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NEWS Preview of April 2022 Update Contents 03. 22. 2022 Views 10538





Hello everyone! This is [GM]Loren. 


In Korea, a feast of pretty cherry blossoms, a symbol of spring, has begun.  ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝

The weather is getting warmer and the clothes are getting thinner. If I get to take a pretty picture of cherry blossoms in the near future, I'll show it to all of you.
Are you trying hard Frozen Dragon Nest challenge? In April, contents and other events for your growth will be held.


Let's check the details below.







The Target Date of Update Patch: 13th April, 2022 (PDT)


※ The contents of the preview post are currently under development and may be changed or modified at any occasion.

※ Please be aware of the possibility of change and refer to your subscription. 








1. Update - Control Zone II




Lagendia is frozen here and there and the Silver Dragon needs more support.

Activate the upgraded Sunset Lighthouse and wipe out the monsters of the Monolith more quickly.





Main Change





■Faster gameplay

•The monsters flood in more quickly.

•The Sunset Energy charge amount has increased. You can now approach the foot of the Watchtower more quickly.





■New Powerful Enemies

•Dangerous monsters will appear now and then.

•You can earn special rewards for character growth by defeating these powerful enemies.





■Difficulty Level


•Changed to Easy (10F), Normal (15F), and Hard (20F).

•Though more rewards can be acquired as the difficulty level increases, there is not a major difference between them.

•Playing each difficulty level consumes 10 Lagendia Torches.

•Earn special rewards to defeat the powerful enemy that appears occasionally.








◆ Changed the items dropped in Watchtower: Control Zone II.









•Activate the [Sunset Lighthouse] to summon the Monolith monsters.

•[Lagendia Torches] are consumed every time the [Sunset Lighthouse] is activated.

•Bonus Nest, Stage, and Nightmare monsters appear based on a certain probability in each zone. Killing these monsters drops a bonus item 100% of the time.

•The pouches acquired after killing a bonus monster can be sent to the server storage.

•The items acquired from pouches, on the other hand, cannot be sent to server storage.

•In each zone, you will increase the gauge upon killing all the monsters.

•When the gauge reaches 100%, you will be moved underground.


•You will get a Twinkling Little Star item upon clearing each area.

•The usage for the Twinkling Little Star item will be added later.






※ Please refer to the reward information later with the upcoming Patch Note.











2. Update - Fission Maze





◆ Fission Maze – Depths of Ordeals [Season 2 - Depths of Weakness]









◆ Fission Maze – Depths of Ordeals [Season 2 - Depths of Weakness]

Depths of Weakness can be discovered deep within the Fission Maze Depths.



-An arduous ordeal (Depths of Weakness) in which your body gradually becomes heavier is applied from Labyrinth 18F+ of the Fission Maze.

-When the new Depths of Ordeals are discovered, the season will change along with the ordeal applied.







◆Fission Maze Stage Rewards Improved


-Rewards added per Fission Maze Stage.

-The additional rewards below can be acquired based on Labyrinth difficulty.

-Some rewards can be acquired at a low rate. 










3. Update - End of Dreams Enhancement


◆ Added Named-grade End of Dreams Weapon enhancement.












4. Update - Beginner's Guide Changes



◆ Revised some [Beginner’s Guide]-[Dragon Nest Novice] missions

- Changed the Stage clear map information for 3 existing [Beginner’s Guide]-[Dragon Nest Novice] missions.












◆ Revised some [Beginner’s Guide]-[Dragon Nest Novice] missions

- • Added a total of 16 solo/party play conditions for clearing Nests in [Beginner’s Guide]-[Dragon Nest Novice] missions.











◆ [Beginner’s Guide]-[Trade]-[Proof of Lagendia Trade Permit] new addition 



◆ [Beginner’s Guide]-[Trade]-[Proof of Lagendia Trade Permit] mission newly added.

- Upon completing this new mission, you can send mail, use the Trading House, trade between users, and store gold in the guild storage.

 ※After this update, you cannot send mail, use the Trading House, trade between users, or store gold in the guild storage without completing this mission.


- Completes automatically upon completion of the [Beginner’s Guide]-[Dragon Nest Novice]-[Dragon Nest Novice Graduation] Guide.

 ※Automatically completes for players who already completed the Dragon Nest Novice Graduation Guide prior to the update.


- Related content of the [Beginner’s Guide]-[Trade]-[Trading House] and [Trade] <TIPS> was also revised accordingly.









5. Update - Others




■ Added Summer Gem acquisition areas

 - Added Summer Gems to Raining Blossoms Exhibition Arena clear rewards.


■ Changed the specifications of Desert Dragon Accessory Evolution Hammers

-Desert Strongman Accessory Evolution Hammer (Stage 1)/Desert Strongman Accessory Evolution Hammer (Stage 2) changed from “untradable” to “tradable.”


■ Changed the Stage Invader Kill Reward tooltips

-Removed Lebrium Points from the Stage Invader Kill Reward tooltips.


■ Made the following changes to the Raining Blossoms Exhibition Arena ranking system message.

-Pre-changes: [Guild Name] is the 1st place guild for Guild Nest.

-Post-changes: [Guild Name] is the 1st place guild for Raining Blossoms Exhibition Arena.


■ Removed the game’s internal ‘Item Guide.’

-We will improve it as soon as possible so that players can access it again.


■ Frozen Nightmare

-Changed the number of Frozen Nightmare clears permitted from 1 to 3.


■ Tiger Dragon Shop

-The Tiger Dragon Shop can be accessed through the Guard NPC in front of Rhadames’ Frozen Dragon Nest.




■ Added the ‘Tricolored Bead Pouch (Tradable)’ item to the Treasure Shop.

-Can be exchanged for 3 untradable beads.



■ ‘Gosuk's Precious Cherry Blossom Box’ will be no longer dropped by Stage or Nest Invaders.

-Gosuk’s Precious Cherry Blossom Boxes will be completely removed.


■ Stage Invaders still drop ‘Gosuk’s Precious Boxes.’


■ Conversion Accessory Cap +6 will be open.


■ Few Vandar hats will be added. Please refer to the details later with the upcoming Patch Note.


With May 2022 Update Patch, Premium Stone's effects will be changed likely below :


- Pre : Critical 10% , ATK /Movement Speed 15%
- Post : ATK 10% , ATK/Movement Speed 15% , Adaptability (Frozen World) : 2











6. EVENT - Weekly Torch Mission Box



Every week, there will be a mission box event where you can get a lot of torches. It will be provided weekly before the May Update Patch.






















7. EVENT - Board Game Season 9




The board game season is coming back! Are you all ready? It's your turn!















•Post-April 2022 update – Before the May 2022 update




•Tickets, coins, etc. that were available last season cannot be used in season 9.

•Last season's items can be sold in shops for 1 copper.

•The board game is available starting April 16th at 9:00AM (PDT).

•The board game event will end with the May update.


[Season 9 Roulette Ticket Acquisition Method]

•Can be acquired as Stage, Nest, Nightmare Labyrinth, and World Weekly Task rewards.












[Board Game Rewards]


• You can earn rewards for clearing each board game stage.

• A variety of items can be purchased from [Storyteller Kathy or Storyteller Sobong - Event Shop] using the board game coins acquired upon completing each stage of the board game.












8. New Arrival - 2.0 Marching Band Costume



New cubes and 2.0 costumes will be updated! Looks co cool!

I also think it's a color and design that I want to keep forever!  (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)





















9. New Arrival - Forget-Me-Not Tinted W/T/D


































10. Event - April GM Play Event



[GM] appears to play Maze and Daily Nest Mission with our Heroes in April.

Check the event date later and grab a chance to play on a first-come, first-served basis!




















① Super Vigor - Vigor Boosting Event will be closed with April Update Patch. 


Spring Fling Mission Box Event will be closed with April Update Patch.


Gosuk's Precious Cherry Blossom Box will be completely removed with April Update Patch.



④ The option of characters who have not selected the 2nd job will be changed so that they cannot open the Knight mission box Reward Pouch.






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