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EVENT Sincerely Thank you for 4th Anniversary Event Details (Revised on September 24) 09. 09. 2020 Views 9759

 Thanks 4th anniversary and Welcome Vandar! 

      Buff Event 



- FTG Recovery Potion (1,500) 2ea will be delivered through Special Storage, by account basis.

- Items are collectable from each Sunday, 00:00 to same Sunday, 2020 23:59 (PDT)

- Items that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

- Above level 95 character is eligible to receive the items.






      Congratulation! 4th Anniversary 


[Event Details]

- Items will be sent through Special Storage on September 28 00:00 (PDT)


- Event Item will be delivered through Special Storage, by account basis.

- Items are collectable from Monday, September 28, 2020 00:00 to Monday, September 28, 2020 23:59 (PDT)

- Items that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

- Above level 95 character is eligible to receive the items.

※ The above rewards will be sent to all accounts created before September 28th 00:00 (PDT), and only characters of level 95 can be received.








      Welcome Vandar! 

[Event Details]

- Items will be sent through Special Storage during the maintenance of Wednesday, September 9 (PDT)

- Only Vandar character can receive the present! 



▶Vandar Red Symbol Costume 



- Event Item will be delivered once, through Special Storage, by account basis.

  If Heroes delete the Vandar character, you cannot receive the items.

- Items are collectable until Wednesday, October 7, 23:00 (PDT).

- Items that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

- Only Vandar character is eligible to receive items.















 Are you ready to be the Legendary Hero? 

[Event Period]

- After September Update maintenance ~ Sunday, October 4, 2020 23:59 (PDT)



[Event Details]

- Clear the Dragon Nest with  Vandar character!


[Reward Date]

- During the maintenance of Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

- Rewards are collectable until Wednesday, October 14, 2020 23:00 (PDT)




- Event reward will be given by account basis, through Special Storage.

- Above 95 level character is eligible to participate the event.

- If Vandar character is not included in the party, the reward cannot not be obtained.  

- Heroes can participate in the event only once. Even if Heroes clear the nests several times, you can receive only one reward.

- Heroes must clear each gate. Heroes cannot receive rewards by entering the nest.

- Rewards that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

- Heroes can only receive event reward once, regardless of the level of difficulty clear.

 (For example, if [GM]Loren clears Forest Dragon Nest Hard difficulty on September 11

  and Forest Dragon Nest Normal difficulty on September 20, only she can receive reward 1 time for Forest Dragon Nest).










 Unlimited Power of Vandar! 


[Event Period]

- After maintenance of Wednesday, September 16, 2020 ~ Before Wednesday, October 14, 2020 23:00 (PDT)



[Event Details]

- Select one of three unlimited boxes, and clear 6 World Daily Missions!




- Unlimited Box will be sent through Special Storage, during the maintenance on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

- Unlimited Box will be given by account basis and above Level 95 character is eligible to receive.

- Items that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

- Heroes who participate the event by any in violation of the policy may result game sanctions.

- Unlimited Box will be deleted during the maintenance of Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

- Heroes cannot change Unlimited Box after selecting the box. 









 Geraint Gives Present for 4th Anniversary! 


[Event Period]

- After maintenance of Wednesday, September 16, 2020 ~ Before Wednesday, October 14, 2020 23:00 (PDT)



[Event Details]

- Clear the Mission Box and get Geraint Earring!

- Geraint Earring has no status at 0+, only 2 slots for Dragon Jade.



- September Geraint Mission Box Lv.1 will be sent through Special Storage, during the maintenance on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.

- Mission Box will be given by account basis and above Level 95 character is eligible to receive.

- Items that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

- Heroes who participate the event by any in violation of the policy may result game sanctions.

- Mission Box will be deleted during the maintenance of Wednesday, October 14, maintenance.









 Let People know that Vandar has updated in NA server! Extended! 


[Event Period]

- After Tweet has updated in the official Twitter ~ Before Sunday, September 20, 2020 23:59 (PDT)



[Event Details]

- Follow and RT the tweet in Twitter! If the tweet reaches 100 RT,

  there will be chance to get The Art of Dragon Nest, The History of Dragon Nest Book and Dimensional Rabbit USB!



[Tweet Link]


- Retweet this tweet!



*The Art of Dragon Nest Book and The History of Dragon Nest Book are written by Korean. 




▶The Art of Dragon Nest






▶The History of Dragon Nest





▶Dimensional Rabbit USB







- Only Dragon Nest NA Heroes can participate the event. (Must have an account in Dragon Nest NA)

- Winners must send information before Friday, September 25, 23:59 PDT through 1:1 inquiry  in Dragon Nest NA homepage or Twitter official account DM. 

- Even if the information is found to be incorrect after that period, it will not be redelivered.

 Please make sure to modify the incorrect information before due date (September 25).

- Eyedentity Games is not responsible for the any misinformation issue.

- Redelivery is not available in any cases.

- Winners must send the information through 1:1 inquiry or Twitter DM to official account  during the period above, and if the information has not provided within the period, the winning history may be canceled.

1) Recipient name

2) Mobile number / Contact number

3) Shipping Address (City, State/Province, Country, Zip code, Etc.)

4) Email address

5) IGN (In-Game Name)

- The collected delivery/personal information will be used for delivery purposes only and the data will be discarded one month after delivery finishes.

- The prize cannot be transferred to another person, and it is not available to exchange with cash equivalents or other prizes.

- Event Participation will be only 1 time per an account. If the same Hero wins multiple times, the winner may be canceled.

- Please provide all information only in the English. Non-English applications will not be accepted.

- Customs taxes on the delivery of prizes are liable to the recipient.

- Please understand that COVID-19 may disrupt the delivery service of each country and may cause unintended delivery delays.





[Reason for Winning/Selection Cancellation]

- In case of changing the IGN (In-Game Name) or deleting the participation details before the announcement date

- If you are sanctioned for violating the game operation policy, terms of use, and community operation policy

- If the intention to receive the prize (gift) is not clearly stated or in case of refusal

- If the required data is not provided within the deadline

- In case of unfair behavior (abuse) for the purpose of winning when participating in the event

- If you are an employee of an affiliate of Eyedentity Games















 Dragon Nest Writing Contest  Revised on September 24 

[Event Schedule] Extended! 

Event Period: ~ Saturday, September 27, 2020 23:59 (PDT)

Winners Announce date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 23:59 (PDT)

Winners Address Send Due Date: Sunday, October 4, 2020 23:59 (PDT)

Address Confirmation Date: ~ Sunday, October 11, 2020 23:59 (PDT)



[Event Page]

- Send Mention (@Dragonnest) to above link’s tweet!



[Event Details]

- Make an syllable poem with Vandar’s Spelling! ( V / A / N / D / A / R )

- Please refer to the example.

V ery

A mazing character, Vandar he is,

N ow he visited to

D ragon Nest!

A re you

R eady to enjoy?

- Upload your poem in [Post Reply] in below Forum page! 

  Please make sure your IGN should be contained in your comment. 

(※ If you cannot access or write Post Reply in Forum page, please give us 1:1 inquiry with your Forum ID) 




[Forum Page]





*For 1st Winner, Winner's IGN will be changed during the maintenance of Wednesday, October 7. 



▶Berlin Doll 







- Only Dragon Nest NA Heroes can participate the event. (Must have an account in Dragon Nest NA)

- Only English is available to participate the event.

 Other languages, such as Korean, Japanese, French and others will not be available to participate.

- Please make sure write IGN when Hero participates the event.

- Winners must send information before Sunday, October 4, 23:59 PDT through 1:1 inquiry or Twitter DM in Dragon Nest NA homepage.

- Even if the information is found to be incorrect after that period, it will not be redelivered.

 Please make sure to modify the incorrect information before due date (October 11).

- Eyedentity Games is not responsible for the any misinformation issue.

- Redelivery is not available in any cases.

- Winners must send the information through 1:1 inquiry or Twitter DM during the period above, and if the information has not provided within the period, the winning history may be canceled.

1) Recipient name

2) Mobile number / Contact number

3) Shipping Address (City, State/Province, Country, Zip code, Etc.)

4) Email address

5) IGN (In-Game Name)

- The collected delivery/personal information will be used for delivery purposes only and the data will be discarded one month after delivery finishes.

- The prize cannot be transferred to another person, and it is not available to exchange with cash equivalents or other prizes.

- Event Participation will be only 1 time per an account. If the same Hero wins multiple times, the winner may be canceled.

- Please provide all information only in the English. Non-English applications will not be accepted.

- Customs taxes on the delivery of prizes are liable to the recipient.

- Please understand that COVID-19 may disrupt the delivery service of each country and may cause unintended delivery delays.



[Reason for Winning/Selection Cancellation]

- In case of changing the IGN (In-Game Name) or deleting the participation details before the announcement date

- If you are sanctioned for violating the game operation policy, terms of use, and community operation policy

- If the intention to receive the prize (gift) is not clearly stated or in case of refusal

- If the required data is not provided within the deadline

- In case of unfair behavior (abuse) for the purpose of winning when participating in the event

- If you are an employee of an affiliate of Eyedentity Games










 Special two Packages Coupon 


      4th Anniversary Package Discount Coupon 

- Coupon 1ea will be sent through Special Storage per an account.

- Price: 36,000 EYET (Only purchase available by EYET)


- Available to receive before Wednesday, October 7, 23:00 (PDT) from Special Storage. 

- The expiration date is 7 days from the date of receipt.




      Vandar Package Discount Coupon 

- Coupon 1ea will be sent through Special Storage per an account.

- Only Vandar Character can receive the coupon! 

- Price: 18,900 EYET (Only purchase available by EYET)


▶Vandar awakening Costume (Rare Grade)


- Available to receive before Wednesday, October 7, 23:00 (PDT) from Special Storage. 

- The expiration date is 7 days from the date of receipt.









 Special EYET Top-up Promotion for 4th ANNIVERSARY 

[Event Period]

- Thursday, September 10, 2020 00:00 (PDT) ~ Tuesday, September 22, 2020 23:59 (PDT)



[Event Details]

- Charge EYET and receive reward



[Reward Date]

- During Wednesday, September 23 maintenance (PDT)



- This promotion is based on charge (top-up) EYET only.

- Rewards will be given by account basis and available to participate 1 time.

- Rewards that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed.

- Promotion rewards are accumulative.

- Rewards are collectable until Wednesday, September 30, 2020 23:00 (PDT)








 One more time! Extended to get Conversion Armor 

[Event Period]

- After maintenance of Wednesday, September 2, 2020 ~ Wednesday, September 16, 2020 23:00 (PDT)



[Event Details]

- 1 week extended to purchase Conversion Armor Box











 GM Gosuk is seeking for a chance to comeback 


 [Event Period]

- After September Update maintenance ~ Wednesday, October 7, 2020 23:00 (PDT)


[Event Details]

- GM Gosuk is selling Special and Luxurious Packages for Grubby Key Package!

- Only purchase available with EYET 










 DNP Reset 

- All of the DNP will be removed on Wednesday, September 9, during the Update Maintenance as a monthly DNP reset Policy.

This includes the DNP Vouchers as well, so please make sure you purchase as many items as possible with your DNP before the Update date.

- Reset Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 During Update Maintenance