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UPDATE [Patchnote] February Patchnote 02. 09. 2020 Views 12882

[1] Changes/Added

-  Stage Restructure

- Nest Restructure

- Mission Reward Restructure

- Mysterious Enhanced Jade Box and Battle Jade Changes

- Farming Store Item Added

- Hero’s Emergency Medicine Price of General Store Change

- Ladder Open Schedule Change

- Others

[2] Event

1. Best Hero Tournament

2. February Attendance Reward

[3] Cash Shop

- Costume: Musician Costume

- Sweet Candy Wings/Tail/Decal and Spirit of Fire Accessories

- Mount 3.0 : Somnium Luna and system change 

- Mysterious Mount Box Change 

- Gosuk's Dreamy Grubby Key Box 

- Thrifty Convenience Package comes back!












[1] Changes/Added



 1-1. Stage Restructure 











 1-2. Nest Restructure 













 1-3. Mission Reward Restructure 



[Lapis Added]

-[Lapis] added to Stage & Nest mission reward.

- For [Lapis], the acquisition probability and number increase gradually depending on the stage difficulty, not the 100% probability.



[Reward Information of Stage and Nest Mission]

- You can get the following reward when complete stage and nest mission.



–[Stage Point], [Nest Point] has deleted which had gave for mission reward

 - Even if the above two points has deleted but we enhanced the Gold/Silver box reward of stage and nest to let player’s sense feel better to obtain.











 1-4. Mysterious Enhanced Jade Box and Battle Jade Changes 



[Disassemble Adjustment for Battle Jade]

- You can get 1 Extracted Victory Jade Powder by disassembling epic grade battle jade.

- You can obtain more Extracted Victory Dragon Jade Powder by disassembling Unique, High Grade Unique, Legend grade Battle Jade. 




[Mysterious Enhancement Dragon Jade Box changes]

- The probability of jade box will be changed.

- You can purchase continually the box from Nest Point Store.

- You can get completed epic grade jade from the box instead of epic pouch. 

- Only [Flawless]Jade will be appeared from the box. You can’t get other legend grade jade.













 1-5. Farming Store Item Added 



[Food and Recipe has added to Farming Store]

- As the Stage & Nest reward no longer has food and recipes available, the following items can be purchased directly from the store.

- You can get the items from NPC [Farm Manager Mori] in Saint Haven.
















 1-6. Hero’s Emergency Medicine Price of General Store Change 



[Hero’s Emergency Medicine Price Adjustment]

-[Hero’s Emergency Medicine] price has decreased from 5 gold to 20 silver.


















 1-7. Ladder Open Schedule Change 



- Ladder schedule will be changed from February target.

- Please refer to your play. 












 1-8. Others 



■ Final Damage limit has extended. [100%(14944) → 120%(17933)]

■ Now, you can get Mirage Dragon Jade from NPC Palace Attendant Jeokwolyang ‘(God Lotus Crown Shop)’.

■ The acquisition place of Epic grade Hero Jade is changed to ‘Jade for Newbies pouch’.


■ When using a flow-down of Vena Plaga in Forest Dragon Nest, certain debugging won’t be removed.


■ Slow motion will not be applied when kill Bishop Gaius from Green Dragon Time Attack 1st Gate.


■ Lebria Heraldry Alpha Version can be destroyed.


■ The tooltip output when it is not possible to wear the pet accessory is modified in detail.


■ If you give up Red Lotus Palace's main quest “Suspicious Meeting," the bug that could not proceed with the next quest has been modified.


■ Fixed an issue where destination descriptions wrongly were listed in sub quest <Teleju’s decision>.


■ Fixed a crash that occurred when entering hot springs and farms after the January update patch.


■ [Honor] Gust Dragon Nest will be removed from February update patch.












[2] Event



 2-1. Best Hero Tournament 





◆Best Hero Tournament (4 player)

- <Best Hero Tournament> has returned.





<Best Hero Tournament> where players battle purely based on their own strength has returned.

Anyone who is at least Lv93 can participate to become the Best Hero!



※ Stats of participants will be balanced.





Entry Ticket has been added.

   - You need entry tickets to enter Best Hero Tournament.

Limit on the number of clears has been changed to 35 times a week.

The monster’s HP prepared by royal officer has increased.

“Spectator’s Cheer’ buff effect has decreased.



[Entry Ticket]

Where to get the entry ticket

- You can get the ticket by clearing Daily Tasks.

- You can get up to 1 ticket each day.

- Best Hero Tournament Entry Ticket is required to enter Best Hero Tournament.





[Entry Info]

Entry Level: at least Lv.93

Entry Gate: You can enter from any of the gates in Saint Haven. 





- Party Size: 1~4-player

- Entry item: Best Hero Tournament entry ticket 1

- No. of Clears: 35 times per week

- Resurrection Limit: 3 times





[How to play]

Goal : Fight against monsters handpicked by the royal palace officials and emerge victorious!

Rules :

- User’s HP and MP are recovered when each round is cleared.

- Stage ends when all players are dead.

Reward Conditions :

- Normal Treasure box: Clear Boss Stage Round 3

- Hidden Treasure box:  Clear Boss Stage Round 4

※ You will resurrect automatically when you clear Round 3 and Round 4 bosses.

※ The participant’s stat will be balanced.

※ You can not use any type of hero and potion item.





After clearing Round 3, party leader can choose whether to go on to Round 4 or leave.

Stage entry count will be taken after Round 3 is cleared.

You can get rewards from the treasure box after clearing Round 3 and 4.









[Reward Info]




※ [Love of Friend], which can exchange Legend Pet accessories, can be acquired with very low probability in the Hidden Treasure Box!









 2-2. February Attendance Reward 



From February Update, you can earn 1 'Goddess Coin’ each time you attend before the next update.

30 Goddess Coins allow the exchange of 'Deep Twilight Box (Class-specific-Armour)' from 'Priestess of Darkness Canele' located in 'Sunset Watchtower'.















[3] Cash Shop










 3-1. Costume: Musician Costume 



- Pilot Costume Package will be removed and Musician Costume will be updated in February target.

- Musician Costume will be resold in Cash Shop. Get one and Hero title too! 














 3-2. Sweet Candy Wings/Tail/Decal and Spirit of Fire Accessories 


▶Sweet Candy Wings/Tail/Decal









▶Spirit of Fire Accessories 





- Pure Metallic Wings/Tail/Decal and Red Lotus Ring/Earring/Necklace will be removed in February target.

- Sweet Candy Wings/Tail/Decal and Spirit of Fire Accessories will be added in February target.









 3-3. Mount 3.0 : Somnium Luna and mount evolution system change 














◆ Somnium Luna has updated!

(1)  [Somnium Lunai] has updated in Mount evolution system. 

(2) The final evolution mount, <Guardian Somnium Luna>, is specialized in Critical.

(3) No longer can acquire and evolve [Blue, Blessed Blue, Holy Blue Unicorn] and [Pegasus, noble Pegasus, Goddess Blessed Pegasus].


◆ Improving the evolution of Mount 3.0 

(1)Mount has 100% chance to evolve to the next step without failure.

◎When disassembling Unicorns and Pegasus Level 1, 2 and 3, the gauge is set to pay the number of coins consumed to make each previous mounts. 

▶ Step 1: 1000 Gauge = 300 Coins

▶ Step 2: 4000 Gauge = 1200 Coins

▶ Step 3: 8000 Gauge = 2400 Coins


(2) You can purchase [Somnium Luna] with Lindsay token 600 at the NPC Trainer Lindsay.



(3) The existing [Holy Blue Unicorn] specifications have been raised.

◦ 1% of [Holy Blue Unicorn] attribute attacks were added.

◦ [Goddess Blessed Pegasus] Physical defense 6000 has been added.



(4) Changing the Pegasus icon (change image from the Medallion image to the Mount image)



(5) When disassembling evolution mount, acquirable disassemble gauge has been raised.

















 3-4. Mysterious Mount Box Change 



- Some mounts have added in Mysterious Mount Box. Please refer to below list.

- Demolition W01 (Special Wedding Edition) Medallion will be removed in February target. 

- During one month, Mysterious Mount Box price will be discounted to 3,000 Cash -> 2,000 Cash.

   Sales Period: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 after scheduled maintenance  ~ Wednesday, March 11, 2020 before scheduled maintenance 

- Mysterious Mount Box quantity that selling in cash shop will be changed in February target.

  Mysterious Mount Box 1 ea ▶ Mysterious Mount Box 1 ea

  Mysterious Mount Box 5 ea ▶ Mysterious Mount Box 10 ea









 3-5. Gosuk's Dreamy Grubby Key Box Limited Sales 



- Gosuk has brought Dreamy Grubby Key Box for 1 month! He would like to help you to collect all your dreams.

- Sales Period: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 after scheduled maintenance  ~ Wednesday, February 27, 2020 before scheduled maintenance 














 3-6. Thrifty Convenience Package comes back! 

- Long time no see. Thrifty Convenience Package comes back!

- Mystical Magic Wand will be added from February target. 



[Update as of 13th February]


Thrifty Convenience Package will be listed on the cash shop after 18th February due to technical issues. 

We apologize for making a delay and we will bring back the item as soon as possible.


[Update as of 18th February]


Thrifty Convenience Package is listed in the cash shop after finish 17th February scheduled maintenance.

Thank you for your kind understanding and waiting.