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UPDATE [Patchnote] December Patchnote -2 12. 09. 2020 Views 8528

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[Patchnote] December Patchnote - 1

9. New Heraldry [Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry] Added



[2] Changes/additions

1. Sunset Cloister Changes

2. Fission Maze Changes

3. Deep Abyss of Nightmare Improvements

4. Dungeon Soft Renewal for Our Heroes

5. Unused Points Removed

6. Labyrinth 6F+ New Monsters Added

7. New Guild Mission Added

8. Guild Mission Restructuring

9. Deep Abyss (Nightmare) Reward Change

10. Improve growth and acquisition experience

11. Other



[3] Balance

1. Skill Cooldown Changes: Effect-related Changes

2. December Skill Balancing - PvE

3. December Skill Balancing – PvP

4. Homogenizing the Duration of 3 Debuffs



[4] Event

1. EVENT - Sea Fishing

2. December Attendance Event

3. Hands-on with Dragon Nest!

4. Other



[5] Cash Shop

1. December Costume: Christmas Costume
2. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update
  - Frostheart W/T/D
3. Cash Shop 
  - High Purity Vendure Core

4. Others











 1-9. New Heraldry [Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry] Added 

◆ Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry Added

※ Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry, a result of the second farming restructuring, has been added as a follow-up to Vibrant Dragon Jade, which was updated in September.

※ As with Vibrant Dragon Jade, Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry gives a sense of explosive growth and the equipment’s improved growth limits.












◆ Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry Details



※ Disassembly of new Enhancement Heraldry will yield Contaminated Tetrastone Fragments.

※ Disassembly of Enhancement Heraldry with an added final damage stat value of 686 or higher can yield a much larger amount of Contaminated Tetrastone Fragments.







◆ Main Item Information










◆ Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry Default Stats Details










◆ Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry Additional Stat Details











◆ Stage Reward Restructuring

※ Stage rewards were also restructured with the addition of Vibrant Enhancement Heraldry.

※ The number of Golden Boxes among stage clear selection boxes has been changed to 1.








※ Disassembly of new Enhancement Heraldry will yield Contaminated Tetrastone Fragments.

※ Disassembly of Enhancement Heraldry with an added final damage stat value of 686 or higher can yield a much larger amount of Contaminated Tetrastone Fragments.











◆ Stage Shop Restructuring

※ New items have been added to the Stage Shop accessed through the Priestess of Darkness.










◆ Special Enhancement Heraldry Boxes Added

※ Special Enhancement Heraldry Boxes can be acquired at a low rate from Vibrant Heraldry Pouches and High Grade Vibrant Heraldry Pouches.

※ Special Enhancement Heraldry Boxes are mission box items from which Special Enhancement Heraldry of a specific type can be acquired.









◆ Other Changes

※ The Lapis once acquired as a reward for Normal, Target, Treasure, Frontal Breakthrough, and Companion missions has been changed to Catseye.

※ You can purchase Catseye from Merchant Kelly's Shop in Saint Haven.

※ You can also purchase Catseye from the Crystal Point Shop.

※ You can exchange Lapis for Catseye in Merchant April's Shop in Merca's Heart.

※ Among the mission rewards for clearing World Daily Task stages, Battle Enhanced Heraldry (Heroic) Box x2 has been changed to Vibrant Heraldry Pouch x1.

※ Enhancement Heraldry has been removed from Hero Exploration rewards.













[2] Changes/additions

 2-1. Sunset Cloister Changes 




[Sunset Cloister Changes]



▶ In Sunset Cloister, [Sealed Blood Moon Dragon Jade] can be acquired at a low rate instead of [Sealed Dreamy Dragon Jade].













 2-2. Fission Maze Changes 

▶ The effect color of the [Schisms] that attack heroes in the Fission Maze has been changed because it was obscured by the Labyrinth.

▶ We changed the BGM to increase the tension in a manner matching the challenging Fission Maze content.












 2-3. Deep Abyss of Nightmare Improvements 



We added the following to make Nightmare gameplay even more enjoyable!



▶ An additional Bonus KILL count is randomly generated for killing powerful enemies (on top of the +50 KILL count provided by default).

You can get anywhere from 0 to a +300 KILL count!



▶ Applies across Deep Abyss (Nightmare 1, 2).












 2-4. Dungeon Soft Renewal for Our Heroes 

The annoyance of doors taking too long to open.

The inconvenience of being unable to attack until a pattern is complete.

Irritating monster attacks.



We have made improvements to eliminate these minor aspects that combine to increase the uncomfortable elements of dungeons, causing fatigue and frustration!



Our new improvements were made to ensure that our heroes can fully enjoy the fun of Dragon Nest without sacrificing the individual character of each dungeon.

We will continue to update our heroes on the improvements we make along the way through patch notes.









◆ Sea of Sand Dust

▶ Zone 1 - Zone 2

We changed the monster's scattered appearance locations at the beginning and reduced the unnecessarily

long appearance time to continue the flow of the battle.



▶ Zone 3

We judged that the 3-minute countdown event of the Sandstorm pattern was not suitable considering the current stage play time limit.

We therefore changed it to a basic battle pattern and made it so a large number of monsters appear, allowing players to feel the pleasure of mass slaughter.

We also revised the message and script.



▶ Zone 4

We changed the location where monsters appear at the same time to the center so that they can be targeted in a concentrated fashion.



▶ Zone 5

We minimized the cut scene time.

We also removed the whirlwind so that characters cannot be hit by it at the end of battle.








◆Shadow Grave

▶ All

We added and organized effects and messages appearing for the petrification debuff and petrification removal buff acquisition patterns (the gimmick of this stage)

so that players can visually and directly notice when they have become petrified.



▶ Zone 2

We increased the grade of the monsters to match the concept of summoning powerful monsters.



▶ Boss Zone

Improved the special attack pattern that came out too quickly and was used too frequently so that it is now used at an appropriate time.












◆ Serpentra Nest

▶ Entrance

Fixed the movement of the boat after the cut scene ends to make it more natural.



▶ Stage 1

Groups of Ghouls, Spitflowers, and Cyclops no longer appear because they ran away. Fairies remain unchanged.

There is now a certain chance of the crater tread pattern not activating and the Three Lizardman Brothers appearing immediately.

Changed the gauge amount in the crater tread pattern so that it fluctuates based on the number of characters entering.

As the Stage 1 pattern has been simplified, the HP of the Three Lizardman Brothers has increased.



▶ Stage 4

During special attack patterns, the HP of appearing Spit Flowers decreases by 1% every 3 seconds.



▶ Boss Zone

The gauge increases slightly during special attack patterns.











 2-5. Unused Points Removed 

- We have removed 7 types of points that are no longer in use.



- Points removed:

[Combined] Stage Points, [Combined] Nest Points, [Combined] Nightmare Points, Slayer Points

Alliance Points - Golden Goose, Alliance Points - Cassius, Alliance Points - Free Adventurer





























 2-6. Labyrinth 6F+ New Monsters Added 

- Added a new monster named “Golden Goblin” that has a certain chance of appearing in stages on Labyrinth 6F+ difficultly.

 This monster drops 100 gold 100% of the time when defeated and this gold has designated ownership (meaning it can be acquired individually by each character).










 2-7. New Guild Mission Added 


• 3 new guild missions have been added.







 2-8. Guild Mission Restructuring 

We're trying to alleviate the burden of guild growth by increasing the delivery number of hunting guild missions and reducing the delivery number of living guild missions.





•[Nest Hunting] The number of deliveries for each stage of the guild mission has been increased.

•[Cultivation] [Fishing] [Cooking] [Collecting] We have lowered the number of delivery for guild missions.










 2-9. Deep Abyss (Nightmare) Reward Change 

•465 gold (465 Hero's Gold Coin) has been added to [Nightmare] Living Darkness.

•The reward for defeating Deep Abyss (Nightmare) boss monster has been changed from Talisman to the item required for the guild mission, 'REM Sleep Memory'.













 2-10. Improve growth and acquisition experience 



• Catastrophe – Red Lotus Palace Reward Improvement

– The number of Catastrophe Dryobalanops that can be obtained when cleraring 'Catastrophe - Red Lotus Palace' has been changed

so that you can get 1 or 5 with a low probability, and 100 with a very low probability from fixed 1.




• Sealed Dreamy Dragon Jade Craft Improvement

–The required number of fragments of the Sealed Dreamy Dragon Jade that can be obtained through blacksmith craft has been lowered from 300 to 89.















 2-11. Other 


■ Constellation Stone (Treasure) drop rate has been reduced.



■ [Stormbreaker Weapon Boxes] now may include costumes for the Vandar class.



■ Guild Badge and Title Changes

- The purchase cost of Guild Badges and Guild Titles has changed.

- Guild Badges have been revised to only be displayed in towns, the World Zone, and the Farm and Hot Spring.



■ Guild Mission Reset Time Changed

- The Guild Mission reset time has been changed from Saturday at 9AM to the end of the season.










[3] Balance

 3-1. Skill Cooldown Changes: Effect-related Changes 



Among skill and item effects, we have revised the process for a skill's reuse wait time, the cooldown, to be stacked.



If two or more cooldown change effects stack for a particular skill, the ultimate value will be the product of the stacked values multiplied.



Previously, cooldown values were overwritten by the most recently applied effect, but many cases emerged where cooldown change effects stacked, such as was the case after character balance patches, remakes, and with Skill Dragon Jade (Dreamy/Blood Moon), and Skill Heraldry.



Because the existing structure was not intuitive and did not match the general trend of recent patches, we changed the overall structure.









 3-2. December Skill Balancing – PvE 

















 3-3. December Skill Balancing – PvP 







- Please note that there was a skill reset done for Treasure Hunter, Duelist and Trickster during Update Patch on December 10th.









 3-4. Homogenizing the Duration of 3 Debuffs 



- Decreased attribute resistance

- Increased received damage

- Decreased critical resistance



The duration of all debuffs given by the above skills has been unified to 30 seconds (applies only to PvE.)














[4] Event

 4-1. EVENT – Sea Fishing 



◆ December Sea Fishing


1. Sea Fishing Open!


Tired of hunting? The fishing event is back!!

Who will become the [Legend of the Sea] for catching the most fish this time?




[Fishing Location Info]

Saint Haven 5 O’Clock Direction Event Stage ▶ Bonus Island Fishing Ground








What is sea fishing?

Unlike fishing in the farm district, this is a fishing competition that can only be entered during the event period.



1. Heroes at Lv 24 or higher who have learned [Secondary Skill] - [Fishing Skill] can fish in the sea for 30 minutes per account at the Bonus Island Fishing Ground.

2. Fish caught in the sea fishing zone will be calculated in ranking information, and heroes ranking in the top 10 for most catches will get a reward.

3. New rankings will be calculated at the end of each season, and rewards will be distributed by mail at 9am.



• One season is divided into two sessions. (Please refer to the schedule table for more details.)

• 30 minutes per account per season.







[How to Play Sea Fishing]






[Sea Fishing Timer]


[Sea Fishing Entry]


[Special Features Unique to Sea Fishing]


When you fish in the sea, you can catch really big ocean fish!


Catching big ocean fish grants special effects.




* Wait a minute!


Q: How do you know how many fish you've caught in the current season?

A : In the upper right-hand corner, you will see the sum total of the fish sizes you've caught this season.


- The marks indicating fish size additions will remain for only one season and will be reset at the start of the next season.




[Sea Fishing-exclusive NPC]

You can see ranking information and purchase fishing-related tools from ‘Fishing King Salman,’ an NPC dedicated to Sea Fishing in the [Farm and Hot Spring] located in [the southwestern part of Saint Haven].







[Sea Fishing Rankings]

After speaking with ‘Fishing King Salman,’ select [View Sea Fishing Rank] to check ranking information.


Special rewards will be given to those ranked in the top 10 in terms of the [number of fish] and [total size] caught during the [season].


He also sells [fishing poles] and [bait], so hurry up and start fishing!


















[Sea Fishing Rewards]

- You can get the following rewards for ranking in the top 10 during the return of the Sea Fishing event.






[Pouch From The Sea Contents]

- When you open a Pouch From The Sea, you will randomly acquire one of the items below.

- Pouches From The Sea will be deleted in full during the next update, even if they are unused.














 4-2. December Attendance Event 

Players will get one 'Goddess Coin' as an attendance reward with each daily login from December maintenance until the next update.

You can exchange 30 Goddess Coins for a ‘Deep Twilight Box (Class-exclusive Armor)’ through ‘Priestess of Darkness Canele’, located in ‘Sunset Watchtower’.

You can exchange 3 Goddess Coins for a 'Goddess Heraldry' in the 'Skill Heraldry Shop' > 'Goddess Heraldry' tab.











 4-3. Hands-on with Dragon Nest! 


[EVENT] Storm of Time and Space has changed.


December [EVENT] Storm of Time and Space - Hands-on with Dragon Nest! -


- Awaken the soul sleeping within your memories to defeat Apocalypse!

- A total of 12 types of spirits will choose among you.

- However, you may not be chosen due to the whims of these souls.

- The powers of light and darkness have been sealed by the evil intentions of Apocalypse!

- If two spirits come into contact with one another, the transformation will be canceled due to the impact of the collision.

  *Make sure you are selected by a new soul when the transformation has been canceled!















 4-4. Other  


■ Gigantes Nest Special Event Closed

- Existing nest co-op/alliance missions will reappear.

- Gigantes Nest co-op/alliance mission rewards have been made the same as other existing nests.

- Gigantes Mission Boxes have been removed in full.













[5] Cash Shop

 5-1. December Costume: Christmas Costume 



▶Costume Look






▶ Weapon Look





▶ Status 









 5-2. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update 



▶ Frostheart Wings/Tail/Decal Look






▶ Frostheart Wings/Tail/Decal Status










 5-3. Cash Shop 

▶High Purity Vendure Core 

- High Purity Vendure Core 1ea Pouch and 5ea Pouch have added to Cash Shop.









 5-4. Others 

- Black Friday Promotion tap will be removed from December Patch. 

- Gesture will be sold at normal price in Cash Shop from December patch. (4,000 -> 5,000 EYET)