COLUMN | [GM EVENT] My Dragon Nest Is... - YuriLowell | 02. 02. 2021 | Views 512 |
Q1. Please introduce yourself.
I'm Yuri. Very over-friendly and kind. I enjoy playing Dragon Nest as much as the next person.
Q2. Please explain what made you play Dragon Nest!
What made me play Dragon Nest is back in 2012 when the game was still in beta and with Nexon.
I had played Maplestory for sometime and was getting bored
but my brother introduced me to Dragon Nest.
I've come and gone but always returned because the combat is one of a kind.
Q3. Do you have the most memorable moments while playing Dragon Nest?
The most memorable moment while playing Dragon Nest was back in 80 cap when Red Dragon Nest was still around.
Being in a small guild we didn't have many strong people
but we manage to get around 5 people to practice red dragon mechanics until people had to sleep for work/school.
It was a very memorable moment for me as I was always the solo player who didn't really join any guilds before then but joining that guild, which is now Saints, has overall changed my Dragon Nest experience and without them I probably wouldn't be playing Dragon Nest to this day.