UPDATE | May Update Patch Note - Machina Awakening | 05. 08. 2018 | Views 39982 |
Change Log
Spinoff Character Specialization Scenario Revamp : Dark Avenger
4. Expansion of Flower of Hope Usage Area
5. Daily Tasks and Weekly Tasks
7. Changes in Abundance Talisman
8. Changes in Party Reward Points
9. Green Dragon Nest Time Attack – Nerfed Monster HP
17. Increase in Light and Shadow Cube
21. Gold Goblin Coin and Enhancement Hammer
Skill Balancing
Cash Item Update
1. Monthly Costume update - Mushroom Costume
3. Synthesis Costume Package update - Sheriff Costume
# Awakening Quest
• [Lv. 90][Awakening] New Power Beckons
• Players who have completed their 2nd specialization but have not taken the 2nd specialization quest can still take this Awakening quest. (Classes without Awakening cannot take the quest.)
• Players who have not completed 2nd specialization yet will be able to see the exclamation mark above the NPC’s head but will not be able to take the quest.
• You can get the Awakening quest from Priestess of Darkness Mocha.
• When you accept the Awakening quest and complete all related quests, Awakening tab will become available in Skill window [K] and you can start using Awakened skills.
# Awakening Details
• Prior to Awakening, Ruina had the problem of skill combos being fixed and all her damage concentrated in the successive [Overcharge].
• In order to solve this problem, [Overcharge] skill has been changed to a skill with cooldown that deals damage on its own instead of inheriting damage of the preceding skill. Now an additional control allows you to choose to attack without advancing forward.
• With the above changes in [Overcharge] which used to have a high damage weightage, damage of other skills have increased for the overall balance in skill damage.
• Also, with Awakening, Ruina is no longer bound by fixed skill combos. [Duck] skill will be revamped so that it can be used to cancel any main skills while they are in use to allow you to follow up with another skill. This allows various combo plays that suits your skill proficiency and preferences. To provide complete freedom in successive skills, increase in damage with [Gear Step] has been removed.
• Apart from that, you can now manage Steam more easily when attacking enemies, even without the pointless repeated usage of Duck, and various skill conveniences have improved, including Awakening skill.
| Rock Fist (Active)
- Slams the ground up to 4 times to create circular shockwaves nearby. Afterwards, Ruina pulls her fist from the ground and additionally attacks enemies with the shards that pop out of the ground. The more she slams the ground, the more shards to shoot. Can be used in the air.
| Beast Rush (Active)
- Dashes forward and hits enemies with a powerful shoulder attack and when the attack hits enemies accurately, a rampant combination of Ruina's skills is used. Ruina is invulnerable during the rampant attack and the attack can be cancelled any time with [Duck].
| [Awakened Passive] Duck
- When you are using [Follow Up], [Exploding Palm], [Flying Knee Kick], [Kidney Blow], or [Pressure Burst], you can cancel it any time by using [Duck] and cooldown time of the cancelled skill will be reduced. Cooldown is reduced even when the skill is cancelled after it hits targets so you can use this to relay successive skills and make use of the cooldown reduction.
| [Awakened Passive] Overclock
- Deals additional damage when an attack hits enemies accurately with Critical while [Overclock] buff is active. (Overclock skill has been changed to a normal buff skill. Please refer to [Machina Awakening Balance Changes] for more details)
| [Awakened Passive] Steam Mastery
- When you use [Follow Up], [Exploding Palm], [Flying Knee-Kick], or [Kidney Blow], you will get 2 [Steam].
| [Awakened Passive] Overcharge
- [Overcharge]'s Attack Power increases and when you enter [Back Direction Key] during Level 2 charging, the character will not move forward but attack on the spot with a powerful punching action.
• With Machina Awakening, changes have been made as a part of [Tanker and Healer revamp]. Most importantly, a shield that absorbs damage equal to a proportion of party member's HP can be given to party members with [Awakened Passive] Overclock skill. For more details, please refer to [Machina Awakening Balance Changes].
• Like with Ruina, increase in damage for successive skill combo using [Gear Step] has been removed, but using [Current Mastery] Passive in skill combo creates [Recovery Current] which can be exploded using the Awakening skill [Reverse Order] to deal damage. Also, more skills can now be used in the air.
| Reverse Order (Active)
- Commands nearby [Recovery Currents] to immediately change into [Explosion Currents] to attack enemies. Also, if there are [Marks] on enemies created by [Taunting Blow], they will explode too.
| Ruination (Active)
- Descends rapidly from midair and hits the ground with a fist to lift the ground in front and create shockwaves that attack enemies.
| [Awakened Passive] Aerial Parry
- [Aerial Parry] is activated automatically at a fixed rate when you are attacked on the ground or in the air.
| [Awakened Passive] Overclock
- When [Overclock] buff is used, a shield that absorbs damage equal to a certain percentage of ally's HP protects nearby allies for a fixed duration.
| [Awakened Passive] Taunting Blow
- [Taunting Blow] can be used in the air and using it in the air will recover half the cooldown time. However, [Taunt] and [Mark] effects are not created when Taunting Blow is used in the air.
| [Awakened Passive] Air Current Mastery
- When [Step Up] is followed with [Beat Down] or [Twister Kick], 1 [Healing Energy] will be created.
| Class Mastery I
- Increase in Final damage has been removed.
- Physical damage effect has been increased.
| Pressure Release [Attack]
- No longer consumes steam.
| Pressure Release [Defense]
- No longer consumes steam.
| Fly-By
- When Fly-By hits and leads to 'Roll Attack', you can move camera by moving your mouse.
| Charging-Gear
- No longer inherit the damage from previous skills, but gives the damage as its own skill damage.
| Lariat
- Its base damage has been increased. Fly-By does not increase the damage after it has been used.
| Flying Knee-kick, Kidney Blow, Beatdown, Overheat
- Skill damage has been increased.
| Overclock
- Animated motion has been changed. Now the buff is normal.
- When buffed, Physical damage and Physical defense will be increased propotionally based the character's physical damage.
| Follow Up
- Skill damage has been increased. Damage increase debuff has been moved to 'Steam Release'.
| Exploding Palm
- Skill damage has been increased.
- The enemies will be pulled towards you, instead of blowing them away.
| Exploding Palm EX
- The enemies will be pulled towards you, instead of blowing them away.
- Without right click, additional animated motion will be shown.
| Aerial Parry
- When defensed, Healing Energy generation has been removed.
- Aerial Parry related items has been moved. Additional tech converter will be given when you logged in.
| Aerial Parry EX
- When defensed, Healing Energy generation has been removed.
- Healing Engery's duration time has been increased.
| Ducking
- The skill can be cancelled at any time with other skills.
- Ducking related items has been moved. Additional tech converter will be given when you logged in.
| Beyond the wall
- The ability which the character could've grab allies has been removed.
- When grabbing the enemy, the skill changes to giving damage.
- The ability that could've recapture the enemy has been removed. (After catching the enemy and keep moving forward by holding space key motion is maintained.)
- When the skill hit, increases the damage of main aerial skill time has been increased.
| Twister Kick
- Skill damage has been increased.
- The skill's height has been decreased.
- You can move your direction with your mouse while moving forward.
| Deus Ex Machina
- Skill damage has been increased.
- While Whirlpool touches the character, it has been changed to give continous damage to nearby enemies.
| Strike of the Martyr
- Skill damage has been increased.
- The skill damage reduction effect has been changed to be only applied to yourself.
| Overcharge
- No longer inherit the damage from previous skills, but gives the damage as its own skill damage.
- Skill cooltime has been added.
| Class Mastery III
- 'Pivot Strike' enhancement figure has been increased.
| Auto-Repair
- Skill Cooltime has been changed.
| Taunting Blow
- Skill damage has been increased.
- Regardless of mark, all hit enemies will be provoked.
- Mark explosion has been simplified.
| Class Mastery III
- 'Lariat' enhancement figure has been increased.
After completing the related quests, the "Awakening" skill tab will be accessible via the skill window [K], and you may proceed to add the new Awakening Skills.
Completing the Awakening quest will also reward you with an Awakening Costume Coupon (7 Days). You'll be able to purchase Awakened Costumes for Machina.
* Awakening Costume Coupon is not dropping from clearing the quest. We will update it as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Where to get Cerberus Expedition Special Entry Ticket
- New Level 95 players will get 3 Cerberus Expedition Special Entry Tickets in their Mailbox.
- Players who have already reached Level 95 in the past will not get the tickets.
- You need Cerberus Expedition Special Entry Ticket to enter <Cerberus Beginner Nest>.
How to use Special Entry Ticket
- It can be used when you are in a party and the party leader has Special Entry Ticket.
- Special Entry Ticket can only be used in certain Nests.
- Only the party leader's Special Entry Ticket will be consumed.
- If you are a party member, you can enter whether or not you have an entry ticket.
- When Special Entry Ticket is used, Fatigue and Clear Count will not be deducted.
Remote Quest -> [Lv. 95] [Nest] An Evil Beast that Never Sleeps -> Frye the Explorer
You can get the guide quest from Frye the Explorer in Saint Haven after accepting the Remote Quest.
Rewards for the guide quest will differ based on the achievement conditions for characters.
Stage 1 : Underground Mine Goblin, “Hobuster”
- Underground mine’s Crow is Hobuster with powerful axe skills.
Stage 2 : Goblin Lich, “Brockius”
- Unlike his scrawny features, Goblin Lich casts powerful dark magic and commands the undead.
Stage 3 : Guard Captain, “Minotaur Byson”
- Minotaur Byson is a guard captain protecting Cerberus Nest with his immense strength.
Stage 4 : The Gluttons, “Ogre Brothers”
- The hoggish Ogre Brothers have a strong brotherly bond and are filled with darkness.
Stage 5 : Gatekeeper of Hell, “Cerberus Casali"
- The three-headed hound from hell has a different temperament and power for each head.
| Party Leader Rewards [Ticket Holder]
Goods to help new heroes settle in.
- You can get various goods, Gold, and point items that are needed for growth after reaching Level 95.
- Cerberus Front Paw
- Unique Gold Pouch (500 Gold)
- Jelly Pouch
- Spera
- Crude Hero's Weapon Enhancing stone
- Crude Hero's Armor Enhancing stone
* Cerberus Front Paw can be used at [Saint Haven] – [Blacksmith] – [Buy/Sell Item].
| Party Member Rewards
Party members can also get various points and Gold.
- You can get various goods, Gold, and point items that are needed for growth after reaching Level 95.
- Fortune Coin - Nest Points (2000)
- Fortune Coin - Dungeon Points (3000)
- Fortune Coin - Nightmare Points (5000)
- Fortune Coin - Community Points (1000)
Spinoff Character Specialization Scenario Revamp : Dark Avenger
This Heavy Choice,
Is it a hope to save you,
Is it a disaster to punish you?
That day,
I remember that little light
shined me down.
Come on,
Light my path.
I promise I will save you!
# Dark Avenger's tutorial and specialization quest story have changed.
# Press the shortcut key "U" and click "Remote Quest" tab at the top of the quest window. Accept specialization quest to read the new story.
# You can get the first specialization quest from Saint Haven's Warrior Trainer Rodrigo.
# You can accept the quest only after reaching Level 50 with a Dark Avenger character.
# Increased maximum Hero level
- Hero's maximum level has increased so that Heroes can keep growing as you play the game.
- Now you are no longer limited by the maximum level.
- Existing Hero Level EXP will be reflected in Hero Level.
# Changes in Hero Level EXP
- Hero Level EXP gained from dungeons and Nests will increase greatly.
More ways of getting Hero Level EXP will be added in the future.
# Changes in Stat Increment due to Hero Level
- Only Physical Attack, Magic Attack, and Final Damage will increase following Hero’s Level.
- Attack Powers will increase by a fixed amount for each level and Final Damage will increase in another way.
- Other stats such as Critical and HP which used to be increased with Hero Level are no longer increased.
# Changed to completely balanced Rank Battle
- You can no longer use item effects in Rank Battle.
So gears and Title for increasing PvP stats that used to be sold in the Ladder Store are no longer sold.
# Removal of Ladder Points limit for winning Ladder Battle
- Ladder Points that used to be restricted to 5 wins for each rank has been changed to have no limits.
Now you can get as much Ladder Points as you win.
- Maximum Ladder Points you can earn has been increased from 3000 Points to 20000 Points.
# Changes in items sold in Ladder Store
- Items that you can buy from the Ladder Store have changed.
- You can now buy Hector equipment (previous Slayer equipment) that you can get in Slayer Mode and you can also buy PvP-exclusive Magic Knight costume.
# Enhanced Ladder rank rewards
- Now more Gold is awarded for each rank.
# Changes in Daily Fatigue
- Available Daily Fatigue has increased from 700 to 1500.
Expansion of Flower of Hope Usage Area
# Wider Usage of [Flower of Hope]
- (New) It can be used up to 5 times in Hardcore/Hell [Heatwave Volcano Nest], [Grievous Guardian Nest], and [Dark Mist Nest].
- You can use Flower of Hope after using up all resurrections allowed in the Nests.
# Changes in Daily Task Reward
- Some of the rewards for Daily Tasks will be changed.
- You can sell the new reward "Hero's Golden Coin" at the store for 1 Gold.
# Weekly Task Added
- New Weekly Task has been added.
- You can sell the new reward "Hero's Golden Coin" at the store for 1 Gold.
# Hero's Golden Coin?
- It is a currency that can be sold for 1 Gold at the store.
# Changes in Level 95 Dungeons (Abyss) Rewards
- Gold reward for Kaeron Island's Abyss dungeon will be changed.
# More Gold dropped
- The amount of Gold dropped when monsters are killed has been greatly increased.
- You can expect to get the following amount of Gold when you kill normal and boss monsters.
# Reduced drop weightage for party size
- Drop rate does not increase based on the party size anymore.
# Increased Fatigue Consumption
- Fatigue consumption has increased from 60 to 150.
# Item Disassembly
- Abundance Talisman that you can get from item disassembly is changed from 50% to 15%.
# Crystal Store
- Abundance Talisman that you can get from Crystal Store is changed from 50% to 15%.
- Price has changed form 35,000 Crystals to 12,000 Crystals.
# Guild Board and Guild Nest
- Abundance Talisman that you can get from Guild Stone Tablets and Guild Nests is changed from 50% to 15%.
Changes in Party Reward Points
With the increasing benefits of playing alone, we thought that less amount of Community Points could be earned from playing in a party, so we have made adjustments to some of the points given as party rewards.
Green Dragon Nest Time Attack – Nerfed Monster HP
Starting from this month, health of monsters in [Green Dragon Time Attack] will decrease by 10% every month compared to the HP at first update.
[Entry Area] Monsters' HP is reduced by 50% (excluding “Bishop Geneus” and “Stubborn Investigator Gatts”)
# Enemy monsters will appear faster.
# The faster you will kill, the faster you will clear.
# Protection Crystal's location has been moved.
# There are more than one Reckless Umrak!
# Fatigue consumption removed
- Fatigue is no longer deducted when you enter Slayer Mode. Now you can enter Slayer Mode without consuming fatigue as long as you have Slayer Mode Entry Ticket.
# Slayer Equipment name change
- Slayer equipment can be obtained as rewards for PVP contents. The name of Slayer equipment has been renamed to "Hector" equipment.
- Fatigue consumption has been reduced from 180 to 150.
- (X4) Fatigue consumption has been reduced from 700 to 600.
# Inactive items for storage
- Items that cannot be placed in the storage selected in Storage UI will be shown as inactive in Inventory.
Among all disabled items [which are highlighted in red], unstorable item are in darker red.
# Guild Stone Tablet
- Rewards has been changed.
- Contribution requirements are the same.
- Only achievable by Level 95 Characters.
# Guild Nest
- Rewards has been changed.
- Contribution requirements are the same.
- Only achievable by Level 95 Characters.
#Previous Guild Contents Rewards
- Reward pouches obtained from Guild contents in the past will be changed to (Old) items.
- Contents inside (Old) items will not change.
#Help guide regarding Guild Contents added
- Help guide for [Guild Points] and [Guild Contents] has been added to Guild Window [G].
- Question mark icon has been added to [Guild (G) Window], [Guild Contents Window], and [Guild Board].
- Mouse over on the question mark icon or click it to see more information.
# Changes in Guild Point message
- Now messages regarding guild members’ [Guild Mission Accomplishment] will not be shown to you.
- [Guild Point Messages] that appear when you [Clear Stage] or [Accomplish Guild Mission] will now only show the points acquired by you.
- Message for maximum Guild Points reached has become more intuitive as well.
When you clear Level 95 dungeon, Dimension Rabbit will drop [Goblynn's Fav Box] at a random rate. (Silver Rabbit - 20%, Gold Rabbit - 100% drop rate)
- You need a [Old Rusty Key] to open [Goblynn's Fav Box].
- [Old Rusty Key] are available from the Cash Shop.
- [Goblynn's Fav Box] is tradable, [Old Rusty Key] is not.
Items inside Goblynn's Fav Box can be changed after updates and the changes will also be applied to Goblynn's Fav Box inside your Inventory.
- Hammer of Enhancement - Calypse (90%) and Hammer of Enhancement - Calypse (50%) has been added.
- When used in enhancements that are supposed to have 100% success rate, the success rate will follow the hammer’s rate (50% or 90%) instead of 100%.
- These hammers are not tradable.
# Increased Dungeon EXP after Level 90
- After the adjustments in Fatigue, daily play limit of stages below Level 95 was reduced and this has unintentionally resulted in slower character level growth.
- To solve this problem, EXP gained in Merca’s Heart dungeons for players above Level 90 has been increased.
#Changes in Gold/Silver/Bronze chest rewards inside the dungeon
Rewards inside Gold/Silver/Bronze treasure chests Rewards in Level 95 Abyss dungeons have changed.
#Changes in Gold Goblin
- Appears more frequently.
- Drops more Gold.
- Appears at various places.
# Gameplay and improvements
- Monster spawns faster.
- Clear condition has been improved in certain zones, allowed you to move faster.
Increased Light and Shadow Cubes
# Increased Light and Shadow Cubes
- The amount of Light and Shadow Cubes you can acquire from the game has been increased.
# Items added to Dungeon Points Store
- New items are available in Dungeon Points Store.
- You can purchase 4 Goddess' Titles from Dungeon points store which were previously only available via 'Goddess Sadness'.
- You can also purcahse Material Pouch which contains Dragon Gem materials or Talisman Essene materials at a random rate.
# Daily Task Changed
- Daily Task missions and rewards have been partically changed.
# Changes in Heraldry and Talisman icons
Some Heraldry and Talisman icons have been changed to be sorted and found easlier.
Gold Goblin Coin and Enhancement Hammer
# Dropped item effects
- Item drop effect for Golden Goble Coin and Enhancement Hammer - Weapon / Armor
- Only Legend Grade Enhacement Hammer will have item effect - Unique and Epic does not have effect.
# Fellowship Heraldry can be placed in Server Storage
- All Fellowship Heraldries (Attack/Increasing/Origin/Striking) except Chaos Fellowship Heraldry can now by server storaged.
# Enhanced Hector Gear stats
- In the previous patch, Hero's Calypse gear stats were enhanced but Hector equipment (previously Slayer gear) stats remained unchanged. So in this patch, we have increased some stats for Hector equipment to match [Hector equipment = Hero's Calypse equipment Tier 1 +20 Enhancement Level].
# Rune Dragon evolution route removed
- As we have informed you in the last patch notes, Unique/Legend grade Rune Dragon equipment can no longer be converted into Level 95 equipment. You cannot upgrade Rune Dragon equipment to 95 tier equipment at the Blacksmith.
# <Irine’s Specialization Gift> Removed
- <Irine’s Specialization Gift> quest that gave costumes for each class when players completed specialization has been removed.
# Legend Main Weapon Converter Changed
- Changed the name and function of 'Legend Main Weapon Converter' sold in Nest Point Shop. The name has been changed to 'Legend Weapon Converter', allows the conversion regardless of the class. Also allows secondary weapon's conversion as well.
Skill Balancing
| Brush off
- Decreased Skill's max level (6 to 1, Level limit 8 to 3).
- Skill cooldown is fixed to 20 secs.
- Removed debuff amount adjusted to 5 (Currently up to 7, Each 1 increased by 1 level).
| Breaking Point
- Reduced Skill cooldown (10 secs to 5 secs).
- Increased buff duration (300 secs to 900 secs).
| Parry
- MP will no longer consumed.
| Courageous Shout
- The skill will be no longer attack the enemies.
- Increased skill cooldown (35 secs to 60 secs; Skill Level 9).
- Increased buff duration (15 secs to 20 secs; Skill Level 9).
| [Awakened Passive] Triple Slash
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level.
- Increased skill damage of 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th (1106% to 1853%).
- Increased skill damage of 3rd (1383% to 2316%).
| [Awakened Passive] Forward Thrust
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level.
- Increased skill damage (2582% to 4319%).
| Hacking Stance EX
- Increased skill damage (100% to 170%).
| Frenzied Charge EX
- Increased skill damage (30% to 120%).
| Infinity Edge
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (7140% to 12068%).
| Feint
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (1288% to 2120%).
| Coup de Grace
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (3476% to 5164%).
| Side Dodge
- Increased skill damage (1500% to 2480%).
| [Awakened Passive] Brave
- Reduced skill cooldown (6 secs to 5 secs).
- Increased buff duration (15 secs to 20 secs).
| Class Mastery
- Added increased STR effect by 50%.
- Removed increased STR effect by the amount of Hype Train.
| [Awakened Passive] [Moonlight Splitter
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (1012% to 1741%).
- 3 of [Whirlwind] will be flown at the same angle.
| [Awakened Passive] Cyclone Slash
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (2807% to 4702%).
| Crescent Cleave EX
- Increased skill damage (50% to 150%).
| Halfmoon Slash EX
- Increased skill damage (50% to 150%).
- Additional skill damage from Halfmoon Slash (50% to 80%).
| Moonblade dance
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (837% to 984%).
| Moonblade dance EX
- Increased skill damage by 70%.
| Flash Stance
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (411% to 629%).
| Smash X
- Increased skill damage based on the maximum level (17698% to 22977%).
| Class Mastery
- Added increased INT effect by 50%.
- Removed increased STR effect by the amount of Magic Energy.
| Resentment
- Increased damage based on the stacked numbers of bubbles.
- Removed damage reduction effect.
- Damage reduction effect is added by 10%.
| Iron Skin
- Increased Skill cooldown (45 sec to 60 sec).
- Increased Skill duration (18 sec to 25 sec).
| Battle Howl
- Decreased Skill cooldown (10 sec to 5 sec).
- Increased Skill duration (180 sec to 900 sec).
| Enervating Howl
- 10 fury will be comsumed.
- Added 'Resentment' skill as the pre-requisite skill.
| Devastating Howl
- Fury will be no longer comsumed.
- Removed 'Resentment' skill from the pre-requisite skill.
| Circle Swing
- Increased Super armor's defense (Applied to Circle Swing EX and Ultimate Circle Swing as well).
| Flying Swing
- Increasd Skill damage (2580% to 2828%).
| Punishing Swing
- Increased Skill damage (1463% to 2826%).
| Bombs away
- Increased Skill damage (2226% to 2439%).
| Roll attack
- Fury will be no longer comsumed.
- Removed 'Resentment' skill from the pre-requisite skill.
| Circle Swing EX
- Amplified Ultimate Circle Swing's first and second damage to 500%.
- 1st Circle swing: 500% of Circle Swing
- 2nd Circle swing: 500% of Circle Swing Ex's additional damage(30%).
| Bone cleaver EX
- Increased additional damage's rate (50% to 100%).
| Class mastery
- Removed increased final damage based on the stacked numbers of bubbles.
- Added increased STR effect.
- Increased 'Lifesaver' skill's final damage (Final damage was increased up to 25%, 20s duration).
| Overtaker
- Increasd Skill damage (6225% to 12350%).
- Ultimate Circle swing is no longer available when the fury is left less than 30.
| Frenzy
- Increased Skill damage (1150% to 5750%).
- Fury will no longer supplied if enhanced Whirlwind hits.
- Increased Enhanced Whirlwind cooldown (6 secs to 12 secs).
- Increased Enhanced Whirlwind damage (50% to 200%).
| [Awakened passive] Devastating Howl
- Increased Skill damage (500%).
| Empowering Howl
- Barrier durability will be applied based on the skill 'target'.
- Increased Barrier durability's HP rate (20% to 30%).
- Increased Skill cooldown (10 secs to 75 secs).
- Increased Skill duration (20 secs to 25 secs).
- Increased Fury consumption (10 to 20).
| Maelstrom Howl
- Increased Skill damage (2629% to 3893%).
| Class mastery
- Added Increased STR effect (50%).
- Increased Skill damage (15% to 20%).
| Crash mode
- Improved Crash mode.
- Forward : Moves forward with dragging enemies (Damage: 298%).
- Normal attack: Jump and slams the ground and pull enemies nearby by caused shock wave. If the skill used continously, the character does not jump and slams (Damage: 4165%).
- Special attack: Blasts enemies nearby (Damage: 5950%).
- Jump: Pulls and blasts enemies by concentrating and exploding the energy (Damage: 2975%). Critical change has been increased up to 20%. Recovers HP by 2% every 2 secs. Alll damage will be reduced by 70%. Skill cooltime: 75 secs. Skill Duration: 25 secs.
| [Awakened passive] Empowering Howl
- Removed Skill by special attack input.
- The final damage increase will be only applied to yourself.
| Mana Flow
- Decreased Skill cooldown (10 secs to 5 secs).
- Increased buff duration (300 secs to 900 secs).
| Fireball EX
- Increased the maximum charging damage (40% to 180%).
- Increased damage of 3-way charging (96% to 130%).
| Inferno EX
- Increased skill damage by 60%.
| [Awakened passive] Fire wall
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (3771% to 5973%).
| Hot Rod EX
- Increased skill damage by 60%.
| Magma ball
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (4066% to 6446%).
| [Awakened passive] Ignite
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (3525% to 5640%).
| Summon Meteor
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level.
- Increased Meteor damage (3975% to 6360%).
- Increased Heat damage (1193% to 1908%).
| Flame Burst
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (4200% to 6720%).
| Class Mastery II
- Increased skill damage (10% to 15%).
| [Awakened passive] Icy Shards
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (2207% to 2628%).
| Ice Cold Field EX
- Increased skill damage (30% to 60%).
| Frozen Spikes EX
- Increased skill damage by 20%.
| Chilling Mist
- Increased skill damage (100% to 140%).
| [Awakened passive] Shatter
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (2933% to 3520%).
| Frost Chaos
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (35% to 42%).
| Glacial Field
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (300% to 360%).
| Ice Cyclone
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (150% to 200%).
- A whirlwind summons in front of you and attacks the enemies.
| Class Mastery II
- Increased skill damage (13% to 15%).
| Linear Ray EX
- Increased skill damage (50% ~ 80% to 140% ~190%).
| Nine Tail Laser
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (2914% to 4662%).
| Spectrum Ray EX
- Increased skill damage (60% to 160%).
| [Awakened passive] Beam Tempest
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (9198% to 14717%).
| [Awakened passive] Laser Cutter
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (5588% to 8941%).
| Laser Ray
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (325% to 520%).
| Arcane Overdrive
- Reduced skill cooldown (10 secs to 5 secs).
- Increased buff duration (300 secs to 900 secs).
- Removed mana consumption increase.
| Class Mastery III
- Increased skill damage (5% to 15%).
| [Awakened passive] Gravity Blast
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (1986% to 2979%).
| [Awakened passive] Triple Orbs
- Increased skill damage; based on the maximum level (1986% to 2979%).
| Black Hole EX
- Increased skill damage (30% to 100%).
| Summon Comet
- Increased skill damage (4042% to 6063%).
| Gravity Crush EX
- Increased skill damage (30% to 100%).
| Gravity Well
- Increased skill damage (3283% to 4874%).
| Gravity Rush
- Increased skill damage (946% to 1419%).
| Focus Gravitiy
- Increased skill damage (3900% to 5850%).
| Mystic Mischief
- Increased Skill cooldown (18 secs to 20 secs).
- Increased buff duration (180 secs to 900 secs).
| Class Mastery II
- Increased skill damage (13% to 15%).
| Block
- Reduced the numbers of defense (12 times to 5 times).
| Redemption area
- Reduced HP recovery effect (20% to 10%).
| Autoblock
- Reduced the chance of block (21% to 15%).
| Stance of Faith
- Now can be activated during all skills use.
| Devine Ascension
- Changed to 'active skill'.
- Guardian's grace will no longer be comsumed.
- Decreased skill damage (4607% to 3030%).
| Divine Vengeance
- Increased Skill damage (2465% to 6508%).
| Divine Punishment
- Decreased Skill cooldown (60 secs to 5 secs).
- Increased Skill duration (30 secs to 300 secs).
| Aerial Block
- The skill has been removed.
| Divine Judgement
- The skill has been newly added.
- Hits the enemies nearby the character.
- Maximum damage 4400%.
- Skill cooldown 16 secs.
| Heart of Glory
- Removed VIT increase effect.
- Increased Skill cooldown (150 secs to 170 secs).
- Duration time has been changed (15s at Level 1, every 5s will be increased by each level).
- Increased Skill damage (Magical Damage 100% to Physical damage 1500%, based on skill level 3).
| Divine Barrier
- Barrier durability will be applied based on the skill 'target'.
- Increased Barrier durability's HP rate (20% to 30%).
- Increased Skill cooldown (10 secs to 75 secs).
- Increased Skill duration (20 secs to 25 secs).
| Falling Angel
- Increased Skill damage (6224% to 8062%).
- Skill input delay has been reduced after using Falling Angel.
| Autoblock EX
- Removed Increased STR based on the stacked numbers of bubbles.
| Stance of faith EX
- The effect has been enhanced when the defense was succesful at accurate timing: Additional wave damage 250%, HP will be recoverd by 10%, one debuff will be removed from yourself and 4 Gurdian's Grace will be available (Increased from 2 to 4).
| Class Mastery
- Added Increased STR effect (50%).
- Obtains one bubble when hitting enemies with Divine Ascension and Divine Vengenace.
- HP will no longer be recovered during Divine Punishment.
- While Divine Punishment is used, damage will be increased by 50% of VIT.
- Reduced Light attack (15% to 5%)
| Class Mastery II
- Falling Angel's skill cooldown time will be no longer recovered by Divine Vengenance.
- Divine Vengenance Instance will be activiated by Divine Ascension.
- Divine Ascension Instance will be activiated by Divine Vengenance.
- Removed Damage reduction effect.
- Damage has been increased by 5%.
| Class Mastery III
- Increased Shield Blow's damage (900% to 1200%).
| Thrust Force
- One Guardian's Grace will be consumed.
| [Awakened Passive] Stance of Faith
- The skill has been removed.
| [Awakened Passive] Divine Judgement
- The skill has been newly added.
- Divine Judgement consumes Guardian's Grace but the hit and damage will be increased.
- Increased Damage by 100%.
- Consumes 2 Guardian's Grace.
| [Awakened Passive] Armor Break
- Increased Debuff duration to 20 secs.
| [Awakened Passive] Shield Charge
- Removed Speed and distance reducing effect.
- By inputing normal attack, you can use final attack.
| [Awakened Passive] Divine Barrier
- Thrust Force and Overwhelm's skill cooldown has been decreased by 50% during Heart of Glory.
| Lightning Bolt
- Increased Skill damage (1120% to 2427%).
- Reduced Skill cooldown (13 secs to 10 secs).
| Detonate
- Increased Skill damage (1911% to 5035%).
| Blessing of Light
- The skill has been removed.
| Protection Shell
- Increased Skill cooldown (60 secs to 85 secs).
| Blessing of Strikes
- Removed Physical damage increase effect.
- Reduced Magical damage increase effect (27 to 25%).
- Added 25% increase in Light attack.
- Reduced skill cool down (10 secs to 5 secs).
- Increased skill duration (180 secs to 900 secs).
| Healing Relic
- Increased HP recovery effect (Recovers 0.4% HP by every 2s to Recovers 1% HP by every 2 secs).
- Increased skill cool down (10 secs to 9 secs).
- Reduced skill duration (30 secs to 11 secs).
| Cure Relic
- Increased skill cool down (25 secs to 45 secs).
- Reduced skill duration (18 secs to 11 secs).
| Grand Sigil
- Removed Cure effect.
- Increased skill cool down (150 secs to 210 secs).
| Class Mastery II
- Increased Skill damage (13% to 15%).
| Lightning Storm
- Fixed to give the maximum damage without maintaining Lightning Storm action.
- Does not keep doing the action after Lightning Cloud is summoned, but the maximum damage and hit remains.
| Great heal
- Increased skill cool down (60 secs to 90 secs).
| Healing Relic EX
- Added HP recovery effect (3.5% HP recovered every 2 secs, Additional HP recovered by 35% of Magical attack).
- Reduces skill cool down of Healing Relic by 40 secs.
- Removed MP recovery effect.
| Cure Relic EX
- Reduces skill cool down of Cure Relic by 45 secs.
| Class Mastery III
- Increased Skill damage (5% to 10%).
| Lifesaver
- The skill has been newly added.
- Gives a buff to all allies which lasts for 5 secs.
- During the buff duration, the buff effect will be updated to 'Immortal' buff once HP falls below 1.
- 'Immortal buff' lasts for 5 secs.
- Skill cooldown 180 secs.
| Antiphona Pool
- Reduced skill damage (873% to 700%).
| [Awakened Passive] Grand Cross
- No longer consumes Saint Bubble.
- When Grand Cross hits, the character will be eligible to use 'Enhanced Antiphona Pool'.
- 'Enhanced Antiphona Pool': Eligible to summon various dots by inputting normal attack.
(200% additional damage will not be applied to the second summoned dots).
| [Awakened Passive] Saint's Role
- Renamed [Awakened Passive] Great Heal.
- [Aura of Healing]: Increased HP recovery by 10%. HP recovery by 20% of magical damage. Skill duration 15 secs. Skill cooltime 30 secs.
- [Grand Sigil]: Added cure effect. Increased damage reduction effect by 50%.
- [Great Heal]: Recovers HP by 50% of magical damage every 2 sec. Skill duration 10 sec.
| Bubble Trouble
- Changed buff which applied to allies ( [Shield durability 17086] to [Super Armor 40% increase]) (Skill level 8).
| Slime Shake
- No longer comsumes bubble.
- Reduced HP recovery (30% to 10%).
- Increased skill cooldown reduction rate (25% to 22%).
- Reduced skill cooldown (10 secs to 5 secs).
- Increased skill duration (90 secs to 900 secs).
| Salve Slimer
- Increased HP recovery effect (Recovers 0.4% HP by every 2s to Recovers 1% HP by every 2 secs)
- Increased skill cool down (10 secs to 90 secs).
- Reduced skill duration (30 secs to 10 secs).
| Toxic Twirl
- Changed to Active Skill (The skill will be remained as the same).
| Contagion
- Increased skill damage (384% to 441%).
| Poision Pop
- Increased skill damage (2128% to 2533%).
| Toxic Spill
- Increased skill damage (1581% to 2026%).
| Lovesick
- Increased skill damage (317% to 1011%).
| Good Vibrations
- Increased HP recovery (18% to 20%).
- Increased skill cooldown (60 secs to 90 secs).
| Injections EX
- Recovers skill cooldown of Slime Surge by 1 sec if Injection hits (Maximum 10 secs).
- Increases action speed by 10% to all allies.
- Skill duration 25 secs.
| Toxic Spill EX
- No longer available to use special attack input to cure.
| Good Viberation EX
- Removed the creation of recovery area.
- Recovers allies' HP by 30% of magical damage every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
| Posion Cure
- The skill has been newly added.
- Creates the creation of recovery area.
- Recovers allies' ailment status every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 60 secs.
| Posion Strike
- No longer creates a Slime Pool.
- Increased damage range.
- A powerful explosion occurs and damages enemies in a large area.
- Skill damage 16750%.
- Skill cooldown 17 secs.
| [Awakened Passive] Injector
- The skill has been removed.
| [Awakened Passive] Lovesick
- The skill has been newly added.
- Size increased and penestrates enemies.
| [Awakened Passive] Toxic spill
- When awakened passive learning, reduced the effect's delay afterwards.
| [Awakened Passive] Sacrifice
- Adjusted Party buff effect.
- Increased damage (10% to 5%).
- Recovers HP by 10% of magical damage every 2 secs.
- Skill cooldown 60 secs.
- Skill duration 25 secs.
| Plasma Boost
- Reduced Skill cooldown (140 secs to 120 secs); based on the maximum level.
| Chakra Cure
- Increased skill cooldown (20 secs to 90 secs).
| Outbreak
- Increased skill damage (2193% to 2611%).
| Full Brightness
- Increased skill damage (2693% to 3974%).
- Increased skill cooldown (12 secs to 9 secs).
| Energetic Chakra
- Recovers all allies' HP.
- Reduced HP recovery (15% to 10%).
- Increased skill cooldown (30 secs to 90 secs).
| Strike Ring
- Increased skill damage (413% to 551%).
| Healing Chakra
- HP recovery effect has been newly added.
- Recovers HP by 1% every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
- Increased skill cooldown (45 secs to 90 secs).
- Removed MP recovery effect.
| Pulse Ring
- Removed Cure effect.
- Increased skill cooldown (125 secs to 210 secs).
| Balm of Azuna
- HP recovery only applied to yourself.
- Recovers HP by 0.5% every 2 secs.
| Miraculous Chakra
- Increased skill cooldown (60 secs to 90 secs).
| Sunshine spark
- Removed damage reduction effect.
- Increased skill damage (3358% to 5992%).
| Outbreak EX
- Increased damage reduction effect by 20%.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
| Energetic Chakra EX
- Reduces skill cool down of Energetic Chakra by 60 secs.
- Added HP recovery effect.
- Recovers HP by 20% of magical damage every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
| Healing Chakra EX
- Removed damage reduction effect.
- Reduces skill cool down of Healing Chakra by 40 secs.
- Added HP recovery effect.
- Recovers HP by 35% of magical damage every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
| Class Mastery
- Reduces skill cool down of Chakra Cure by 65 secs.
- Reduced Light attack (30% to 15%).
| Unseen Art
- Increased damage reduction effect by 5%.
- The skill effect will be overlapped with the other skills.
| [Awakened Passive] Miraculous Chakra
- Miraculous Chakra's propotional heal based on physical damage will be applied faster.
- 50% of physical damage every 3 secs -> 50% of physical damage every 2 secs.
- Added enhanced Pulse Ring's skill effect.
- Added cure effect.
- Increased damage reduction by 50%.
| Brush off
- Decreased Skill's max level (6 to 1, Level limit 8 to 3).
- Skill cooldown is fixed to 20s.
- Removed debuff amount adjusted to 5(Currently up to 7, Each 1 increased by 1 level).
| Courageous Shout
- The skill will be no longer attack the enemies.
| Class Mastery
- Added increased STR effect by 40%.
- Removed increased STR effect by the amount of Hype Train.
| Class Mastery
- Added increased INT effect by 25%.
- Removed increased STR effect by the amount of Magic Energy.
| Resentment
- Increased damage based on the stacked numbers of bubbles.
- Damage reduction effect is added by 5%.
| Iron Skin
- Increased Skill duration (9 sec to 10 sec).
| Enervating Howl
- 10 fury will be comsumed.
- Added 'Resentment' skill as the pre-requisite skill.
| Devastating Howl
- Fury will be no longer comsumed.
- Removed 'Resentment' skill from the pre-requisite skill.
| Roll attack
- Fury will be no longer comsumed.
- Removed 'Resentment' skill from the pre-requisite skill.
| Class mastery
- Removed increased final damage based on the stacked numbers of bubbles.
- Added increased STR effect by 15%.
- Increased 'Lifesaver' skill's final damage (Final damage was increased up to 10%, 20s duration).
| Overtaker
- Ultimate Circle swing is no longer available when the fury is left less than 30.
| Frenzy
- Fury will no longer supplied if enhanced Whirlwind hits.
| Empowering Howl
- Barrier durability will be applied based on the skill 'target'.
- Barrier durability will be applied as 2623 to maximum 5% of HP.
- Increased Skill cooldown (65 to 75 sec).
- Increased Skill duration (12 sec to 10 sec).
- Increased Fury consumption (10 to 20).
| Class mastery
- Added Increased STR effect (15%).
| Crash mode
- Improved Crash mode.
- Forward : Moves forward with dragging enemies (Damage: 22%).
- Normal attack: Jump and slams the ground and pull enemies nearby by caused shock wave. If the skill used continously, the character does not jump and slams (Damage: 305%).
- Special attack: Blasts enemies nearby (Damage: 435%).
- Jump: Pulls and blasts enemies by concentrating and exploding the energy (Damage: 218%). Critical change has been increased up to 10%. All damage will be reduced by 70%. Skill cooltime: 75 sec. Duration: 10 sec.
| [Awakened passive] Empowering Howl
- Removed Skill by special attack input.
- The final damage increase will be only applied to yourself.
| Ice Cyclone
- A whirlwind summons in front of you and attacks the enemies.
| Arcane Overdrive
- Removed mana consumption increase.
| Bubble Trouble
- Changed buff which applied to allies ( [Shield durability 1709] to [Super Armor 40% increase]) (Skill level 8).
| Slime Shake
- No longer comsumes bubble.
- Reduced HP recovery (15% to 5%).
| Salve Slimer
- Reduced skill duration (30 secs to 10 secs).
| Toxic Twirl
- Changed to Active Skill (The skill will be remained as the same).
| Toxic Spill EX
- No longer available to use special attack input to cure.
| Good Viberation EX
- Removed the creation of recovery area.
- Recovers allies' HP by 30% of magical damage every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
| Posion Cure
- The skill has been newly added.
- Creates the creation of recovery area.
- Recovers allies' ailment status every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 60 secs.
| Posion Strike
- No longer creates a Slime Pool.
- Increased damage range.
- A powerful explosion occurs and damages enemies in a large area.
- Skill damage 1350%.
- Skill cooldown 35 secs.
| [Awakened Passive] Injector
- The skill has been removed.
| [Awakened Passive] Lovesick
- The skill has been newly added.
- Size increased and penestrates enemies.
| [Awakened Passive] Toxic spill
- When awakened passive learning, reduced the effect's delay afterwards.
| [Awakened Passive] Sacrifice
- Adjusted Party buff effect.
- Increased damage (5% to 2.5%).
- Recovers 0.5% HP every 2 secs.
- Recovers HP by 10 % of magical damage every 2 secs.
- Skill cooldown 60 secs.
- Skill duration 25 secs.
| Energetic Chakra
- Recovers all allies' HP.
- Reduced HP recovery (3.8% to 2.5%).
- Increased skill cooldown (35 secs to 90 secs).
| Healing Chakra
- HP recovery effect has been newly added.
- Recovers HP by 0.2% every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
- Increased skill cooldown (45 secs to 90 secs).
- Removed MP recovery effect.
| Pulse Ring
- Removed Cure effect.
| Balm of Azuna
- HP recovery only applied to yourself.
- Recovers HP by 0.25% every 2 secs.
- Skill cooltime 90 secs.
- Skill duration 60 secs.
| Sunshine spark
- Removed damage reduction effect.
| Outbreak EX
- Increased damage reduction effect by 10%.
- Skill duration 5 secs.
| Energetic Chakra EX
- Reduces skill cool down of Energetic Chakra by 30 secs.
- Added HP recovery effect.
- Recovers HP by 20% of magical damage every 2 secs.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
| Healing Chakra EX
- Removed damage reduction effect.
- Reduces skill cool down of Healing Chakra by 30 secs.
- Added HP recovery effect.
- Recovers HP by 0.4% every 2 secs.
- Recovers additional HP by 35% of magical damage.
- Skill duration 10 secs.
| [Awakened Passive] Miraculous Chakra
- Miraculous Chakra's propotional heal based on physical damage will be applied faster.
- 50% of physical damage every 3 secs -> 50% of physical damage every 2 secs.
- Reduced Skill duration from 15 secs to 10 secs.
- Added cure effect.
- Increased damage reduction by 50%.
# Some of the skill plates effect will be removed due to skill balancing.
# Skill Lists of Cooldown Reduction
| Empowering Howl
| Aura of Healing
| Healing Relic
| Cure Relic
| Grand Sigil
| Salve Slimer
| Good Vibrations
| Chakra Cure
| Energetic Chakra
| Healing Chakra
| Miraculous Chakra
| Overclock
# Skill Lists of Recovery effect Increase
| Energetic Chakra
1. Monthly Costume update - Mushroom Costume
[Argenta Dragon Egg Update - Argenta in Swiming suit Transformation]
* Transformation is available both in Town and Nest as well!
Chance to obtain the following key items from the Argenta Dragon Egg:
- Passionate Solemn Hero's Wings
- Passionate Solemn Hero's Tail
- Passionate Solemn Hero's Decal
- Passionate Solemn Hero's Weapon Exchange Coupon
- Hot-Blooded Gladiator Spirit (Growth Type)
- Solemn Divine Guardian
# Argenta Transformation
# Passionate Solemn Hero's Wings / Tail / Decal
# Passionate Solemn Hero's Necklace
# Passionate Solemn Hero's Weapons
# Solemn Divine Guardian
3. Synthesis Costume Package update - Sheriff Costume
A coupon for transferring equipment to Premium Storage (server). Required when transferring Unique or Legend rarity Lv. 95 Equipment (Weapon or Armor) as a fee.
Required amounts of the coupon differ depending on the equipment's rarity. Transfered equipment has same enhancement level. Transfered equipment keeps its inserted Dragon gems.