SNS Channel


EVENT [Event Details] - You Believe in Christmas Magic (2022.12) 12. 01. 2022 Views 7805



















▣ EVENT 1 - 2022 Christmas Random Potential Gauge Event 

▣ EVENT 2 - We Make Glowing Holidays!



▣ EVENT 3 - Santa Orc's Foxy Plan  (HOT) (Updated as of 27th Dec.)

▣ EVENT 4 - [Santa Loren Event] Wish your Dream Event with Santa Loren (Survey CLOSED) (Updated as of 29th Dec.)


▣ EVENT 5 - Kali Mission Box Event

▣ EVENT 6 - Kali Championship

└Bonus Event: Video Submission for 1st ~ 3rd Rankers


▣ EVENT 7 - December 2022 Spending Promotion 









■ EVENT 1 - Christmas Random Potential Gauge Event






After December 2022 Update Patch ~ Before January 2023 Update Patch











A random (1~3%) potential gauge is applied for each opening of a [Special Lagendia Pandora Box] item!








※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehension of these event details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.



-Please note that the Potential Gauge will reset during December Update Patch.

-The Potential Gauge will not share with a gauge of [Pandora Growth Spirit Box] item.

-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.









■ EVENT 2 - We Make Glowing Holidays!



[GM]Loren makes your holidays glowing with Dragon Buff and FTG Potion!

Check the timetable and prepare for a fresh start to the new year (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*) .。.:*












■ [FTG Hot Time Event Info.]



Ref. Date Time Item Name Qty NOTE
1 24th Dec (Sat) 12:00~21:00 (PST) FTG Fatigue Potion 1500
2 25th Dec (Sun) 1  
3 26th Dec (Mon) 1  
4 27th Dec (Thu) 1  
5 28th Dec (Wed) 1  
6 29th Dec (Thur) 1  
7 30th Dec (Fri) 1  
8 31st Dec (Sat) 1  
9 1st Jan (Sun) 1 2023

※Account-based / Lv. 95-character limit / Special Storage

※1 potion given per each event date





FTG Potion Info>








■ [Time table for GM's Dragon Buff Share]


[GM] Loren will appear on the pre-scheduled date and time for buffing!



Date Time (PST) NOTE
25th Dec 18:00 Completed
27th Dec 18:00 Completed
30th Dec 18:00 Completed
1st Jan 2023 18:00 Completed














※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehension of this event details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.



-The 1:1 Inquiry (herein, the Customer Center) will not assist you with moving/transferring items after you have received them, so please be sure to claim the rewards as the character you want to open.

-Tickets regarding this event will be accepted before 3rd January 2023 at 23:59 (PST).


-Please refrain from receiving rewards in towns or during peak times when other players are crowded. In this case, the reward may be abnormally deleted.


-Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type or not.

-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.










■ EVENT 3 - Santa Orc's Foxy Plan (Updated as of 27th Dec.)



Huh? Christmas is just for children? That’s No! No!

Santa Orc and Kathy have great gifts for adults who played DN hard this year!
Let’s find out why the notorious Santa Orc changed his mind ٩(๑> ₃ <)۶
















[Event Period]



After December 2022 Update Patch ~ Before January 2023 Update Patch







[Event Details]






















※The shop will be closed with February 2022 Update Patch.






Box Info.>








Reward Info.>



Reward Name Qty How many socks required? Trade Server Storage Condition NOTE
Hope Flower 5 1 X O -  
Lagendia Torch Pouch (150) 1 1 X O 5 times / Account / Weekly  
Autumn Gem Pouch (50) 1 1 X O  
Ring Full of Warmth 1 5 X O 1 time / Character No Dissemble
Earring Full of Warmth 1 5 X O
Necklace Full of Warmth 1 5 X O
Unidentified Frozen Eyes of Nightmare 1 10 X X  
Superb Ancient Wisdom 30 3 X O 1 time / Account / Weekly  











































Token Reward Info. >



[Updated as of 27th Dec. │ We have confirmed the omission issue on the Stage 5 reward. The Rune Pouch will be distributed as a Class-Specific Option. We apologize for the issue.]


You can get the following rewards 

if you achieve the following all conditions:


1) obtained certain numbers of socks

2) hold one or more Christmas Token in your account

Stage 1 Reward : Cover Title : "Holly Jolly" 1ea 5
Stage 2 Reward : Skill Rune Pouch (Class-Specific) 1ea 15
Stage 3 Reward : Skill Rune Pouch (Class-Specific) 2ea 45
Stage 4 Reward : Skill Rune Pouch (Class-Specific) 3ea 80
Stage 5 Reward : Skill Rune Pouch (Stage 10, Class-Specific) 1ea 100


※Cumulative system

※If you obtain 85 event socks and 1 token on the January 2023 Update Patch, you can get from Stage 1 to Stage 4 rewards.



























※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehension of this event details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.



-The 1:1 Inquiry (herein, the Customer Center) will not assist you with moving/transferring items after you have received them, so please be sure to claim the rewards as the character you want to open.

-All event items are not destructible. All event items will be deleted with February 2023 Update Patch.

-The event shop also will be closed with February 2023 Update Patch. (Updated as of 11th Dec.)


-Tickets regarding this event will be accepted before 18th January 2023 at 23:59 (PST).

-Please refrain from receiving rewards in towns or during peak times when other players are crowded. In this case, the reward may be abnormally deleted.



-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.














EVENT 4 - [Survey] Wish your Dream Event with Santa Loren



What was your best event this year? Would you let me know with this time survey event? ( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭⁾⁾

We may bring your best event in 2023~! Please conduct a survey and grab Christmas presents as well!
















[Event Period]



After Scheduled Maintenance on 14th December ~ before Scheduled Maintenance on 21st December (PST) / 1 week









[How to participate?] 





















































Basic Reward Info. >

Reward Name Qty NOTE
FTG Recovery Potion 1500 (7-days) 2  
Manti Snow (Minion) 1  
Legend Hero Pouch (Snow Iona) 1  
Stuffed Christmas Socks 20 2022 Christmas Event Item
Board Game Coin 2 Season 10

※You can get these rewards just by participating in this survey.

※Special Storage, Account-based, Level 95.





[Updated as of 29th Dec. │ DNP reward has been changed to 5,000 DNP Voucher 2ea due to the January 2023 DNP reset issue. All Special Winners can freely use the DNP with the voucher regardless of reset issue.].



Special Reward Info. >

Reward Name Qty NOTE

DNP (10,000)

DNP 5,000 



Special Storage

Lagendia Pandora Box (7-days) 5 5
Cover Title : Wish Maker 1 1

※We will pick lucky 15 participants and present the above rewards additionally!

※Special Storage, Account-based, Level 95.








[Winner Announcement Date]




28th December 2022






[Special Reward Winner Announcement (IGN)] (Updated as of 28th Dec.)














[Pre-determined Reward]




During January 2023 Update Patch

※Expiriation date: 7-days of delivery starts.












Reward Info. >

























※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehension of this event details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.

















-This event is account-based and each account will be allowed only one-time participation.

-If you have one or more characters of NA account, you can freely participate in this survey event.



-[GM] and Customer center will not provide transferring/moving the rewards for any reason. Please pay attention when receiving the rewards.

-Re-delivery for deleted/expired rewards will not be made for any reason.



-Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type or not.

-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.















■ EVENT 5 - Kali Mission Box Event



Limited Mission Box Event for Kali Only!
Clear the Box within and seize the limited Hero Title (○´3`)ノ⌒♡*:・。.







[Event Period]



After December 2022 Update Patch ~ Before January 2023 Update Patch 







[Event Details]





Title Info & Screenshot>

















※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehension of this event details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.





-The Kali Mission Box will be distributed to all accounts in the NA server via Special Storage and can claim it with level 95 only Kali characters.

-Only the Kali Class is eligible to receive this Mission Box and to clear all conditions of the Mission box.

-All players can start the Mission Box event anytime during the event period. However, all Mission Boxes regardless of level will be deleted with January 2023 Update Patch.




-The Customer Center will not assist you with moving/transferring items after you have received them, so please be sure to claim the rewards as the character you want to open.

-Tickets regarding this event will be accepted before 3rd January 2023 at 23:59 (PST).





-Please refrain from receiving Mission Boxes in towns or during peak times when other players are crowded. In this case, the Mission Box may be abnormally deleted.

-If you have cleared the conditions and received the next level of Mission Box in the Special Storage, please claim it immediately in your inventory. Otherwise, the Mission Box left in the Special Storage may be abnormally lost.


-Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type or not.

-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.











■ EVENT 6 - Kali Championship



Raise Up, All NA Kali players! Time to compete with the updated Kali once again!
Aim for victory with this championship! ( -_・) ︻デ═一 ▸









[Event Period]




After Scheduled Maintenance on 20th December ~ Before January 2023 Update Patch / PST








[How to work? : Kali Championship]









※To conduct a fair contest, the Rank Board of Sunset Training Ground will be reset during Scheduled Maintenance on 21st December.(PST).
※If both Labyrinth Floors and Clear time are the same, the player who has been cleared earlier is determined to be more advantageous.

└e.g.1: If A player clears 22F STG for 190secs on 30th December and B player clears the same floor for 190secs on 29th December, B has the higher rank number.

※Rank will be determined with the whole STG clear logs being saved in the server right before server closure for January 2023 Update Patch.
└Try your challenge before server closure in January 2023 Update Patch start.
└Make sure to check the winner list notice later for the obvious/clear rank info.  










[Reward Info : Kali Championship]


























※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehension of these contest details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.



-Except for DNP, other described rewards will be given on a character basis, however, if you have achieved the event with multiple characters through a class change, the top reward will be awarded only once.

-Non-claimed / Deleted rewards are will be not reimbursed for any reason and also the Customer Center and [GM] do not provide assistance for it.
-The ranking shown on the rank board will be updated every 9:00 AM and may look different from the actual list ranking of eligible rewards.

To get accurate winner info, please make sure to check the announcement post after the contest end.

└FYI: The ranking board has a system that collects records of players who have completed the challenge by 7:00AM on the same day and displays the record at 9:00AM.
























[Bonus Event : Video Submission for 1st ~ 3rd Rankers]



-This bonus event is for the 1st to 3rd place Kali Championship Winners after the above event is completely over.

-Any video submitted before the end of the championship period is invalid and will not be accepted. 

-Do not submit your video link if you have not confirmed 1st ~3rd winners and before the winner post upload.

-This bonus event is not mandatory, and only those who wish to participate among the winners from 1st to 3rd participate freely.






[How to participate?]



-Record your challenge scene and upload the video on Youtube! You can submit the video link to the 1:1 Inquiry in accordance with the event result reveal.

-Make sure that only up to 3 seconds difference in the actual ranking record is acceptable, and you must challenge only with the same class and the same character.

-The verification review result will be announced on the winner list.



Go to Customer Center (Click!)>







[Event Reward and Delivery Info.]




 ※This bonus event is character-based and will be delivered via Special Storage.

 ※Make sure to claim it within 7-days of delivery start.













However, those who fall under the case below must submit the video within the deadline as mandatory(Red check will be marked on the result table.)

└Case 1#. If the Customer Center or [GM] receives well-grounded reports through the official channel, the reward delivery will be pended, in which case the subject must submit a play video & justification within the designated deadline

└Case 2#. If the Dragon Nest service team or [GM] detects any case detected logs & data investigations, the subject must submit a play video & justification within the designated deadline.


■With every regard to record confirmation, [GM] may request the random video submission to players in need.

■If any of the pointed rankers do not submit related videos or determine that they do not meet the conditions for achieving the rank, their championship rank qualifications will be disqualified and no rewards will be delivered this season. 

(In this case, the next-place ranker will receive the reward.)




[For Video Review Request …]










※In the case of a false report, it can be interpreted as intentional interference with the game service operation and permanent sanctions can be applied to the informant.

※In addition, requests for result review of video through the Customer center are limited to one time. Please submit the final review request carefully and politely.

※The Verification Videos must remain available to the public until 28th February 2023 (PST).











■ EVENT 7 - December 2022 Spending Promotion



December Spending Promotion Open! Spend EYET and Grab the rewards  

We have prepared up to 100,000 tier rewards for this month! (ω*)














[Promotion Period]




After December 2022 Update Patch ~ Before January 2023 Update Patch starts / PST







[Promotion Details]




If you are spending (within the period) you can receive the following, Qty NOTE
30,000 EYET and or more Love of Friend Pouch 1  
50,000 EYET and or more Frozen Shoes Engraving Package (11ea) 1  
Special Lagendia Pandora Box (7-days) 5  
100,000 EYET and or more Gosuk's Precious Box 22  
Grubby Key (10+1) 2  
Hero Title : "LIT"
(ATK/Magic ATK +50,000)






Hero Title Info.>
















[Reward Date]



During Scheduled Maintenance on 11th, January 2023 (PST)








※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehension of the promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.




-This promotion is based on EYET only.

-Rewards will be given on an account basis and available to participate 1 time.

-Rewards that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed for any reason.

-Reward delivery tickets regarding this promotion will be accepted before 21st January 2023 (PST).

-Promotion rewards are accumulative. If you spend 101,000EYET within the promotion period, you will receive all rewards from the 30,000 tier to the 100,000 tier. (50,000 tier rewards included)

-Rewards are collectible until 18th January 2023 (PST).

-The promotion period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the promotion circumstance.