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UPDATE [Patchnote] March 2021 Patchnote 02. 22. 2021 Views 20659



[1] Update





1. Chapter 18 Will-o'-the-Wisp in a Nest

2. Plentiful Gold Trove Nest

3. Plentiful Gold Trove Nest Commemorative First Clear Event

4. Heavenly Minos Armor

5. Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor

6. Minos Armor (Duplicate)

7. New Minos Accessories

8. Vibrant Talisman






[2] Balance





2-1. Skill Balancing PVP

2-2. Skill Balancing PVE










[3] Changes/Additions





1. Rare Merchant Shop

2. Character Stat [Critical] Max Stat Mark Normalization

3. [Beginner’s Guide] [Deep Abyss of Nightmare] TIP Revisions

4. [Enhance Dragon Jade] System Message Revisions

5. [Vandar Main Quest Chapter 3] Completion Phrase Revisions

6.Revision of [Catastrophe] Red Lotus Palace Rewards

7. Vibrant Dragon Jade and Talisman of Destruction Icon Image Changes

8. Other






[4] Event




1. Everyone’s Banquet

2. March Attendance Event

3. Other







[5] Cash shop




1. March Costume:  [Returned] Vernicka Costume (Bold Vernica Blue/Red Package)

2. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update
 - Sweet Love Vernica W/T/D, necklace + (Costume transformation info)

3. Noble Vernicka Spirit (Growth)

4. Dye color added on the cash shop

5. Prime VIP Accessories & Hammer Update (3rd Enhancement Hammer Added to VIP Accessory Box

6. Pet Name Change Card added on the cash shop

7. Other









[1] Update



1-1. Chapter 18 Will-o'-the-Wisp in a Nest

※ The Chapter 18 Main QuestWill-o'-the-Wisp in a Nest has been updated.









[Accept Quest]







※ The first Chapter 18 quest can be accepted by speaking with the NPC Head Merchant Jamihwa in Red Lotus Palace Main Street.

※ Chapter 18 [Will-o'-the-Wisp in a Nest] can only be played after completing every quest in Chapter 17 [Setting a Trap].











Mistland Chapter 4: Owner of the Best Hand

※ The Chapter 4 Main QuestOwner of the Best Hand has been updated.







[Accept Quest]






※ The first Chapter 4 quest can be accepted by speaking with the NPC Healer Kanna in Red Lotus Palace Main Street.

※ Chapter 4 [Owner of the Best Hand] can only be played after completing every quest in Chapter 3 [Unshakable Chains].









1-2. Plentiful Gold Trove Nest





 [Taeryeong Shrine]





In order to enjoy the atmosphere while performing political affairs, Hwaran, who is well versed in the arts, decided to make an audience room above the artificial pond.


The workers of Red Lotus Palace, who were awed by her great majesty, clamored to take part in the construction of this chamber, which would be known as Taeryeong Shrine.


Many visitors given permission to enter Taeryeong Shrine couldn't stop smiling as they dreamed of having such riches of their own someday.


With the magnificent presence of Taeryeong Shrine, nights in Red Lotus Palace shone even more brilliantly.


However, like shadows under a lamp, rumors slowly spread beneath these vibrant lights of Taeryeong Shrine.


It is said that some of the workers who applied to take part in the construction of Taeryeong Shrine went missing and those who went looking for them also disappeared.


People now squirm to avoid making eye contact with Hwaran.


It is said Hwaran has a secret hideaway inside Taeryeong Shrine, and that there are footprints leading in, but none leading out...



















  [Contaminated Waterway] 



The water flowing from the Sohyang river dam


flowed into the underground waterway leading to the treasure vault.


Mice hybrids who saw to menial tasks under the command of Hwaran carried treasure to the treasure vault along the waterway.


 One is liable to get lost in the complicated waterway, so it has become the graveyard of many the treasure hunter seeking great fortune.




because a mouse hybrid accidentally dropped two eggs, it also houses some vicious creatures.


Having made a home for themselves in the underground waterway, these vicious creatures who will eat anything they see, even their own kind, are competing with one another to hunt you down.





















[Plentiful Gold Trove Entrance] 



A huge door is visible upon climbing the steps out of the underground waterway...


It must be the entrance to the Plentiful Gold Trove and its enormous piles of treasure...


But is it just your imagination, or is the statue standing at the entrance trembling slightly?


Hopefully, nothing else happens and the party can escape here safely.













 [Inside the Plentiful Gold Trove] 







"Who the heck are you?"


The child's curious voice resonates as soon as she hears footsteps in the Plentiful Gold Trove.


Standing before you is a girl.


The girl opens her mouth to speak as you find yourself starring at the two long horns extending

from her forehead and the two creatures floating behind her.


"Are you here on an errand from Hwaran? If so, I welcome you."


The girl approaches with a big smile and reaches out her hand, but at that very moment huge dragons emerge through the ground and roar loudly.


"Huh? Steelie says you didn't get permission! You tricked me!"


The girl clenches her fist, and the two floating creatures clench their firsts to mimic her.


Assuming a battle stance, her innocent voice shouts loud enough to shake the heavens.


"You're so dead now!"





















 [Inside the Plentiful Gold Trove] 





The vault contains mountains of brilliant and valuable treasures, but those artifacts are not all.


There is a secret place where the holy relic the Cup of Healing is kept.


All the traps and devices in the treasure vault were designed to hide this very place.


The aim is to ensure that even those who have overcome many hardships to reach their goal are blinded by the gold

in front of them and miss the real treasure.


You will come to face the eyes of the last guardian who breaks the silence here,


where a reverent and calm atmosphere pervades.


The one who faces those abyssal eyes


will succumb to her embrace and meet their eternal end...















Entry Information




1. Location: Taeryeong Shrine, Plentiful Gold Trove Nest Entrance Gate

2. Access Route: [Town] Red Lotus Palace Main Street → [World Zone] Taeryeong Shrine


3. Entry Level: Lv.95+

4. Entry Capacity: 5 - 8 people


5. Entry Difficulty: Labyrinth 17F

6. Entry Ticket Item: [Certified Finest Stone Jade] x 1


7. Clears Per Week: 1

8. Weekly Mid-Stage Rewards: 1

9. Revives Available: 0 (Revival upon clearing a stage)












[Entry Ticket Acquisition]



•Red Lotus Palace Main Street In front of Taeryeong Shrine Gate
Entry Tickets can be purchased at <Royal Guard Okhwan>’s [Treasure Shop].








Entry Ticket Info

- Can be used once daily after acquiring Certified Finest Stone Jade










■ Plentiful Gold Trove Nest Rewards



- Defeat the bosses for each stage in Plentiful Gold Trove Nest to obtain the stage rewards within.

- Defeat Black Specter Jackal at the last stage of Plentiful Gold Trove Nest to obtain the final reward.











■ Treasure Shop


- The Treasure Shop can be accessed by speaking with Royal Guard Okhwan, who is located in Taeryeong Shrine, Red Lotus Palace Main Street.













1-3. ■ Mission



• 4 Clear Missions and 9 Challenge Missions added in connection with the [Plentiful Gold Trove Nest]

• Achieve the special conditions and clear every mission!











■ Title Collection




• Collect all the titles that can be obtained in [Plentiful Gold Trove Nest],

to complete the Title Collection and acquire titles with collected title effects.












 The first 8 attack teams that clear [Plentiful Gold Trove] will get the [Plentiful Gold Trove] title as an event reward.













1-4.  Heavenly Minos Armor





-New armor [Heavenly Minos Armor] and [Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor] added. (Helmet/Gloves/Shoes/Earrings)

-These can be crafted by evolving [Minos Armor] using [Heavenly Minos Souls].

-Additional stats will be added when [Heavenly Minos Armor] is crafted.

-The additional stats of [Heavenly Minos Armor] can be changed using [Unstable Heavenly Aura].

-[Skill Effects] are added to Heavenly Minos Armor. (Applies to PvE)

-All skills possess the [Additional Damage] effect.

-Contained in helmets/gloves/shoes and can be stacked.














◆ Armor Info












◆ Armor Set Effects











◆ Armor Stats

- Enhancing earrings increases attack power.













◆ Additional stats added with crafting of Heavenly Minos Armor

- These are the additional stats added with the crafting of Heavenly Minos Armor or use of Unstable Aura.












◆ Heavenly Minos Soul




- [Heavenly Minos Soul] has been added to [Blacksmith - Craft Item – Set Equipment] for each character and armor part.

- [Heavenly Minos Soul] can be acquired for each character and armor part using the blacksmith Craft Item feature.





※ This bead is an example. You need 1 type of bead matching the applicable job when crafting.










◆ Cube (Treasure)


- The ability to craft Cubes (Treasure) needed for crafting [Heavenly Minos Soul] has been added to [Blacksmith - Craft Item – Common Goods].


















1-5. Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor



◆ Characteristics



- [Heavenly Minos Armor] can be evolved into [Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor] using [Heavenly Aura].

- Adds an additional stat of +5% attack power to [Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor].

- Additional stats can be changed using [Unstable Heavenly Aura].

- The [Heavenly Aura] set is made up of 4 items: a helmet, gloves, shoes, and an accessory.

- Additional stats are maintained when evolving [Heavenly Minos Armor] into [Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor].

- Has the same set effect as [Heavenly Minos Armor].














◆ Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor Stats











◆ Item Info (Evolver/Converter)





   - The additional stats of Heavenly Minos equipment added upon crafting can be changed using Unstable Heavenly Aura.

    - The changed additional stats will be the same as the additional stats randomly assigned when crafting Heavenly Minos Armor.


















1-6. Minos Armor (Duplicate)










◆ Characteristics



- Untradable Minos Armor can be acquired through disassembly of Devotion/Insight/Heavenly/Amplified Heavenly Armor.

- Disassembly of enhanced equipment yields Minos Armor with the same enhancement value.

- Disassembly of Devotion/Insight yields 1 High Grade Celestone, while disassembly of Heavenly/Amplified Heavenly yields 2 High Grade Celestones.



















1-7. Minos Armor (Duplicate) New Minos Accessories







◆ Characteristics






- The new items Minos Earrings/Minos Earrings (Duplicate) have been added.

- They can be crafted into Heavenly Minos Accessories, and can be further crafted into Amplified Heavenly Minos Earrings using Green Heavenly Aura (Earrings).

- Heavenly/Amplified Heavenly Earrings can equip up to 2 Dragon Jades.

- Minos Earrings can only be purchased in the Minos Shop.




















1-8. Vibrant Talisman






■ Talisman Info


-A total of 9 different types of Patch Talismans have been added.

-The Unidentified Vibrant Talisman [can be crafted] by combining Deep Abyss Nightmare and Fission Maze rewards.
[Use this as an item] to acquire a Vibrant Talisman (Magic Grade).











■ Main Item Information










■ Disassembly Info


-[Vibrant Talisman Powder] can be acquired upon disassembly of a Vibrant Talisman.

















■ Related Item Crafting Ability Added



-Vibrant Talisman-related items were added to the Craft Item (Blacksmith) [Craft Dragon Jade/Talismans] tab to enable crafting.

-The Unidentified Vibrant Talisman [can be crafted] by combining Deep Abyss Nightmare and Fission Maze rewards.
[Use this as an item] to acquire a Vibrant Talisman (Magic Grade).


















■[Deep Abyss Nightmare] Rewards Revised


-Rewards can be obtained from 1F and up within the Labyrinth. The higher the difficulty, the higher the drop rate.

-Defeat boss monsters or champion monsters to get [Nightmare Fragments], a material needed to craft [Unidentified Vibrant Talismans].

-Defeating boss monsters or champion monsters can also yield [Eyes of Nightmare], but at a very low drop rate.

-Other rewards remain as before.








■[Fission Maze] Rewards Revised


-[Maze Fragments], a material needed to craft [Unidentified Vibrant Talismans], can also be acquired as a weekly reward.

-Rewards can be obtained from 9F and up within the Labyrinth. The higher the difficulty, the higher the rate.

-[Hero EXP Potions] have been removed from rewards.

-Other rewards remain as before.










■Nightmare Shop added to Priestess of Darkness Grisini


-[Maze Fragments] can be purchased and the number that can be purchased has been set to a weekly tally.

-[Sap of Life] can be purchased.
















[2] Balance














2-1. Skill Balancing PVE









Class Mastery Ⅱ

Soul Cutter’s cooldown no longer recovers upon hitting Step Blade.

Dash Combo is added to Soul Cutter Instant activation condition.

Adjusted Soul Cutter Instant’s action and attack range.

The final attack is casted immediately and reflects the maximum damage of Soul Cutter.


 ※ Dash Combo was added as a starter because the Step Blade connection was not smooth at close range.

Action was also modified to complement the usability of the Instant skills.







Elastra (Elestra)



Class Mastery Ⅲ

Icy Shards’ damage increase effect was adjusted.


- Icy Shards used in conjunction with Glacial Spike Damage Increase 50%

- Increased the damage of 2nd Icy Shards 50% → 75%


※ We had increased the damage adjustment of 1st and 2nd step due to 3rd step of Icy Shards being too risky if cooldown is not stacked enough.



Glacial Field

-Reduced the duration of frozen area, and when it summons, it causes high damage to the enemy and then dissipates.

-100% chance to inflict [Frozen] status for 10 seconds to targets damaged by the maximum size of the field.




[Awakened Passive] Ice Sphere

- Gain 3 [Bitter Cold Thorns] when using the Glacial Field.

- Ice Sphere is enhanced to [Awakened] Ice Sphere while [Bitter Cold Thorns] are maintained, and 1 [Bitter Cold Thorns] is consumed when used.

-[Awakened] Ice Sphere :  Shoots out giant ice spike in front. Targets become [Frozen] upon hit.

※ The agenda is to improve the usability of [Awakened] Ice Spheres and to ease frame drops.








Laser Ray

-Increased Super Armor defense

※ Fixed an intermittent problem that abnormally reduced Super Armor defense when casting the skill to enhance laser by holding the [Normal Attack Button







Soul Steal

Decreased the attack range

Increased cooldown

- 12 sec → 40 sec



Adjust HP recovery amount

- 12% of Maximum HP (recovery amount increases as skill levels up)



Land Corruption

Increased buff duration

- 3 sec → 6 sec

Adjust HP recovery amount

- 1600 per hit → 0.5% of Max HP



Increased default attack power at the maximum level

- 1080% → 1305%








Mechanic Gatling Gun

Increased default attack power at the maximum level.

- 1580% → 1839%



Mechanic Cannon

Increased default attack power at the maximum level.

- 840% → 988%



Mechanic Ice Pump

Increased default attack power at the maximum level.

- 2135% → 2413%





Gear Master



Mechanic Chainsaw

Increased default attack power at the maximum level.

 - 4227% → 5036%




Flag Cannon

Increased ATK.

- 12702% → 15243%



[Awakened Passive] Mecha Duck

When using [Enhanced] Mecha Bomb, Mecha Duck is summoned to the user’s position.







Magma Wave

Decreased default attack power at the maximum level.

- 3461% → 3296%






Class Mastery

Increased the Fire and Ice Attribute ATK rates.

- 20% → 25%



Elemental Flair

Increased ATK.

-18370% → 21884%






Class Mastery    

Decreased the ATK rate when Alchemy Bubbles are created.

- 13% → 5%



Slime Pool

Decreased cooldown.

- 35 sec → 30 sec



Poison Strike

Increased ATK.

- 16750% → 18950%






Phantom’s Avenger


-Duration of Attack Speed buff is set to 35 sec at all skill levels.

-Buff effect is now applied immediately after using the Phantom’s Avenger.





Dark Summoner


Class Mastery Ⅱ

Revenge Hand Instant is modified slightly.


※ This is an agenda to solve the problem of not being able to attack enemies intermittently when using the Revenge Hand as an Instant.




Shattering Hand


Increased attack power.

- 12108% → 26700%



Blade Dancer



Elegant Storm

Some skills can now be used in conjunction with Elegance Storm while wearing Blood Moon Jade.

- Linked Skills : Ghost Kick, Refreshing Screw, Gust Dementia









Can no longer be used by canceling with other action.


Phase Blade

Can now generate quark by using Execution skill.


Class Mastery

Can now reduce the cooldown of Requiem with the use of Execution.


[Awakened Passive] Duelist

 Adjust the skill requirement.

- Lightning Rod level 1 → 11, Execution level 12








2-2. Skill Balancing PVP







Increased cooldown.

-8 sec → 10 sec



Monkey Catch

Increased cooldown.

-15 sec → 35 sec



Silver Hunter


Silver Hunter no longer decreases the cooldown for [Holy Power] skills upon transformation.


Moment Evasion

Increased cooldown.

- 15 sec → 30 sec






Ice Sphere

Added ATK on ice ball.

- ATK of ice ball is as the same as the ATK of ice spike.



Glacial Field

- Reduced the duration of frozen area, and when it summons, it causes strong damage to the enemy and then dissipates.

- 100% chance to inflict [Frozen] status for 3 seconds to targets damaged by the maximum size of the field.




[Awakened Passive] Ice Sphere

 - Achieve 3 [Bitter Cold Thorns] when using the Glacial Field.

- Ice Sphere is enhanced to [Awakened] Ice Sphere while [Bitter Cold Thorns] are maintained, and three [Frozen Spikes] are consumed when used.

- [Awakened] Ice Sphere :  Shoots out giant ice spike in front. Targets become [Frozen] upon hit.

※ The agenda is to improve the usability of [Awakened] Ice Spheres and to ease frame drops.









Increased cooldown.

- 50 sec → 90 sec




Black Mara



Black Mara

Increased cooldown.

- 3 sec → 90 sec



Class Mastery

[Enhanced Contract] Increase skill’s resource consumption.

- 1 → 3





Phantom’s Avenger

- buff effect is applied immediately after using skill.








Can no longer be used by canceling other action.




Phase Blade

Can now generate quark by using Execution skill.




[Awakened Passive] Duelist

Modified the skill requirement

- Lightning Rod level 1 → 11, Execution level 12









[3] Changes/additions






■ 3-1. Rare Merchant Shop




The Rare Merchant who sells rare and diverse items has been set to appear.


-The Rare Merchant appears when you satisfy certain conditions.

-Hidden merchants can be found through the icon on the bottom right of the game screen.











-The Rare Merchant disappears when you move to another area or close the window without purchasing items, so it's best to buy any items you need when the Rare Merchant appears.

-After disappearing, the Rare Merchant will reappear once you meet the conditions again.

-If you purchase an item through the Rare Merchant and run out of [Remaining number of purchases], it will not appear again even if the conditions are met.

-The conditions and items sold by the Rare Merchant can change at any time.






























Among the item list that can be purchased at this Hidden Shop, 'Guild Honor Coins' is included.
When using the hidden shop, under the following cases are advised to pay attention to the purchase/use.




Case #1. 


When a character who does not belong to the guild purchases the guild Honor Coin' through the Hidden Shop, it is possible to purchase it normally, but the item will disappear when re-login.
→ In this case, we do not compensate for any reason through any operational ways.






Case #2.


When a character belonging to the guild purchases 'Guild Hornor Coins' through the Hidden Shop, it is possible to purchase them normally, but when leaving the guild, the purchased coins disappear automatically.
→ In this case, we do not compensate for any reason through any operational ways.












■ 3-2. Character Stat [Critical] Max Stat Mark Normalization





[Max Critical Limit] stat revised to display normally as [90%].











■ 3-3. [Beginner's Guide] [Deep Abyss of Nightmare] TIP Revisions



Revised the [Beginner’s Guide] [Deep Abyss of Nightmare] TIP content.










[Pre-revision text]


Enter [Nightmare Crack] through the [Silver Dragon's Forcefield] in [Saint Haven].
You can earn Talismans in the Deep Abyss of Nightmare and players with [Nightmare Missions] can get even better Talismans.





[Post-revision text]



Enter [Nightmare Crack] through the [Silver Dragon's Forcefield] in [Saint Haven].
You can earn even better Talismans when playing with players with [Nightmare Missions].








■ 3-4. [Ehhance Dragon Jade] System Message Revisions




Revised the system message displayed in the [Enhance Dragon Jade] menu.











[Pre-revision text]


Dragon Jade will not be destroyed when enhancement fails. You can also enhance equipped Dragon Jade.






[Post-revision text] 



Some Dragon Jade may be destroyed when enhancement fails. You can also enhance equipped Dragon Jade.









■ 3-5. [Vandar Main Quest Chapter 3] Completion Phrase Revisions




• The mission complete text displayed upon completing [Vandar]’s Chapter 3 Main Quest has been changed.

• Because a common story thread begins after Chapter 3, separate missions are no longer displayed.












[Pre-revision text]


Achieved upon completing the entire Vandar Main Quest






[Post-revision text] 


Achieved upon completing Vandar Main Quest Chapter 3












■ 3-6. Revision of [Catastrophe] Red Lotus Palace Rewards




-The rewards for clearing [Catastrophe] Red Lotus Palace have been improved.

• Increased the amount of Catastrophe Dryobalanops and Gold Lotus Crowns rewarded.












■ 3-7. Vibrant Dragon Jade and Talisman of Destruction Icon Image Changes



- Vibrant Dragon Jade and Talisman of Destruction icons were changed to more easily distinguish the characteristics of each item.

- Detailed icon and item information are introduced in the [Enhancement Dragon Jade] and [Talisman] categories of the Item Guide.


















■ 3-8. Others




■ World Weekly Tasks Added

-Plentiful Gold Trove Nest World Weekly Task have been added.


■ The obtained location info and descriptions of Magic Grade/Rare Grade Battle Enhancement Talismans have been removed from the Item Guide.


■ Magic Grade Hero's Enhancement Talisman/Epic Grade Enhancement Talisman of Destruction descriptions have been changed in the Item Guide.

















[4] Events





■4-1. Everyone's Banquet




After a long age of peace, the Dimensional Rift has been infiltrated by abyssal energy, a power distinct from that of chaos.

This is darkness, the oldest and most fundamental poison festering within the Goddess.

All the particles of darkness in the world have rushed into the Dimensional Rift

and are holding an exclusive banquet of their own.

The longer this feast continues, the greater the Goddess's nightmare grows.


"Please spoil their feast!"














[Entry Information]


• Entry level: Lv.93+

• Entry capacity: 1-2 people

• Weekly clear limit: 7

• No revives


※ An Everyone’s Banquet Entry Ticket is required.


















[Guide Quest]


• Remote Quest > [Lv.93] Everyone's Banquet







※ Press the shortcut key ‘U’ to open the Quest window, then click the ‘Remote Quest’ tab to receive.







[Stage Process]




<Stage Objective>


• Challenge to the highest floor to get better rewards.





<Stage Rules>


• Clearing normal stages restores player HP and MP

• Clearing boss stages revives dead players

• The stage ends if all players are annihilated.





<Reward Acquisition Conditions>


• First Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (4F)

• Second Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (7F)

• Third Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (11F)

• Final Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (12F)






[Stage Components]


• Entering a normal stage type brings you randomly to one of two random stages.

• The stage clear count increases after clearing 3F.








• Reward Info






















◆ Shop Info



• Everyone’s Banquet Shop can be accessed through the [Temple Knight Training Ground – Dimension Rabbit].

• There you can purchase [Ancient Element Enhancement Talismans] that increase All Attribute ATK.

• They initially come with a 0.5% All Attribute ATK stat value that can be developed to a maximum of 7.0%.

• Such development can be carried out using [Unstable Dimension Converters], [Dimension Converters], and [Higher Dimension Converters].

• Converters are consumed after a single use.


• The type of Converter that can be used depends on the current stat value of an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman]. Development proceeds as shown in the table below.



Example 1) Converting an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.20%] using an [Unstable Dimension Converter] develops it into an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.50%]

Example 2) Converting an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.50%] using an [Unstable Dimension Converter] develops it into an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 5.00%]

Example 3) Converting an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 6.30%] using a [Dimension Converter] develops it into an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 6.40%]

Example 4) Converting an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 6.90%] using a [Higher Dimension Converter] develops it into an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 7.00%]













■4-2. March Attendance Event




*Players will get one 'Goddess Coin' as an attendance reward with each daily login from March maintenance until the next update.


*You can exchange 30 Goddess Coins for a ‘Deep Twilight Box (Class-exclusive Armor)’ through ‘Priestess of Darkness Canele’, located in ‘Sunset Watchtower’.


*You can exchange 10 Goddess Coins for a 'Goddess Heraldry' in the 'Skill Heraldry Shop' > 'Goddess Heraldry' tab.









■4-3. Other 





■ Season 7 of the Board Game has come to an end.

- Roulette Tickets (Season 7) can be sold at the NPC Shop.

-Board Game Coins (Season 7) can be exchanged at the Event Shop (Storyteller Kathy) before the April update maintenance begins.




■ Catch the Chocolate-Carrying Crazy Duck! has come to an end.

-Stolen Chocolate can be exchanged at the Event Shop (Storyteller Kathy) before the April update maintenance begins.




■Valentine oath scroll promotion has come to the end with the March update.













[5]  Cash shop 






■5-1. March Costume:  [Returned] Vernicka Costume






Grade - Rare

Price - 7450 EYET (35000, 78% discount applied)

*EYEC is unable to purchase



Title included

Included Compositions: Helm, Upper, Lower, Gloves, Shoes (Total 5)











































*How to get the Vernicka Main and Secondary Weapon?






1. Get a below exchange coupon from the Special Lagendia box











2. Go to NPC Pania and Click [Special Shop] > [Hero Weapon]










3. Choose the thing you'd like to exchange






















■5-2. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update: Vernicka W/T/D 




































[Vernicka Transformation]




If all 6 parts of Wing + Tail + Decal + Necklace + Main Weapon + Secondary weapon are equipped,

a costume transformation popup appears and you can transform into Vernicka.

*Only towns can be transformed.









  (*You can get the necklace by opening Lagendia box)






































■5-3. Noble Vernicka Spirit Update (Growth)






































■5-4.  Dye color added on the cash shop 














■5-5. Prime VIP Accessories & Hammer Update (3rd Enhancement Hammer Added to VIP Accessory Box)





Prime Hammers updated to VIP Accessory Box!




[Event Period]

After March update on March 10, Tuesday, 2021 ~ until the April Update (PST)





[What to do with the box?]


1) VIP Accessory Box will be available at Cash Shop after the March Update Patch on March 10, Tuesday 2021!

2) Each time a VIP accessory box is opened, one of six components of [Composed VIP Accessory Box Item List] below is provided.


*EYEC is unable to purchase







3) When gauge point is full 100%, you will receive a VIP Accessory Exchange Coupon that is exchangeable as one of Argenta/Geraint Accessories or Hammers.











 [VIP Helper Veep] 

- Available to exchange VIP Accessory and Prime Hammer at VIP Helper Veep.




*NPC Location













[How to make a Prime Accessory?]




1. Purchase a Prime Hammer with a VIP Accessory Exchange Coupon you have already earned from [VIP Accessory Box] item.









2. To make a Gold/Silver Dragon accessory to a Prime accessory, right-click a VIP Accessory Exchange Coupon.










3. If you wish to change your Gold / Silver Dragon accessory to an updated Prime accessory, click [Change].














 [Status of VIP Accessory with Prime Hammer] 




- Existing hero accessory status remain unchanged, and the set effect changes as follows when using the newly updated Prime Hammer through the VIP NPC above. (Click to the hero accessory status)

- Prime Dragon Accessory can be evolved by using a Prime Hammer to Gold / Silver Accessory. (Set effect will be applied)





[Set Effect Info.]










■5-6. Pet Name Change Card Added on the cash shop








Price:  2900 EYET

EYEC is unable to purchase













■5-7. Other



For balance adjustment, with the March update, the number of crystal points that can be obtained

when disassembling rare and epic grade spirits will be reduced as follows.



[ Details (Before and After) ]



Rare - 18000 > 3500
Epic - 27000 > 5500