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UPDATE (Revised as of 14th Feb.) [Patchnote] January 2022 Patchnote 01. 07. 2022 Views 9115


※ The details of all patch contents may be changed/revised in consideration of the operational circumstance at any time.









[1] Updates






1-1. Frozen Nightmare

1-2. Vibrant Talisman Evolution








[2] Changes/Additions





2-1. Developer's Note

2-2. Skill Dragon Jade PvE (Revised as of 14th Feb.)








[3] Changes/Additions





3-1. Minos Shoes: 3rd Additional Slot Unlocked

3-2. Deep Abyss (Nightmare Ⅰ) Changes

3-3. World Daily Tasks Restructured

3-4. Trial Nest Concluded

3-5. Other

3-6. Conversion Armor Cap+6 Open













4-1. Everyone’s Banquet

4-2. January Attendance Event  (HOT)

4-3. Other









[5] January Arrivals




5-1. New Product Launched (Irine's VIP Premium Package) 

5-2. Nurse Costume Update

5-3. Lingerie (Pyjamas) Costume Update to the Crystal Point Shop

5.4. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update : Peaceful Winter's Night W/T/D

5-5. New 4.0 Minion Update : Necromancer + Accessories


5-6. Frozen Heart Converter on Constant Sale

5-7. [Returned] VIP Accessory Box Sale (HOT)

5-8. Fragment of Longing / Threat Variant / Protection Variant Package Pouch (HOT)

5-9. Minos Enhancement Package & Vibrant Enhancement Package (HOT)


5-10. Conversion Armor Box / Conversion Special Armor Box / Conversion Accessory Box Sale

5-11. Effect Weapon Exchange Coupon  (Permanent Sale)













[1] Updates





1-1. Frozen Nightmare




◆ Scenario





World of the Frozen Nightmare


A realm of nightmares that was frozen by the influence of the Frozen World.


The cold only deepened the power of this nightmare created through resentment and obsession within the twisted dream.

Creatures corrupted by an unstable aura wander mindlessly at the end of this nightmare in the Deep Abyss.

May the Goddess's protection reaches those who have fallen into the nightmare's abyss...






◆ Entry Information


•The ‘Frozen Nightmare’ can be accessed through the same gate used to reach the Deep Abyss Nightmare.




















◆  Entry Ticket  Information


-Frozen Nightmare Entry Tickets can be purchased from Priestess of Darkness Grisini in Saint Haven -> Silver Dragon's Forcefield.







[ Entry Ticket ]



Purchase requirement: Nightmare Fragment x10

Usage duration: 1 day after purchase

1 can be purchased per week per character

















◆ Process




<Stage Objective>


 - The nightmare must be purified by eliminating the creatures who have lost their minds to the cold and were corrupted by the unstable aura.




<Frozen Nightmare Process>



-The Frozen Nightmare is blanketed with fog, preventing you from moving in a typical manner. You can jump over the fog using the dream’s last remnants of the Goddess’s power and move to the source of the nightmare.

-Upon breaching the fog and arriving at the source of the nightmare, nightmarish monsters bearing cold energy will appear from their hiding spots in the fog and attempt to drive out the intruders.

-You can only move to the next area after purifying the source of the nightmare by defeating all the cold monsters in your current location.

- The dungeon will be cleared upon defeating each monster in all 4 areas and purifying the Frozen Nightmare.








◆  Event




<Deluge of Dreams>

 - The realm of dreams has been completely taken over by nightmares and is extremely unstable. The stimulated creatures within the nightmares may jump out and attack intruders at any moment.

 - To pacify the deluge of dreams, you must move to the center and fight the monsters pouring in from all sides.







<Abyss Nest>

 - The most powerful creature within the nightmare guards the realm of dreams from the deepest part of the abyss. This creature that protects the nightmare is constantly waiting for a chance

   to remove intruders who have invaded the dream without its permission.

 - You can return to your original location after defeating ‘Frozen Nightmare Golem Montan.’









<Star of the Goddess>

 - If you find a shining star falling in the fog of the deep dream, don’t hesitate to approach it. You can be blessed by the Goddess for a while.









◆ You can acquire materials for crafting Frozen Chaos/World/Eyes of Nightmare Talismans in the Frozen Nightmare.

◆ The type of goods acquired depends on the type of boss you encounter in the Frozen Nightmare.






◆ Monster Drop Rewards









◆ Clear Rewards


- Flames of Minos acquired in ‘[Trial] Chiron Nest’ and ‘[Trial] Granom Nest’ will be provided.









◆ Frozen Nightmare guild missions added.




◆ Mission Info







◆ Reward Info


-‘Guild Honor Coins’ and ‘Crystal Points’ can be acquired through Frozen Nightmare guild missions.








Frozen Chaos Talisman


-We have released a new Frozen Chaos Talisman.

-The ‘Chaos Talismans’ once obtained from ‘Unidentified Vibrant Talismans’ can no longer be acquired.

-‘Frozen Chaos Talismans’ cannot be equipped along with ‘Chaos Talismans.






◆ Frozen Chaos Talisman Upgrade


- ‘Frozen Chaos Talismans’ can be evolved through 3 levels.

- Each time the grade goes up through evolution, one (+) and one (-) stat attribute will be added.

- The same stat attribute type will not be added in the first two levels. The same type may be added in the third level.

- Existing stat attributes will be retained after evolution.












◆ Crafting Frozen Chaos Talismans


- ‘Frozen Chaos Talismans’ can be crafted through a blacksmith.









◆ Frozen Chaos Talisman Additional Stat Types












◆ Frozen Chaos Talisman Disassembly


-Disassemble the item to get back a portion of the crafting currency.















◆ Frozen World Talisman



- We have released a new Frozen World Talisman.

- Frozen World Talismans can be evolved through 3 levels.

- You can upgrade to a higher level through a blacksmith.

















◆ Crafting Frozen World Talismans


- ‘Frozen World Talismans’ can be crafted through a blacksmith.









◆ Frozen World Talisman Additional Stats









◆ Frozen World Talisman Disassembly


-Disassemble the item to get back a portion of the crafting currency.














◆ Frozen Nightmare Eye


-We have released a new Frozen Nightmare Eye.

-‘Frozen Nightmare Eyes’ can be crafted through a blacksmith.













◆ Crafting Frozen Nightmare Eyes


- ‘Frozen Nightmare Eyes’ can be crafted through a blacksmith.











◆ Frozen Nightmare Eye additional stats









◆ Frozen Nightmare Eye Disassembly


- Disassemble the item to get back a portion of the crafting currency.














◆ Frozen Nightmare weekly missions added.

◆ The amount of ‘Crystal Fortune Cookies’ acquired for some weekly missions has changed.

◆ Crystal Points acquired in ‘[Trial] Chiron Nest’ and ‘[Trial] Granom Nest’ can be obtained through weekly missions.

◆ A greater amount of Crystal Points can be acquired than those provided in [Trial] Nests.











◆ [ Frozen Nightmare ] Mission



- 3 types of [Frozen Nightmare]-related clear missions and 2 types of [Frozen Nightmare]-related challenge missions added.

- Achieve the special conditions and clear every mission!















◆ [Frozen Nightmare] Title Collection




• New Title Collection added.

• Collect all the titles that can be obtained in [Frozen Nightmare] to complete the Title Collection and acquire titles with collected title effects.















[1] Updates



1-2. Vibrant Talisman Evolution






◆ We have released a Unique Vibrant Talisman.

◆ Acquired by using a Sap of Life on an Epic Vibrant Talisman at Lv.5.

◆ A random additional stat will be applied upon carrying out item evolution. You can change additional stats later using Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine.

◆ With the launch of the Unique grade, the chances of Epic levels 2 to 5 appearing have been increased.













◆ Main Item Information









◆ Disassembly Info



-[Vibrant Talisman Powder] can be acquired upon disassembly of a Vibrant Talisman.

-Disassemble Eyes of Nightmare to acquire [Nightmare Power Fragments].

















[2] Changes/Additions




2-1. Developer's Note





[Developer's Note]





How are you?

This is Dragon Nest Developer S.

Today I would like to inform heroes about the recent approach we have taken for improving Skill Dragon Jade and character balancing.




Skill Dragon Jade

‘Skill Dragon Jade’ was introduced a long time ago, but there are still some types of Skill Dragon Jade that players don’t find it worthwhile to invest in.

In order to address this issue, we have made partial improvements to Skill Dragon Jade with poor performance specifications, as well as the skills they enhance.


We made these modifications with a focus on narrowing the gap existing between the ‘Dreamy/Blood Moon/Verdure Dragon Jade’ used by a single class.

As Skill Dragon Jade balancing is closely related to the basic performance of the character, we will compensate for any shortcomings with a character balancing patch.


In addition, we are preparing a variety of ways to use each Skill Dragon Jade.

We will prepare the agenda so that you can check it as soon as possible.




Character Balance

A number of balancing patches will be applied in the near future.

There are two things that are at the core of the balancing agenda:




1. Basic damage balancing

2. Minimizing Cooldown decrease/recovery mechanisms


Item 1 addresses most balancing issues and is carried out by improving specifications.




Item 2 is mainly about addressing balancing issues with some classes such as Crusader, Black Mara, Blade Dancer, and Spirit Dancer.

We are working on trimming down this part because we feel some difficultly with providing a mechanism by which the cooldown of all main skills is recovered/reduced in a short cycle within a meta where skills are enhanced with items.

This problem should have been improved after a thorough review when Skill Dragon Jade was launched, but there were many shortcomings at the time that prevented us from doing so.

In particular, when overbalancing issues emerged, such as those involving Ruina and Smasher, we generally responded by simply lowering skill specifications.

In the future, we will prepare character balancing patches that will be received as an improvement in gameplay as opposed to a simple downgrade/increase of specifications.





We are planning on releasing two character-related patches, one minor and one major, between February and March.

We will continue to strive to provide quality content to players.

Thank you always. 









[2] Changes/Additions



2-2. Skill Dragon Jade - PvE






Hacking Stance EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

3000% → 4500% of Hacking Stance EX ATK




Moon Lord

Halfmoon Slash EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

260% → 300% of Halfmoon Slash EX ATK





Punishing Swing EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

275% → 335% of Punishing Swing EX ATK





‘Whirlwind’ Cooldown decreased 5 sec

Cooldown: 25 sec → 20 sec


[Awakened] Stomp (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

180% → 350% of [Awakened] Stomp ATK


[Awakened] Demolition Fist (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

600% → 750% of [Awakened] Demolition Fist ATK




Dark Avenger

‘Dark Stinger’ and ‘[Nightmare] Dark Stinger’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Dark Stinger ATK: 3430% → 3760%

[Nightmare] Dark Stinger ATK: 5095% → 6000%


‘Vengeance Storm’ and ‘[Nightmare] Vengeance Storm’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Vengeance Storm ATK: 5095% → 5640%

[Nightmare] Vengeance Storm ATK: 8190% → 9000%


[Nightmare] Dark Stinger (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

200% → 300% of [Nightmare] Dark Stinger ATK


Vengeance Storm, [Nightmare] Vengeance Storm (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

300% → 400% of Vengeance Storm, [Nightmare] Vengeance Storm ATK





Charged Shot EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

300% → 380% of Charged Shot EX ATK


Arrow Shower EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

230% → 255% of Arrow Shower EX ATK


Flash Catcher EX (Verdure Dragon Jade)

970% → 1000% of Flash Catcher EX ATK





Swift Storm EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

200% → 235% of Swift Storm EX ATK


Tracking Arrows EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

250% → 290% of Tracking Arrows EX ATK





Spiral Vortex EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

130% → 320% of Spiral Vortex EX ATK


Kick Shot EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

225% → 265% of Kick Shot EX ATK




Wind Walker

‘Eagle Dive’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Eagle Dive ATK: 2793% → 3062%


Spiral Kick EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

Fixed bug that incorrectly expressed ATK in the tooltips (Actual damage remains unchanged.)

350% → 225% of Spiral Kick EX ATK


Eagle Dive EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

590% → 600% of Eagle Dive EX ATK


Blooming Kick EX (Verdure Dragon Jade)

375% → 400% of Blooming Kick EX ATK




Silver Hunter

Aerial Wild Shot, [Holy] Aerial Wild Shot (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

173% → 210% of Aerial Wild Shot, [Holy] Aerial Wild Shot ATK


Rising Wind, [Holy] Rising Wind (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

270% → 350% of Rising Wind, [Holy] Rising Wind ATK





Inferno EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

110% → 265% of Inferno EX ATK


Flame Road EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

155% → 200% of Flame Road EX ATK





‘Freezing Field’ max. level ATK increased approximately 50% and cooldown decreased 3 sec

Freezing Field ATK: 3308% → 4911%

Cooldown: 15 sec → 12 sec


‘Chilling Mist’ cooldown decreased 16 sec

Cooldown: 38 sec → 22 sec


Freezing Field EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

130% → 270% of Freezing Field EX ATK





Smasher (Revised as of 14th Feb.)



[Revised as of 14th Feb. │ We are sorry for giving false information and please refer to the revised notes for your gameplay.]


Linear Ray EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

120% → 400% of Linear Ray EX ATK

120% → 250% of Linear Ray EX ATK




[Awakened] Nine Tail Laser (Verdure Dragon Jade)

Fixed the bug dealing damage higher than the ATK stated in the tooltips (ATK decreased approximately 1.7%)





Decreased ‘Gravity Rush’ ATK approximately 15% and increased ‘Ball of Gravity’ blast radius

Gravity Rush ATK: 2250% → 1928%

‘Ball of Gravity’ blast radius: 1m → 2.4m

We modified the effects to match changes to the blast radius.


Black Hole EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

100% → 520% of Black Hole EX ATK


Summon Comet (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

450% → 630% of Comet ATK




Black Mara

[Enhanced] Void Coil (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

120% → 200% of [Enhanced] Void Coil ATK





Divine Vengeance (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

150% → 400% of Divine Vengeance ATK





‘Smite’ max. level ATK increased approximately 50%

Smite ATK: 2974% → 4409%


‘Lightning Zap’ max. level ATK increased approximately 50%

Lightning Zap ATK: 2731% → 4046%


Smite EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

133% → 350% of Smite EX ATK


Holy Relic EX (Verdure Dragon Jade)

Fixed bug that incorrectly expressed ATK in the tooltips (Actual damage remains unchanged.)

230% → 250% of Holy Relic EX ATK






Mystic Chain EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

200% → 350% of Mystic Chain EX ATK





[Awakened] Lightning Bolt (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

150% → 220% of [Awakened] Lightning Bolt ATK


[Awakened] Detonate (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

240% → 350% of [Awakened] Detonate ATK


Falling Thunder EX (Verdure Dragon Jade)

300% → 350% of Falling Thunder EX ATK




Arch Heretic

‘Evil Hand’ and ‘[Nightmare] Evil Hand’ max. level ATK increased approximately 40%

Evil Hand, [Nightmare] Evil Hand ATK: 4386% → 6100%


[Nightmare] Evil Hand (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

150% → 400% of [Nightmare] Evil Hand ATK


Devastation, [Nightmare] Devastation (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

100% → 150% of Devastation, [Nightmare] Devastation ATK


Savage Attack, [Nightmare] Savage Attack (Verdure Dragon Jade)

425% → 450% of Savage Attack, [Nightmare] Savage Attack ATK




Shooting Star

‘Biochemical Missiles’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10% and cooldown decreased 10 sec

Biochemical Missiles ATK: 6221% → 6832%

Cooldown: 25 sec → 15 sec


‘Mine Thrower’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Mine Thrower ATK: 559% → 605%


[Awakened] Cannon Blaster (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

Fixed bug that incorrectly expressed ATK in the tooltips (Actual damage remains unchanged.)

[Awakened] Cannon Blaster ATK: 225% → 250%


Biochemical Missiles EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

220% → 300% of Biochemical Missiles EX ATK




Gear Master

[Awakened] Mechanic Ice Pump (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

140% → 320% of [Awakened] Mechanic Ice Pump ATK


[Awakened] Mechanic Cannon (Verdure Dragon Jade)

115% → 130% of [Awakened] Mechanic Cannon ATK





‘Icing Punch’ max. level ATK increased approximately 30%

Icing Punch ATK: 1911% → 2454%


Icing Punch EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

170% → 300% of Icing Punch EX ATK





‘Injector’ max. level ATK increased approximately 250%

Injector ATK: 1122% → 2655%


Class Mastery’s ‘Injector’ cooldown recovery effect decreased

Injector recovers cooldown 8 sec per successful hit → Injector recovers cooldown 2 sec per successful hit (max. 4 sec recovery)


Injector EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

130% → 250% of Injector EX ATK


[Awakened] Poison Outbreak (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

220% → 250% of [Awakened] Poison Outbreak ATK




Ray Mechanic

‘Spanner Whirlwind’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Spanner Whirlwind ATK: 18,245% → 20,060%




Dark Summoner

Chain Claw EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

180% → 300% of Chain Claw EX ATK


[Awakened] Phantom Claw (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

200% → 250% of [Awakened] Phantom Claw ATK




Soul Eater

[Awakened] Beast Spirit (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

360% → 400% of [Awakened] Beast Spirit ATK




Blade Dancer

Twinkle Spin EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

182% → 200% of Twinkle Spin EX ATK


[Awakened] Elegant Storm (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

100% → 130% of [Awakened] Elegant Storm ATK


[Awakened] Sweet Circle (Verdure Dragon Jade)

235% → 260% of [Awakened] Sweet Circle ATK




Spirit Dancer

General Dunblade EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

154% → 250% of General Dunblade EX ATK


Stalker EX (Verdure Dragon Jade)

435% → 550% of Stalker EX ATK




Oracle Elder

[Holy] Sharp Hurricane (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

130% → 200% of [Holy] Sharp Hurricane ATK





‘Flame Locust’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Flame Locust ATK: 3491% → 3830%





‘Applause’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Applause ATK: 4704% → 5164%




Abyss Walker

‘Plasma Burst’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Plasma Burst ATK: 4455% → 4891%




Bleed Phantom

‘Soul Breaker,’ ‘[Cruel] Soul Breaker’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Soul Breaker ATK: 7538% → 8281%

[Cruel] Soul Breaker ATK: 15,075% → 16,563%





‘Stab Screw’ max. level ATK increased approximately 30%

Stab Screw ATK: 2940% → 3792%


‘Shutter Bounce’ max. level ATK increased approximately 10%

Shutter Bounce ATK: 3315% → 3637%


Stab Screw EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

130% → 300% of Stab Screw EX ATK




Sting Breezer

‘Piercing Spike’ max. level ATK increased approximately 20%

2670% → 3184% of Piercing Spike ATK


‘Hovering Blade’ max. level ATK increased approximately 20%

Hovering Blade ATK: 1198% → 1418%


Fixed the bug applying ‘[Awakened] Fling Fling’ ATK as approximately 10% lower than the original ‘Fling Fling’

[Awakened] Fling Fling ATK: 6128% → 6703%





‘Extreme Twister’ max. level ATK increased approximately 20% and cooldown decreased 5 sec

Extreme Twister ATK: 4365% → 5218%

Cooldown: 21 sec → 16 sec


Gale Stab EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

130% → 350% of Gale Stab EX ATK


[Awakened] Frosty Cross (Verdure Dragon Jade)

325% → 350% of [Awakened] Frosty Cross ATK




Vena Plaga

Blood Shot, [Corrupt] Blood Shot (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

160% → 180% of Blood Shot, [Corrupt] Blood Shot (Dreamy Dragon Jade) ATK


Subconscious, [Corrupt] Subconscious (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

160% → 180% of Subconscious, [Corrupt] Subconscious ATK


Fatalism, [Corrupt] Fatalism (Verdure Dragon Jade)

275% → 300% of Fatalism, [Corrupt] Fatalism ATK





Flow Through EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

180% → 250% of Flow Through EX ATK





L-Buster EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

130% → 450% of L-Buster EX ATK


L-Combo EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

120% → 300% of L-Combo EX ATK





Laser Piercer EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

115% → 200% of Laser Piercer EX ATK


Carnival Rush EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

145% → 300% of Carnival Rush EX ATK





Arrow Sword EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

135% → 220% of Arrow Sword EX ATK


Ripple Effect EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

150% → 200% of Ripple Effect EX ATK





Clutch Field EX (Dreamy Dragon Jade)

140% → 160% of Clutch Field EX ATK


Unchained Bolt EX (Blood Moon Dragon Jade)

160% → 180% of Unchained Bolt EX ATK











[3] Changes/Additions



3-1. Minos Shoes: 3rd Additional Slot Unlocked



Minos Shoes: 3rd Additional Slot Unlocked


•Use the special item [Brinhild's Crystal] to unlock an additional slot on a 2-slot shoes version of [Minos Armor], [Minos Armor (Duplicate)], [Insight, Devotion Minos Armor], [Heavenly Minos Armor], and [Amplified Heavenly Minos Armor].

•When a slot is added, all enhancements, stats, and additional stats are retained.


•The Frozen Dragon Jade slots added to items will be reset rather than retained upon disassembly/evolution.

•3-slot [Minos Armor] enhancement, disassembly, and evolution works the same as for the current 1 and 2-slot versions.

•Example: +10 Insight Shoes (3-slot) disassembly yields a +10 Minos Shoes (Duplicate, 1-slot) and High Grade Celestone.















[3] Changes/Additions




3-2. Deep Abyss (Nightmare Ⅰ) Changes





◆ Deep Abyss (Nightmare Ⅰ) rewards have been changed.



- Removed rewards dropped by monsters.

- Gold/Silver Box rewards can only be acquired when possessing a mission.

- Increased the chances of getting better rewards the higher the floor.









◆ Added normal Deep Abyss (Nightmare Ⅰ) missions.

◆ Deep Abyss (Nightmare Ⅰ) mission rewards have been changed.



◆ Mission Info





◆ Reward Info




- ‘Oun Sweet Wine’ and ‘Concentrated Oun Sweet Wine’ can be acquired through Deep Abyss (Nightmare Ⅰ) missions.

- ‘Shiny White Feather Pouches’ can be acquired at a low rate through co-op missions.

- Co-op missions give about 3x rewards compared to normal missions.





◆ Added Deep Abyss (Nightmare Ⅰ) Labyrinth 18F difficulty.

◆ Changed the grade of Oun Sweet Wine from Unique to Epic.

◆ Breath of Kilos items can be purchased in the Nightmare Shop.

◆ ‘Chaos Talismans’ can no longer be acquired from ‘Unidentified Vibrant Talismans.’








[3] Changes/Additions



3-3. World Daily Tasks Restructured






• Removed the mission “Clear [Catastrophe] Red Lotus Palace 1 time” from World Daily Tasks.

• Added 2 new World Daily Tasks.











• [Today's Emergency Rations Pouch] x1 and [Colosseum Medal] x3 can both be acquired as mission clear rewards.

















Items acquirable in [Today's Emergency Rations Pouch]














[3] Changes/Additions




3-4. Trial Nest Concluded





• With the conclusion of Trial Granom/Chiron Nest content, the 2 related [Trial Nest] World Weekly Task mission types will also be removed.

• 10 types of [Trial Nest]-related [missions] have been moved to [Normal]-[Sealed Traces].

• [Trial Nest]-related [Beginner’s Guide]-[Dragon Nest Veteran] missions have been partially changed.






















[3] Changes/Additions




3-5. Other



◆ Battle Training Ground Golem HP Increased
- The HP of the Golem appearing in the Battle Training Ground has been greatly increased.



◆ Plentiful Gold Trove

-Items dropped from the Plentiful Gold Trove Blessings Box come in the form of a ‘Heavenly Aura Pouch.’ Heavenly Aura can be acquired from the pouch. You can roll dice for the Heavenly Aura Pouch.




◆ Former Colosseum Missions Moved to Sealed Traces

-Previously removed Colosseum Ranking Missions were moved to Sealed Traces.




◆ Battle Request Rewards Changed

 - Battle Request Round mode result rewards removed along with Colosseum Create Mode.



◆ Colosseum Create Mode Reward Changes

- Changed Ghoul Mode Game of Thrones result rewards to match other Create modes.




◆ Trial Nest Entry Ticket Shop Removed

-Removed the Trial Nest Entry Ticket Shops located in Rhadames and Merca's Port.




◆ Christmas objects and Loading Page Removed

-Removed all Christmas objects and loading page.





◆ Unable to see NPC Palace Attendant Jekwolyang while progressing Vandar's Main Quest, [Puszzling Mission] issue fixed.

-The unable to proceed Main Quest will be fixed with the January 2022 Update Patch.

└Known Issue Notice Link:




◆ Unable skill cancellation issue, [Summon Anja] of Light Fury class fixed.

-This issue will be fixed with the January 2022 Update Patch.

└Known Issue Notice Link:




◆ Unable to consecutively use [Unseen Art] of Light Fury class fixed.

-This issue will be fixed with the January 2022 Update Patch.




◆ Harmony Buff Skill resets cooldown display issue.

-Issues that were not normal to show Harmony Buff skills cooldown will be fixed with the January 2022 Update Patch.




◆ Trickster [Shoot The Moon] Damage Fixed

-The issue of intermittently exploding damage will be fixed with the January 2022 Update Patch.





◆ Finding NPC Palace Attendant Jeokwolyang is unavailable during Vandar's Main Quest [Puzzling Mission].

This issue will be fixed with the January 2022 Update Patch.










[3] Changes/Additions




3-6. Conversion Armor Cap+6 Open 



Conversion Armor Cap will be opened up to +6 with the January 2022 Update Patch.

※Recommend using the 'Ctrl+R' function to scroll up or save the image to see.




















4-1. Everyone’s Banquet





After a long age of peace, the Dimensional Rift has been infiltrated by abyssal energy, a power distinct from that of chaos.

This is darkness, the oldest and most fundamental poison festering within the Goddess.

All the particles of darkness in the world have rushed into the Dimensional Rift

and are holding an exclusive banquet of their own.

The longer this feast continues, the greater the Goddess's nightmare grows.


"Please spoil their feast!"







[Entry Information]


• Entry level: Lv.93+

• Entry capacity: 1-2 people

• Weekly clear limit: 7

• No revives


※ An Everyone’s Banquet Entry Ticket is required.









[Entry Ticket Info]


• Obtained Location: Can be purchased at the [Dimension Rabbit]-[Everyone’s Banquet Shop] in the Temple Knight Training Ground

• Only 1 can be purchased per character daily. Entry tickets have a 1-day usage period.















[Guide Quest]



• Remote Quest > [Lv.93] Everyone's Banquet










※ Press the shortcut key ‘U’ to open the Quest window, then click the ‘Remote Quest’ tab to receive.







[Stage Process]




Stage Objective



• Challenge to the highest floor to get better rewards.




Stage Rules



• Clearing normal stages restores player HP and MP

• Clearing boss stages revives dead players

• The stage ends if all players are annihilated.





Reward Acquisition Conditions



• First Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (4F)

• Second Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (7F)

• Third Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (11F)

• Final Treasure Chest: Clear Boss Stage (12F)





[Stage Components]


• Entering a normal stage type brings you randomly to one of two random stages.

• The stage clear count increases after clearing 3F.






• Reward Info












◆ Shop Info




• Everyone’s Banquet Shop can be accessed through the [Temple Knight Training Ground – Dimension Rabbit].

• There you can purchase [Ancient Element Enhancement Talismans] that increase All Attribute ATK.

• They initially come with a 0.5% All Attribute ATK stat value that can be developed to a maximum of 7.5%.

• Such development can be carried out using [Unstable Dimension Converters], [Dimension Converters], and [Higher Dimension Converters].

• Converters are consumed after a single use.

• The type of Converter that can be used depends on the current stat value of an [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman]. Development proceeds as shown in the table below.



Example 1) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.20%] is converted using the [Unstable Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.50%]
Example 2) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 4.50%] is converted using the [Unstable Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 5.00%]
Example 3) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 6.60%] is converted using the [Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 6.70%]

Example 4) If [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 7.20%] is converted using the [Higher Dimension Converter], it is upgraded to [Ancient Element Enhancement Talisman – 7.30%]



















4-2. January Attendance Event  (HOT)



We wish you a happy 2022 with fortune! Start the new year with a new attendance event!










[Event Details]










Surely! The cookie gives you fortune-telling! Log in on each day and read your fortune! 






















Components of Nostalgic Fashion Hat Box >














-The event is a system in which it is accumulated. Please refer to the below examples for your information.




Example 1# 


If you log in for the first time on January 14th, you can get the Fortune cookie as the first attendance reward.

If you log in for the second time on January 18th, you can receive the Dark Crystal as the second attendance reward.




Example 2#

If you log in for the first time on January 14 and then maintain log in until January 16, you can get a Fortune cookie, Dark Crystal, and a Jelly Pouch.














4-3. Other






◆ Santa Orc's Escape Route has come to an end.


 - [Santa Orc's Escape Route Map] items in possession will be removed during the January update maintenance.

 - [Christmas Coin] items can be exchanged for other items in the Event Shop until February update maintenance.




◆ Christmas Artbook event has come to an end.




◆ Best Hero Tournament has come to an end.













[5] January Arrivals



5-1. New Product Launched 




We have released an additional [Irine's VIP Premium Package] on top of the existing VIP Premium Package.
- Adventurers can acquire items required for their adventure along with an [Irine, Full of Love Mission Box].

- Can be purchased once a month per character.


※EYEC is unavailable to purchase all the newly launched products.













•The [Irine, Full of Love Mission Box Master Key] has been released.
-Use the Master Key to open an [Irine, Full of Love Mission Box] without satisfying the conditions required to open it.




[Irine's VIP Premium Package Contents]








◆  Irine, Full of Love Mission Box



 - The following rewards can be acquired from each Irine, Full of Love Mission Box level cleared.



※ You can own more than one Irine, Full of Love Mission Box and there is no time limit for usage. However, Sunset Glow Keys must be used within 7 days.

※ Irine, Full of Love Mission Box contents and rewards may change periodically after game updates.










◆ Sunset Training Ground Clear Reward Added



-Upon clearing Sunset Training Ground Labyrinth 1F – 20F, a box will appear that grants additional rewards.



-Sunset Glow Keys are required to open these boxes.

-Sunset Glow Keys appear as a reward in certain Irine, Full of Love Mission Box levels.



※ When a reward box appears, it changes to a status preventing it from being opened without a Sunset Glow Key. (The Sunset Glow Key is not consumed).

※ You can earn the final reward by clicking the opened reward box one more time. (The Sunset Glow Key is consumed)












◆ Sunset Training Ground Clear Rewards


- Growth currency and a large quantity of gold are guaranteed to be acquired. The amount obtained increases with the Sunset Training Ground Labyrinth floor cleared.


※ Sunset-tinted Vibrant Dragon Jade Pouches can be sent to server storage.

※ Sunset Training Ground clear rewards will change periodically after game updates.












[5] January Arrivals



5-2. Nurse Costume (+New Colors)





Price:  14,900 EYET

Grade: Rare

Package Components: Helm, Upper Body, Lower Body, Gloves, Shoes, Main Weapon, Secondary Weapon, Title

Title Info. : Healthcare Protector / Emergency Hero / Push One of Epi

*EYEC is unable to purchase and a refund cannot be made for any reason.




※Medical Team 1.0 costume package will be deleted from the cash shop after the January 2022 Update.






>Clean Nurse Costume Package














>Passionate Nurse Costume Package















>Nurse Trainee Costume Package




























[5] January Arrivals



5-3. Lingerie (Pyjamas) Costume Update to the Crystal Point Shop




※Please note that there is no Vandar version of this costume series. 

※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these sale details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.





































How to purchase/exchange

















[5] January Arrivals





5.4. Special Lagendia Pandora Box Update : Peaceful Winter's Night W/T/D


※Rabbit with a Watch series W/T/D will be deleted from the Pandora Box and after the January Update Patch.











































Screenshot >



-You can freely convert into giant/small version wings using the [ON/OFF] button of [Character] tab > [Costume] tab in the town.

-In places other than the towns, the wings are converted into only small wings regardless of whether they are set up or not.


























[5] January Arrivals




5-5. New 4.0 Minion Update : Necromancer + Accessories


※Minion Unazukin will be deleted from the Minion Shop and after the January Update Patch.





> Pet Stats














> Accessory Stats























[5] January Arrivals





5-6. Frozen Heart Converter on Constant Sale










-With the January update, the sales of the converter series will be changed to constant sales.

-All players always can purchase them at any time from the Cash Shop.

※DNP and EYEC are unable to purchase and a refund cannot be made for any reason.





















[5] January Arrivals






5-7. [Returned] VIP Accessory Box Sale  (HOT)





[Sale Period]





After January 2022 Update Patch on 12th January, 12 ~ before Scheduled Maintenance on 26th January 2022 (PST) / 2 weeks



























[What to do with the box?]





1) VIP Accessory Box will be available at Cash Shop after January 2022 UpdatePatch.

2) Each time a VIP accessory box is opened, one of six components of the above [Composed VIP Accessory Box Item List] is provided.

3) When the gauge bar is full 100%, you will receive a VIP Accessory Exchange Coupon that is exchangeable as one of Argenta/Geraint Accessories or Hammers.


*EYEC is unable to purchase









▶ Please refer to the last update patch notes for more details (Click)
















※Any mistake/accident cases caused by a lack of comprehending of these promotion details shall be interpreted as attributable to the player. Please make sure to be informed with accuracy.




-EYEC is not eligible to purchase these event items and the Customer Center does not provide refund/exchange assistance for wrongly charges EYEC caused by not reading carefully these event notes.

-The event period and details may be extended or reduced and changed in consideration of the promotion circumstance.












[5] January Arrivals



5-8. Fragment of Longing / Threat Variant / Protection Variant Package Pouch (HOT)




Price:  16,900 EYET

Grade: Epic

*EYEC is unable to purchase and a refund cannot be made for any reason.






[Sale Period]


After January 2022 Update Patch on 12th January, 2022 ~ before February 2022 Update on 9th February, 2022



















[5] January Arrivals



5-9. Minos Enhancement Package & Vibrant Enhancement Package (HOT)



[Sale Period]


After January 2022 Update Patch on 12th January, 2022 ~ before February 2022 Update on 9th February, 2022


*EYEC is unable to purchase and a refund cannot be made for any reason.












We've also prepared the special opportunity to purchase the above packages at a low price for one time!

Please note that you can purchase only once per account, and refunds and exchanges are not allowed for any reason.














[5] January Arrivals



5-10. Conversion Armor Box / Conversion Special Armor Box / Conversion Accessory Box Sale





[Sale Period]



After January 2022 Update Patch on 12th January ~ before Scheduled Maintenance on 26th January / 2 weeks









*EYEC is unable to purchase and a refund cannot be made for any reason.















[5] January Arrivals



5-11. Effect Weapon Exchange Coupon (Permanent Sale)



Now, with the exchange coupon, feel free to exchange for Frozen Weapons!

*EYEC is unable to purchase and a refund cannot be made for any reason.



※Starting with Frozen Weapon, we will update to let our players to freely exchange various effect weapons in the future.