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NEWS Preview of February 2022 Update Contents 01. 23. 2022 Views 9932








[GM]Loren came back with February 2022 Preview.  ♥´・ᴗ・`

The chilly weather here in Korea has briefly subsided. I felt like I was facing spring already.

There is still cool down until the full spring comes, but thanks to Dragon Nest and all our Heroes, I was able to spend this winter warmly.




It was one of the main news that made Hot Dragon Nest last year!

'Knight Class' is finally ready to launch on the global server!

Let's check the details below.











The Target Date of Update Patch: 9th February, 2022 (PST)



※ The contents of the preview post are currently under development and may be changed or modified at any occasion.

※ Please be aware of the possibility of change and refer to your subscription. 







1. New Class Update - [Knight]

















His father, Rambert, disappeared without a word other than that he could be found again if his son became a hero surpassing the might of Barnac.

Xian continues to train for this very end, but cannot even find a clue as to the secret behind attaining such power.

He lived a life of solitude, given up all else for this pursuit, until the special sword left by his mother Shatila reacted to his mental presence.


It was a spirit bound to the sword through a magical power that awakened from a long sleep upon detecting the mind of Xian, eventually befriending this solitary figure who continued to immerse himself in training.

With this friend who always responds to your call, may you walk the path of a lonely Sword Mage to the very end and find your father.









































































We are preparing an event for the Knight class as well! To give you a small hint, we are planning to open an STG that determines the best Knight class.

In addition, a PV containing Knight Class skill demonstrations will be uploaded on YouTube soon! Stay Tuned!











2. Update - [Dreamy Moon Forest]







New Item



•We will add the new item Dreamy Moon Forest.


•Dreamy Moon Forest is an item that can be used to unlock an additional Skill Dragon Jade slot in equipment (Main Weapons).


•Use the special item [Dreamy Moon Forest] on the following items to add a new Skill Dragon Jade slot: [Skila Main Weapons], [Ancient Forest Dragon Main Weapons], [High Grade Ancient Forest Dragon Main Weapons], [Blessed High Grade Ancient Forest Dragon Main Weapons], [Ancient Starcatcher Main Weapons], and [End of Dreams Main Weapons].


•When a slot is added, all enhancements, stats, and additional stats are retained.

•2-slot [Main Weapon] enhancement and disassembly work the same as for the current 1-slot version.









◆ Dreamy Moon Forest Item Crafting Info





※ Details of each gem will be released in the official patch note.









◆ Dreamy Moon Forest Item and Material Info















◆ Dreamy Moon Forest and Material Item Acquisition Info















3. Update - [Frozen Invader Season 3]



Cute and wild Turtle Rangers will appear with the February 2022 Update Patch! Please cheer for their splendid debut!




























4. Changes/Additions- [Fission Maze]




Fission Maze Floors Opened & Depths of Ordeals – Season 1








The darkness of the Depths continued endlessly,

and rumors began to circulate that the Depths of Ordeals could be found deeper into the heart of the Fission Maze.


In these discovered Depths, a powerful plague pervades that the weak dare not attempt to endure,

and only the well-prepared who can withstand lethal energy and repeated trials

can seize the great wealth offered within.





You must not rely on anyone else within the Plagued Depths.

Only those who are ready for anything can withstand the plague.

<Anonymous Adventurer K>






◆ Fission Maze – Labyrinth Floor Opened




Opening Fission Maze Labyrinth 18–20F has been scheduled.

One ‘Fissive Vortex’ entry ticket is required to enter Fission Maze Labyrinth 18F+.

Fissive Vortexes can be purchased from [Silver Dragon's Forcefield] – Priestess of Darkness Grisini.







◆ Clear Rewards










◆ Some Fission Maze weekly rewards will be changed.

◆ The new season begins on February 12th, 2022 (PST)





However, the newly added weekly rewards from Labyrinth 18F–20F can be obtained immediately after the update regardless of the new season.












◆ Fission Maze – Depths of Ordeals [Season 1 - Plagued Depths]












The Plagued Depths were discovered deep within the Fission Maze Depths.














- An arduous ordeal (Plagued Depths) is applied from Labyrinth 18F+ of the Fission Maze.

- An extremely arduous ordeal can be applied up to 1 time for each stage.

- When the new Depths of Ordeals is discovered, the season will change along with the ordeal applied.

- Revised the Fission Maze Help section with the opening of the additional Labyrinth floors.











4. Skill Modifications




◆  Warrior

- Dark Avenger: Edited the preview video for the ‘Doom Blade’ skill.

- Destroyer: ‘Resentment’ has been added as a prerequisite skill in addition to ‘Gigantic Bomb’ for learning ‘Howl Charging’

※ Skill initialization of Destroyer class will be made during February 2022 Update Patch.





◆  Archer

- Sniper: Fixed the intermittent bug preventing hits from registering when using ‘Multi Shot.’




◆ Cleric

- Cleric: Edited the preview video for the ‘Heal’ skill.




◆  Academic

- Physician: ‘Class Mastery 2’ tooltips changed (ATK up 15% → 18%)




◆  Lancea

- Avalanche: Fixed the bug causing a different amount of hits to register than indicated in the specifications for the ‘Extreme Twister EX’ follow up move.




◆  Machina

- Impactor: Fixed the bug causing the damage amounts of ‘Body Check and Intense Shock’ to be applied incorrectly after learning ‘Class Mastery 3’.




◆  Assassin

- Raven: Fixed the bug preventing ‘Umbra’ from being applied to monsters with Action Speed Down immunity.

 - Abyss Walker: Edited the preview video for the ‘Dark Conviction’ skill.









5. Others







◆ Engraving Extractor Removed



- Removed the ‘Engraving Extractor’ from the General Store Helper NPC Cherry’s [Crystal Point Shop] > [General Stock] Section.

- Now using the Engraving Extractors in your inventory (right-click) will yield 10 Crystal Points.

- After the update, Engraving transfer using the Engraving Extractor will no longer be possible.














6. Storm of Time and Space - [Crash-Bang! Alpaca Ranch]





◆ Storm of Time and Space - Crash-Bang! Alpaca Ranch



[EVENT] Storm of Time and Space has changed.

February [EVENT]- Storm of Time and Space - Crash-Bang! Alpaca Ranch




• Use mighty and powerful alpacas to defeat the wolf Lycanthrope!

• The wolf weakens when stunned. Attack it when it is stunned and falls down!

• The gate to the alpaca ranch only opens when both bells on each side are ringing.

• Good things happen when you stop the wind from blowing.

• Maybe a suspicious alpaca will show up...?!





• Success: Defeat the wolf within 5 min

• Failure: 5 min elapses or one person (or more) dies.


* If one of your companions is a ‘solo matchmaking hero’ you will have more luck.
















7. Event - Sea Fishing





◆ February Sea Fishing





1. Sea Fishing coming soon!




Tired of hunting? The fishing event is back!!

Who will become the [Legend of the Sea] for catching the most fish this time?






[Fishing Location Info]



Saint Haven 5 O’Clock Direction Event Stage ▶ Bonus Island Fishing Ground











What is sea fishing?




Unlike fishing in the farm district, this is a fishing competition that can only be entered during the event period.




1. Heroes at Lv 24 or higher who have learned [Secondary Skill] - [Fishing Skill] can fish in the sea for 30 minutes per account at the Bonus Island Fishing Ground.

2. Fish caught in the sea fishing zone will be calculated in ranking information, and heroes ranking in the top 10 for most catches will get a reward.

3. New rankings will be calculated at the end of each season, and rewards will be distributed by mail at 9am.




• One season is divided into two sessions. (Please refer to the schedule table for more details.)

• 30 minutes per account per season.








You can get the following rewards for ranking in the top 10 during the return of the Sea Fishing event.


















8. New Item Arrivals - Jade Costume Set / Spirit / Accessories



There have never been more powerful things before! They are going to be updated to the target of February.

















































































9. Valentine Event Coming News





You know that! Our annual Valentine's event!  See you on Twitter!















DNP Reset has been scheduled during February Update Patch.

Christmas Event Shop and all coins remaining on the server will be removed with February Update Patch.

Frozen Nightmare Mission Box event has come to the end.

January New-year Login event (fortune cookies) and New Year Spending Promotion has come to the end.

⑤ Sale of Fragment of Longing / Threat Variant / Protection Variant Package Pouch has come to the end.

⑥ Sale of Minos Enhancement Package & Vibrant Enhancement Package has come to the end. 







Thank you for your subscription

