Crystal x12

Lapis x9

Dimension Crystal x6

Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment x80

11F (Third treasure chest)

Dimension Crystal x17

Dimension Crystal x7

Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment x100

Catseye x8


(Final Treasure Chest)

Dimension Crystal x22

Dimension Crystal x50

Rock of Darkness (7 Days)

Golden Goblin Coin

Contaminated Tetrastone Fragment x140

Catseye x8










[Shop Information]




• Everyone’s Banquet Shop can be accessed through the [Temple Knight Training Ground – Dimension Rabbit].
• There you can purchase [Ancient Element Enhancement Talismans] that increase All Attribute Attack Power.
• They initially come with a 0.5% All Attribute Attack Power stat value that can be developed to a maximum of 7.5%.
• Such development can be carried out using [Unstable Dimension Converters], [Dimension Converters], and [Higher Dimension Converters].
• Converters are consumed after a single use.
• The type of Converter that can be used depends on the current stat value of an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman]. Development proceeds as shown in the table below.



Example 1) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.20%] is converted using the [Unstable Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.50%]
Example 2) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.50%] is converted using the [Unstable Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 5.00%]


Example 3) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 6.60%] is converted using the [Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 6.70%]
Example 4) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 7.20%] is converted using the [Higher Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 7.30%]





Stat Value Before Use

Related Converter

Increase Range

0.50% - 6.40%

Unstable Dimension Converter


6.50% - 6.90%

Dimension Converter


7.00% - 7.40%

Higher Dimension Converter











  ■ Frozen Dragon Nest 1st Clear Event (Frozen Dragon Hard Frontier)

   For the 1st clear raid party, we will present the special W/T/D set, the limited edition as well as the cover title.

























 ■ Season 2 : Flower Road Event


 Hey, guess what? The Flower Road event is back!

 It was a huge hit in the last survey, so we're keeping our promise and bringing it back for Season 2! Let's make your wishes come true! (´・ω・`)!


























[Returned - Eternal Oath Costume]























[Special Pandora Box Update : Ribbon W/T/D & Harori's Double-Ribbon Accessories]





















































[Brand New : New Face Part Update]

















[Season 1 : Lucky Shot Satisfaction Survey Pre-Notice]






Are you enjoying the Lucky Shot event?
We plan to conduct a satisfaction survey after the event is over to prepare for the next season.

We hope to see you in a better Season 2 and 3 based on your feedback.
A private survey link will be sent to randomly selected participants, and we will provide a certain and small prize, so please check the announcement later!













OX Quiz box event is reserved for March 2023.
Skill reset target for all Warrior classes will be made during the March 2023 Update Patch.




Thank you for your subscription
