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NOTICE [Winner Announcement] Special April Survey Event 04. 26. 2021 Views 1640

Greetings, Adventurers.


We would like to announce the winners who participated in the [Special April Survey Event].





No. IGN(In-Game Name)
1 AbyssalLunar
2 Addoroar
3 Aegonel
4 Alleys
5 Archael
6 ArimaKouusei
7 Ashreyn
8 ATankyMofo
9 Avalencea
10 AzuraDrakor
11 Baekun
12 Baemaxx
13 BaoBabey
14 Belociraptor
15 Blizzarion
16 Boop
17 Branco
18 Breu
19 BuffAW
20 Burga
21 Caesyn
22 CaltX
23 CampBabeeeey
24 Carnivore
25 CayToN
26 cenizzas
27 Charlatte
28 CheezNibz
29 Chikatchu
30 Chubby
31 Crubby
32 CrumbIy
33 Danielzao
34 LexDestroy
35 Darkness
36 DDStar
37 Depleted
38 DevNezuko
39 Devss
40 Dezk
41 Dzuy
42 EirandirX
43 Escorted
44 Esdeath
45 EvanlyDeathY
46 Fayfa
47 Fiorencia
48 Fizzwidget
49 FlameRoxas
50 foblover
51 Fouglas
52 Fruu
53 FuegoFist
54 golinkgo
55 Greythel
56 Hanziel
57 HeavenBIosom
58 Heavensfall
59 HellBea
60 HiddenKage
61 HieustonTX
62 huitianmiedi
63 IceColdField
64 IkariYuuto
65 iKim
66 ImaDoMyMech
67 ItsDanielN
68 Jiraiya
69 Justwishh
70 kanabiSS
71 Kanehisa
72 Kaustos
73 KingKizer
74 Knives
75 Kotonee
76 LastNerve
77 lMelons
78 LordKitsu
79 LuIuvely
80 lXlxianyulXl
81 Lynnx
82 MadXesque
83 Vilalon
84 MDes
85 megaelite
86 Mhonkay
87 Thorcito
88 Midna
89 Miggu
90 Miguelitho
91 Minyaami
92 ZhouTai
93 Monona
94 Nevyre
97 NotArchael
98 NothingTA
99 Novy
100 Okaerinasai
101 Oriolidae
102 PeePeeLover
103 Pretu
104 Procurador
105 PuellaFries
106 Sawyor
107 sayya
108 Sentillery
109 Sevennana
110 SevenStars
111 Sharkreep
112 Sherly
113 Shirayuka
114 Shoune
115 Sidetracked
116 SinfulxRated
117 SirShark
118 Skroler
119 Sliveria
120 SoulMemory
121 Soup
122 Straps
123 Thrifty
124 Timbre
125 TinyLambo
126 Tzuyoshi
127 Uliazaroth
128 Vaidurya
129 VaIka
130 Vainillita
131 Valkiriel
132 Vandahr
133 VenaSemPIaga
134 Venerva
135 Wariel
136 While
137 WinterDream
138 xChi
139 xGaro
140 XiceshotX
141 xItsHisName
142 xTexas
143 YuriLowell
144 Zacku
145 Zendaryth
146 Zengeroff
147 ZhouZekai
148 Ziegfried
149 ZiraVinova
150 Zweii



[Reward Informatioin]

Special Lagendia Pandora Box 3 (7 days durational)

Special Wing box 3

Mysterious Mount box 3 (Non-tradable)



[Reward Date]

During the Maintenance on May 6th, 2021 (PDT).

* The reward expiration at Special Storage is for 1 week, until May 13th, 2021 (PDT).



Happy Dragon Nesting and Congratulations again!