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UPDATE February Update Patch Note - Apocrypha 8. Signs of Hope 02. 12. 2019 Views 15720


1. Extra Chapter 8. Signs of Hope

2. Garden of Eternity Renewal - The Final Story

3. Dispersion of Nests

4. Temple Knight Training Ground

5. Hirendel’s Barrier

6. Hero’s Mission Bulletin Board



1. Daily Quest

2. Tasks Revamp

3. Equipment Collection



1. Valentine's Day Event

2. Everyone's Banquet

3. Others


Cash Shop Update

1. February Costume: Hanbok Costume

2. Dragon Egg update

3. New Ally - Pengu the Little Penguin


Extra Chapter 8. Signs of Hope

Garden of Eternity Renewal - The Final Story

Dispersion of Nests



[Changed Nest Location - Saint Haven]



[Changed Nest Location - Saint Haven (Black Mountain Path)]



[Changed Nest Location - Saint Haven (Hermelte Port)]



[Changed Nest Location - Saint Haven (Liverwort Marina)]



[Changed Nest Location - Saint Haven (Arendel)]



[Changed Nest Location - Heart of Merca]



[Changed Nest Location - Heart of Merca (Merca Port)]



[Changed Nest Location - Rhadames]



[Stationed Priestesses of Darkness]


In order to keep an eye on the Nests that are now dispersed all over the world, the Goddess’s Order has stationed Priestesses of Darkness near them.

Try talking to the Priestesses at each Nests’ entrance.

See how serious the problems caused by the Labyrinth area.


※ Priestesses of Darkness are stationed at the entrance of each Nests.



[Dragon Scale Store]


Dragon Scale Store can no longer be accessed through Priestess of Darkness Madeleine.

To use the Dragon Scale Store, please look for Priestess of Darkness Toffee from now on.


Trial Nest Entry Tickets are sold at Challenge! Adventurer’s Store in Merca Port and Rhadames.


※ Dragon’s Scale Store : In front of the bench near Saint Haven’s west gate

※ Challenge! Adventurer’s Store : In front of Rhadames and Merca Port Nest Entrance



[Disintergration of Fissive Dimension Zone]

Fissive Dimension Zones that spread across the world are now gone.


•Fissioned Dying City Crossroads

•Fissioned Sunken Ship

•Fissioned West Armory

•Fissioned Tel Nuaru Temple

•Fissioned Red Waste

•Fissioned Tryan's Domain

•Fissioned Golden Grasslands

•Fissioned Lonely Cradle

•Fissioned Blazing Caldera


Temple Knight Training Ground

A place where Temple Knights can get quality training has been created.

Let's go to Temple Knight Training Ground located at Saint Haven Royal Basement.

From now on, you can access [Hero's Battlefield, Banquet, Slayer Nest, and Slayer's Testing Ground] from Temple Knight Training Ground.

Try challenging your limits with the Temple Knights.



[Dimensional Rabbit]

With the change in location of Hero's Battlefield and the Banquet, Dimensional Rabbit has moved as well.

Now you can find Dimensional Rabbit at Temple Knight Training Ground, not the Garden of Eternity.


※ Temple Knight Training Ground is connected to Saint Haven Royal Castle Basement.



[Quest Info]




Teram wants to help Velskud who is struggling alone to save the world.

Talk to Teram at Saint Haven’s Royal Castle.


※ You can only accept this quest after completing all World Event Quests and Garden of Eternity - The Final Story.


Hirendel’s Barrier


[Entry Information]



[Quest Information]

※ [Hirendel’s Barrier] Daily Quest has been added.

※ Talk to the NPC, Special Sentry Louis, at Merca Port to take the quest.

※ You must be at least Level 95 to accept the quest.



[[Hirendel’s Barrier Stage Missions Added]

In [ Mission (L) – Dungeon (Normal) ], new Merca Port stage missions have been added.

2 Missions and 2 Titles have been added.

Newly added Missions and Titles are as follows.


Hero’s Mission Bulletin Board



[Mission>Mission Bulletin Board]



[Mission Bulletin Board Rewards]

▶ Hero's Blood, Sweat and Tears (New Points)

-When you successfully complete the missions, you can get the new points, “Hero's Blood, Sweat and Tears”.

-If you take “Very Dangerous Missions”, you can get “Problem Solver’s Box”.

-You can get special equipment for Problem Solvers from the Problem Solver’s Box.

-You can get very special and rare titles from Problem Solver’s Box.



▶ Problem Solver’s Equipment

-Initial stats of the equipment you can get from Problem Solver’s Box are pretty low but they can become very powerful through enhancements.

-Problem Solver’s gears can be enhanced in the same method as Goddess gears but they require less cost and are enhanced less.

-Problem Solver’s gears can be sealed up to 3 times. (It can be traded!)



▶ Mission Bulletin Board Test Operation

-According to Adventurer's Guild Member David, [Mission System] will go through a test operation.

-During the test operation period, only a selected few missions will be posted on the bulletin board and not all the missions from all the people will be posted.

-David added that Duke Stewart has high hopes on the [Mission System] and it’s likely to to expand at a bigger scale after the test operation period.


[Mission Bulletin Board]


[Mission Bulletin Board Location]



[Mission Bulletin Board Components]

You can accept, delete, or immediately get rewards for missions only in towns with a [Mission Bulletin Board].



[Mission Bulletin Board Components]



[Check the Mission Status]

-To check the mission status (in progress, rewards ready for collection, deleted), you can go to [Mission Bulletin Board] or open Mission window and go to Mission Bulletin Board tab.

-You can check mission status at [Mission>Mission Bulletin Board]



[Mission Bulletin Board Rewards]

▶ Hero's Blood, Sweat and Tears (New Points)

-When you successfully complete the missions, you can get the new points, “Hero's Blood, Sweat and Tears”.

-If you take “Very Dangerous Missions”, you can get “Problem Solver’s Box”.

-You can get special equipment for Problem Solvers from the Problem Solver’s Box.

-You can get very special and rare titles from Problem Solver’s Box.



▶ Problem Solver’s Equipment

-Initial stats of the equipment you can get from Problem Solver’s Box are pretty low but they can become very powerful through enhancements.

-Problem Solver’s gears can be enhanced in the same method as Goddess gears but they require less cost and are enhanced less.

-Problem Solver’s gears can be sealed up to 3 times. (It can be traded!)

-The equipment can be re-sealed only 2 times.



▶ Problem Solver's Equipment Stat



[Mission Bulletin Board Store Information]

-Hero's Blood, Sweat and Tears Points earned from missions can be used at the Mission Bulletin Board Store.

-You can buy various valuable items at the Mission Bulletin Board Store. (You can even get Cash Items)

Mission Bulletin Board Store can be accessed through Adventurer's Guild Member David who is located next to the Bulletin Board





Daily Quest


Tasks Revamp


Equipment Collection

-Problem Solver’s equipment have been added to the Equipment Collection.



1. Valentine's Day Event

[Event Information]

-Event Level Conditions : 95

-Event Type : Play Time Event

-Event Period : Feb 14th - Feb 21st


[How to Participate]


[Play Time]


[Valentine's Day Event Store Information]


[Valentine's Day Event Reward]

                                  Chocolate Gingerbread Man



2. Everyone's Banquet



[Entry Information]

•Entry Level : At least Level 93

•Number of Players : 1~2 players

•Weekly Clear Limit : 7 times per week

•Cannot revive

※ You need Everyone's Banquet Entry Ticket to enter.



[Entry Ticket Information]

•Where to get : You can buy it from [Dimensional Rabbit] - [Everyone's Banquet Store] located at Temple Knight Training Ground

•Each character can buy only one per day and the entry ticket lasts for 1 day.



[Guide Quest]

•Remote Quest > [Lv93] Everyone’s Banquet

※ Press ‘U’ to open the Quest window and click on the “Remote Quest” tab to get it.



[How To Play]

<Stage Goals>

•Try challenging yourself to go as high as possible to get better rewards.


<Stage Rules>

•When normal stage is cleared, user's HP and MP will be recovered.

•When boss stage is cleared, dead player will resurrect.

•When all players die, stage will end.


<Reward Conditions>

•First Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (Level 4)

•Second Treasure Chest : Clear Boss Stage (Level 7)

•Third Treasure Chest : Clear Boss Stage (Level 11)

•Last Treasure Chest : Clear Boss Stage (Level 12)


※ Users' stats are balanced in Everyone's Banquet.

※ Heroes, pets, and potions cannot be used.

※ Overall balancing is applied and you cannot use the following skills and equipment skills.

- Skill Dragon Gem

- Costumes’ Normal Skills

- Costumes’ Transformation Skills

- Willpower Fragment, Pleasant Premium Benefits




•When you enter a normal stage, you will enter a random stage of 2 stages.

•Stage clear count will be recorded when you clear Level 3.





- You can get rewards from the box when you clear Levels 4, 7, 11, and 12 of Everyone's Banquet.

- When you play Everyone's Banquet in a party of 2 players, the number of Cube Fragments obtained by each player can be different at each level.

 However, party size will not affect the maximum and minimum number of Cube Fragments that can be obtained by each player.

E.g.) When Player A and Player B clear Level 4 together, Player A may get 2 fragments and Player B may get 9 fragments.

- You can get Lapis, Rock of Darkness, and Gold Goblin Coin at a low probability from the reward chest at the last level, Level 12.


▶ Everyone's Banquet Store

- You can use Ancient Element Cube Fragment to exchange for Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman, Ancient Element Cube, or High Grade Ancient Element Cube

at [Dimensional Rabbit Everyone's Banquet Store].


▶ Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman

- [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman] which can be purchased at the Everyone's Banquet Store is a Talisman that has 4 kinds of elements - Fire, Water, Light, and Darkness.

- Initial stats for [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman] purchased at the store is 0.5% for each stat and can be increased up to 5.5%!

- With [Ancient Element Cube], you can increase the stats from 0.5% to 5.0% and with, [High Grade Ancient Element Cube], you can increase the stats from 5.0% to 5.5%. (Increases by 0.1% for each Cube)

- Cubes will disappear once used.


Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman Stat

Enhancement Material


3. Others

[Sea Fishing Event Ended]

- Sea Fishing Event has ended


Cash Shop Update

1. February Costume: Hanbok Costume



2. Dragon Egg update

[Lucky Red Zither Wings, Tail, Decal]


[Purplion Accessory]


[Spring Flower Spirit]


[Pegasus War Horse Mount]


3. New Ally - Pengu the Littie Penguin