EVENT | (Winner Announced) [EVENT] Quality Survey for 64-bit Client Experience | 06. 08. 2021 | Views 2882 |
This survey has successfully completed!
Thanks to the participation of many heroes, our team considers this survey result will be of great help to the advancement work.
Once again, we would like to thank the entire survey participant and happy to announce the 35 special winners likely below!
[Winner List]
Silver |
ThomasMStar |
Usotsukuna |
AlexCaruso |
EvanlyDeathY |
MinoriSteph |
MrYo |
cloudberry |
UsagiNee |
EvilShark |
HeavenBIosom |
Apocolypsy |
DrunkJisuk |
Rogh |
CaltX |
Sanemi |
BaoBabey |
Sevennunu |
Taka |
Oriolidae |
Snowwydorp |
BullaQ |
Sanvnie |
kanabiSS |
MangoSlushie |
Archael |
Alexbb |
XtremeWar |
AzuraDrakor |
Thelawisreal |
Justwishh |
Vainillita |
Satoji |
ShinonChan |
Congratulations and please refer to the event note for reward delivery details! ♥
Please appraise your play over the past 2 months since the 64-bit patch completion!
Sharing your valuable experiences is a great help in Dragon Nest advancement, and we provide a golden chance of special reward with this survey.
2021.06.13 ~ 06.20 23:59 (PDT) Total 7 days
[How To Participate?]
Anyone who is a Dragon Nest NA player and has more than 1 character can participate in this event freely!
※Reward can be collectible with level 95 character only via Special Storage and this event is on an account basis.
① The survey will be conducted via Google Form and the link will be shared on 13th June. (CLOSED)
② Check your preferred option and submit the form.
③ 'General Reward' will be given to all who have completed survey participation on the designated date.
④ 'Special Reward' will be additionally given on the designated date for up to 35 participants through drawing.
⑤ The list of Special Reward will be posted before 22nd June.
⑥ The rewards will be delivered during 23rd June Scheduled Maintenance and can be collectible before 30th June 2021 23:59 (PDT).
[General Reward]
Lucky Blossoms (20)
※June 2021 event item
[Special Reward]
Special Lagendia Pandora Box (7 days durational) (7)
Blue Cat Backpack (1)
-To prevent unauthorized participation, we will check whether or not event participants have logged in-game after the May update patch during the review process.
-E-mail and IGN information is used only for the purpose of authenticating event participants and sending rewards.
-The above reward can be collectible with only level 95 characters.
-The survey period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.