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COLUMN [The Story of DN Studio] - #2. QA Engineer 06. 11. 2020 Views 494







#2. QA Engineer



















Q.  Please introduce yourself firstly with your favorite class from Dragon Nest.






Hello! I'm Cha, a QA engineer. (Please don't hate me..Y_Y)
I like the music of certain American rock bands, hip-hop musicians.
My Dragon Nest main character is Academic but I also like Lancea and Machina.













Q. What do you do on the team and how do you work?






Most contents that are updated every month are being checked and inspected by me.
If there's a bug reported to [GM]Loren, we're checking it together.













Q. Is there any reason for working at Dragon Nest Studio?





The fact that RPG game made in Korea are loved both at the domestic market and abroad

gave me a chance and inspiration to start working.

(I'm a native Korean)


You're all loving it, right? XD














Q What would it be like if you had a hard or enjoyable time with your work?





The hard time is going to the workplace on Mondays and an enjoyable time is leaving the workplace on Fridays? hehe

It's fun to hear from [GM]Loren that she is always having a fun play and having a great time with all NA players.













Q Do you have any special episodes from your work?




I heard [GM] Loren threw her keyboard a while ago. LOL
Too much gacha.. It's bad for your health. (I always get normal items, too….)











Q Do you have anything to say to NA players?




There is a pandemic issue these days.

Always take care of your health and please continue to love Dragon Nest.


Thank you!