COLUMN | [GM EVENT] My Dragon Nest Is... - Sliveria | 02. 04. 2021 | Views 445 |
Q1. Please introduce yourself.
Hello! My name is Sliveria. You can call me Sliv for short.
I am an archer class, specifically an Artillery.
I love the Archer class because they are very fun to play with and they all look very cool and pretty.
Q2. Please explain what made you play Dragon Nest!
I first discovered Dragon Nest through my friend who posted some gameplay of it online.
It was back when the level cap was 24.
I remember watching it and immediately downloaded the game.
I was captivated by the unique combat system that it has.
I love how fast and flexible you can move your character.
The story also made me play the game.
I love learning about the lore and history of the Lagendia.
There were moments where it shocked me and left me wanting for more.
For example, *spoiler alert* when Geraint was reborn or when it turns out Rose because a servant of Feder.
The story is just so good that it keeps you wanting to read and learn more.
Q3. Do you have the most memorable moments while playing Dragon Nest?
Most memorable moment for me is when my guild cleared Desert Dragon Nest when it first came out.
We were just a small guild and not very strong as well. It was the very first raid that we cleared as guild.
We helped each other to learn all the mechs. It took us a lot of tries but we never gave up.
And when we cleared, it was one of the rewarding moments that I have.
I know that people and other guilds have been clearing it with no problem,
but for us who are not very strong and struggled a lot, it was a moment that we are all proud of.