EVENT | (Updated as of 13th Dec.) [Event Details] Spooky Dragon Nest! - October 2021 | 10. 06. 2021 | Views 9736 |
■ EVENT 1 - Keep Calm and Stay Wonderful! (CLOSED)
■ EVENT 2 - Spooky Log-in Event (CLOSED)
■ EVENT 3 - 2021 Halloween Artbook Event (HOT)
■ EVENT 4 - Raid Surprise Chance with GMs! (Updated as of 14th Nov.) (CLOSED)
■ EVENT 5 - Take on Halloween Top-up Trail (October Top-up Promotion)
■ EVENT 6 - Time to get random Halloween Candy! (Purchase Guaranteed Promotion)
└ Random Potential Gauge for 2021 Halloween (CLOSED)
■ EVENT 7 - Enchanting Halloween Oath Promotion(CLOSED)
■ EVENT 8 - 5th Anniversary Web Bingo Event (Updated as of 28th Oct.)
■ EVENT 9 - Stage Clear Event, Ominous Sign (CLOSED)
■ EVENT 1 - Keep Calm and Stay Wonderful!(CLOSED)
Log-in on the event date, and grab a Wonderful Wanderers entry ticket as a gift!
For sure! We will give the entry ticket as a free gift for you. Just come in!
[Event Period and Details]
※ The entry ticket can be received via Special Storage for 5 days from the date of distribution.
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
-This event is on an account basis and all event items will be distributed via Special Storage.
-Only 95 level characters are eligible to receive the event items.
-The entry ticket is a 1-day durational item so please make sure to use it within the limited hours.
-The 1:1 Inquiry (herein, "Customer Center") and [GM]s will not assist you with moving/transferring items after you have received them, so please be sure to claim the rewards as the character you want to open.
-The event item that is not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed for any reason.
-Tickets regarding this event will be accepted before 4th November 2021 at 23:59 (PDT).
-Please refrain from receiving the item in towns or peak times where other players are crowded. In this case, the item may be abnormally deleted.
-Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type or not.
-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.
[■ EVENT 2 - Spooky Log-in Event](CLOSED)
Are you ready for a fun Halloween? We've brought a bunch of fun items to make Halloween fun.
Log-in to the event date and be sure to receive them all! (*^3^)/~☆
Event Item Details>
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
-The gifts will be distributed through Special Storage, and level 95 characters can claim them.
-The Customer Center and [GM]s will not assist you with moving/transferring items after you have received them, so please be sure to claim the rewards as the character you want to open.
-The event item that is not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed for any reason.
-Tickets regarding this event will be accepted before 2nd November 2021 at 23:59 (PDT).
-Please refrain from receiving the reward in towns or peak times where other players are crowded. In this case, the item may be abnormally deleted.
-Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type or not.
-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.
■ EVENT 3 - 2021 Halloween Artbook Event (HOT)
After October Update Patch ~ Before start November Update Patch (PDT) / 1 month
※ This image has been made by [GM]Loren.
Artbook event that came back after a long time. Maintain online and gather picture fragments! Chance to exchange rewards waits for you!
Have a Halloween-like October. (๑´• .̫ •ू`๑)💓
[How to gather Picture Fragments?]
-Maintain online over October! Fragments will be delivered via Mailbox systemically.
The [Time Event] section to detect online status will be activated as shown in the image below.
[How to exchange the reward with Picture Fragments?]
① You can freely check the expected reward list by clicking the [View Reward] tab, preview function.
>Exchangeable Reward Info.
② Click the [Payment] tab and enter the quantity as you want to pay.
③ The gauge (stage bar) will be filled for each level you clear as shown in the picture below, and the reward will be sent by system mail.
>Cosy Coffin Details
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
-The event is operated based on the time of each server, so please make sure that your time is based on PDT/PST during the event.
-The Customer Center and [GM]s will not assist you with moving/transferring items after you have received them, so please be sure to claim the rewards as the character you want to open.
-The event item that is not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed for any reason.
-The validity period of all system mails is 29 days from the date of delivery. Fragments received or not used within the 29 days and within the event deadline cannot be restored for any reason.
-If the mail is deleted due to a player's mistake, it cannot be recovered through the Customer Center and [GM]s for any reason, and whether the mail is deleted can be viewed through the operational database, so please be aware of false report creation.
-Tickets regarding this event will be accepted before 13th November 2021 at 23:59 (PST).
-Please refrain from receiving the reward and Fragments in towns or peak times where other players are crowded. In this case, the item may be abnormally deleted.
-Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type or not.
-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.
■ EVENT 4 - Raid Surprise Chance with GMs! (Updated as of 14th Nov.) (CLOSED)
[Updated as of 14th Nov. │ The event rewards have been distributed to all qualified participants from 12th November so please make sure to claim them before 19th November 23:59 (PST).)
[GM] appears with a new update [Raid] Mission during October!
Check the event date and grab a chance to play on a first-come, first-served basis!
>>[Raid] Mission Info. (Click to the October Patchnote)
[Event Timetable]
※Time Random, PDT Standard
[Event Details]
① [GM] will appear at random times on the scheduled date to host the event and will be held twice a mission party per event date.
② The time of the event is random and will be guided through the in-game notice or Red/Bluebird when [GM] appears.
③ [GM] has a [Raid Mission] of its character and will play and clear the mission with 3 players for each round who have been partied in the following method.
④ [GM] and the event participants should only play LB 13F stages.
⑤ [GM] creates a private party room and announces a quiz before proceeding the event play through in-game notice about the password for 15 seconds.
Quiz example:
Q. When was the movie <Titanic> released?
Password & Answer: 1997
⑥ Player should enter the correct answers as soon as possible. This event and party room will be run on a first-come, first-served basis.
⑦ When 3 players enter the party, a separate notice or a Red or Bluebird will be exposed to announce the closing party room.
⑧ Player who has cleared the mission with [GM] until the end to receive the following rewards on the distribution date.
⑨ Please enter the party room and shout "Trick or Treat!" out to [GM]! We will give you a Gesture as an additional gift! - Special! ★
[Winner Announcement]
[Reward Details]
Hakyul's Enhancement Heraldry Full Bloom Stamp (Non-tradable) 2ea
Catseye Pouch 3ea
FTG Recovery Potion (6000) 3ea
Gesture - Pretend to be a ghost (Special Reward) 1ea ★
※Please refer to the in-game description of Server Storage possibility and the bound type or not.
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
① This event reward will be delivered on an account basis and only level 95 character is eligible to receive the reward.
② The time and date of the event can be changed at any time by considering the operational circumstances. In this case, [GM] must announce the change in advance.
③ Duplicated winner selection won't be applied.
-Example: If A is selected on the 14th of October, A won't be selected even if match and clear for the next time.
-Example: Even if there are duplicated cases, there will be no additional play match to recruit new winners.
④ If the participant interferes with DC/departure/play progress during play, the participant will not be recognized as 'participation'. All players must 'Clear' until the end to be recognized as one participation.
※[GM] and the party members will be waiting for the disconnected party member for a certain period of time. For more than 5 minutes, the participant will be automatically failed for the event.
⑤ In the case of [GM] disconnection and meeting connection issues during the play, all participants who participate during the playtime are recognized as 'clear participation'.
※Regardless of this rule, to prevent such mishaps, [GM] will be prepared to play in the most stable environment surely.
※If there is any difficulty in progress due to server issues or other issues, we will notify you through a separate notice.
⑥ All participants must hold enough FTG to join the event and the area where you can carry out the [Raid] mission must be open. If not, [GM] will leave the party room and create a new room and do not accept other participants too as clear participants.
⑥ [GM] won't be accepted any inquiries during the event time. Anyone who keeps asking and trying inquiries, [GM] can leave the match and party and the matched players lost their participation qualification automatically.
Please cooperate so that [GM] finishes the event smoothly until the end.
⑦ Using offensive language vulgarity can be sanctioned with the following operation policy.
⑧ Other undescribed matters in this notice will be determined by [GM]'s decision.
⑨ Please make sure that the event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.
⑩ The event reward that is not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed for any reason.
■ EVENT 5 - Take on Halloween Top-up Trail (October Top-up Promotion)
October EYET Top-up Promotion Open! Top-up EYET and grab the rewards ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝
Starting with the October New W/T/D selection, we have prepared up to 150,000 EYET rewards.
[Promotion Period]
After October Update Patch ~ Before start November Update Patch (PDT) / 1 month
[Promotion Details]
>>[Hero] Halloween Irine Info. (Click to the October Patchnote)
[Reward Date]
-Reward will be sent during the scheduled maintenance of 17th November 2021 (PST)
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
-This promotion is based on EYET only.
-Rewards will be given on an account basis and available to participate 1 time.
-Rewards that are not claimed and expired will not be reimbursed for any reason.
-Reward delivery tickets regarding this promotion will be accepted before 24th November 2021 23:59 (PST).
-Promotion rewards are accumulative.
-Rewards are collectible until November 24th, 2021 23:59 (PST).
-The promotion period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the promotion circumstance.
■ EVENT 6 - Time to get random Halloween Candy! (Purchase Guaranteed Promotion)
└ Random Potential Gauge for 2021 Halloween
[Promotion Period]
After October Update Patch ~ Before start December, 2021 Update Patch (PST) / 2 month
[How to participate?]
① Purchase more than 45 daily Pandora boxes from the Cash Shop during the promotion period. Rare Merchant Shop purchase history is not counted for this promotion.
② Wait for the promotion reward. Done! The reward will be delivered during Scheduled Maintenace on 16th December 2021 (PST).
③ All reward can be received within 7-days of distribution via Special Storage and there is no level limit to receive them.
[Reward info.]
>Cover title Image
[Random Potential Gauge for 2021 Halloween]
After October Update Patch ~ Before start November Update Patch (PDT) / 1 month
A random (1~3%) potential gauge is applied for each opening of a [Special Lagendia Pandora Box] item!
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
[※ Updated as of 13th Dec │ This promotion is account basement. Please refer to this updated detail when receiving promotion rewards.]
- Please note that the Potential Gauge will reset during October Update Patch.
- The Potential Gauge will share with a gauge of [Pandora Growth Spirit Box] item.
-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.
■ EVENT 7 - Enchanting Halloween Oath Promotion
For those who planned or hesitated to do Oath, this opportunity is truly golden!
After October Update Patch ~ Before start November Update Patch (PDT) / 1 month
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
-EYEC is unable to purchase and EYET and DNP are enable to purchase.
-The sale period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.
■ EVENT 8 - 5th Anniversary Web Bingo Event (Updated as of 28th Oct.)
After the Scheduled Maintenance on 27th October ~ Before Update Patch on 8th December / PDT&PST, 43 days
[Event Details]
1. 'Event Webcoin' 1ea will be given once you clear any one of the stages.
2-1. Use required numbers of Webcoins to select the bingo number that you prefer.
2-2. Use 2 Webcoins to have a random number, and obtain the rewards if it is still unopened. Please try again if you get a duplicate number, and good luck!
3. Selected bingo number/reward will be sent out directly to your Special Storage.
[Bingo Details] (Update as of 28th October)
[Reward Details]
[How to check your coin history?]
1. Click the plus button after login into the page.
1. The event will be done on an account basis. (Rewards will also be sent on an account basis.)
2. The character level limit for receiving event rewards is 65-95.
3. You can earn up to 10 web coins per day / But, no limit on using web coins per day.
4. All event rewards are non-tradable.
5. The event reward expiration date at Special Storage is 22nd December 2021 09:59. (PST).
6. When you have all bingo lines completed, you cannot re-participate in the event.
Stage clear history is based on data from 00:00 a.m. to 23:59 p.m. the next day, and the data will be reset at 7:05 a.m. (PDT/PST) every day.
★ 7. We highly recommend all players to receive the rewards in less crowded channels or towns as much as possible especially peak hours.
★ 8. Please refrain to clear bingo and try to get a reward during the Maintenance or patch time. In this case, the Customer Center and GMs won't be recovered the missing rewards for any reason.
■ EVENT 9 - Stage Clear Event, Ominous Sign (Updated as of 18th Oct.)
Storyteller Sobong has a favor to ask of you. Listen and Check the coordinates he tells you.
[Event Details]
When unfolding the coordinates designated by Sobong, it was the nest and stage below.
If you clear the designated stage/nest 5 or more times each day, you will receive a chance to get small gifts prepared by Sobong.
Sobong says that he will randomly select 50 characters who helped with the sweeping operation and deliver gifts.
The stage designated on each day will benefit from a 20% reduction in fatigue.
※Above Labyrinth 9F clear is required.
※Up to 10 winners will be selected as of each date.
[Event Reward]
Lunacy Wing/Tail/Decal Set (2018 Released)
[Winner Lists for Each Event Days] : Updated as of 28th October, 2021 (PDT)
1st Day
Manticore Nest |
vexsader |
WrathKill |
KsRower |
Wolfie |
Animarux |
kanabiSS |
Amiham |
creepysmile |
Jiuhin |
TooMuchWitt |
2nd Day
Abandeond Welton Hollow |
SirShark |
IkariYuuto |
AsunaForEver |
Abeddon |
Teodoore |
MrYo |
StLooha |
Ruarc |
Seyren |
Zengeroff |
3rd Day
Dried Marissa Spring |
Jianlais |
Constraint |
MerlinOwO |
SoulViper |
ApoSol |
PuellaMagi |
LovedLY |
kuilei |
Domain |
Geogigum |
4th Day
Daidalos Nest |
Paenoia |
Disobedient |
Minxie |
Minyaami |
HollyBlue |
Ellohymn |
xZweii |
AzuraDrakor |
Saebyeok |
Sinncri |
5th Day
Daidalos Nest |
TinyLambo |
DrunkJisuk |
Sawyor |
Viridescent |
LoohaBear |
Hyacinthus |
Lastwishh |
BuffAW |
SamuraiLl |
HimikoToga |
※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.
-This event is on a character basis and only level 60~95 characters can participate in it. There is no class limitation.
-Event winner announcement is scheduled during Scheduled Maintenance on 27th October 2021 (PDT).
-Event rewards will be delivered on 29th October 2021 at 00:00 AM (PDT) via Special Storage, and all winners can receive them within 7-days of distribution start.
-Unclaimed/Deleted rewards cannot be recovered through the Customer Center or GMs for any reason.
-Only characters who have completely 'cleared' the event stage are recognized as 'Event Normal Participation'.
-Duplicate participation between characters is not recognized, and once selected characters are not subject to re-drawing.
-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the operational circumstance.
-Unspecific matters in this notice will be determined by [GM].